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• Toolbar: Draw > Line

• Menu: Draw > Line
• Command: Draw > LINE or L
• The most fundamental object in a drawing
• A line can be drawn between any two points
by using AutoCAD’s LINE command.
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: Move the cursor (mouse) and
left-click to specify the first point
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Move the cursor
and left-click to specify the second point.
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Specify the third
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [Enter]
(Press ENTER to terminate
the LINE command)
• To clear the graphics area (drawing screen) to
gain space to work out the exercises and the
examples, type ERASE at the Command
prompt and press ENTER. The screen
crosshairs will change into a box called a pick
box and AutoCAD will prompt you to select
Command Prompt
• Command: ERASE [Enter]
• Select objects: Select objects. (Select objects
using the pick box)
• Select objects: [Enter]
• Command: R [Enter] (Type R for Redraw)

• Command: ERASE [Enter]

• Select objects: ALL [Enter]
• Select objects: [Enter]
• Command: U [Enter] (U command will
undo the last command)
• Continue
• Close
• Undo
• After exiting from the LINE command, you
may want to draw another line starting from
the point where the previous line ended. In
such cases you can use the Continue option.
This option enables you to grab the endpoint
of the previous line and to continue drawing
the line from that point.
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: pick first point of line
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick second point.
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [Enter]
• Command: LINE or L [Enter] (or press ENTER to repeat
the command)
• Specify first point: [Enter] (Press ENTER or choose
Continue form the screen menu to continue the line from
the last line)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Pick second point of the
second line
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [Enter]
@ Symbol
• You can also type the @ symbol to start the
line form the last point.
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: pick first point of line
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick second point.
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [Enter]
• Command: LINE or L [enter] (L is command alias for
• Specify first point: @ [Enter] (Continues the drawing
line from the last point)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick second point of the
second line.
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [Enter]
• The CLOSE option can be used to join the
current point with the initial point of the first
line when two or more lines are drawn in
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: pick first point of line
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick second
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Pick third point
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick fourth point
• Specify next point or [Undo]: C [Enter]
(Joins the fourth point with the first point)
• If you draw a line, and then realize that you
made an error, you can remove the line using
the Undo option. If you need to remove more
than one line, you can type Undo (or just U) at
the Specify next point or [Undo]: prompt. You
can also right-click to display the shortcut
menu which gives you the Undo option.
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: pick first point of line
• Specify next point or [Undo]: pick second point.
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Pick third point
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: pick fourth point
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: U [Enter]
(Removes last line from Point 3 to Point 4)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: U [Enter]
(Removes last line from Point 2 to Point 3)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: [Enter]
• To specify a point in a plane, we take two
mutually perpendicular lines as references.
• The horizontal line is called the x axis, and the
vertical line is called the Y axis.
• The point of intersection of these two axes is
called the Origin. The Origin has the
coordinate values of X = 0, Y = 0. The origin is
taken as the reference for locating any point in
the XY plane.
• The X coordinate is positive if measured to the
right of the origin and negative if measured to
the left of the origin.
• The Y coordinate is positive if measured above
the origin and negative if measured below the
• This method of specifying points is called the
Cartesian coordinate system.
AutoCAD coordinate systems in
locating a point in an XY plane
• Absolute coordinates
• Relative coordinates
• Polar coordinates
• Direct distance entry
• In the absolute coordinate system the points
are located with respect to the origin (0,0).
• For example, a point with X = 4 and Y = 3 is
measured 4 units horizontally (displacement
along the X axis) and 3 units vertically
(displacement along the Y axis) from the
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: L (Line) [enter]
• Specify first point: # 1,1 [enter]
• (X = 1 and Y = 1)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: # 4,1 [enter]
• (X = 4 and Y = 1)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: # 4, 3 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: # 1, 3 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: # 1, 1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: [enter]
[Example 1]
For Figure EX 1, enter the absolute coordinates of the
points in the given table. Then draw the figure using
absolute coordinates.
Point Coordinates Point Coordinates

1 3,1 5 5,2

2 3,6 6 6,3

3 4,6 7 7,3

4 4,2 8 7,1
[Figure EX 1]
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: # 3,1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Undo]: # 3,6 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Undo]: # 4,6 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: # 4,2 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: # 5,2 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: # 6,3 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: # 7,3 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: # 7,1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: [Enter]
• In the Relative coordinate system, the
displacements along the X and Y axes (DX and DY)
are measured with reference to the previous
point rather than to the origin. In AutoCAD the
Relative coordinate system is designated by the
symbol @ and it should precede any relative
entry. The following prompt sequence illustrates
the use to the relative coordinate system to draw
a rectangle that has the lower left corner at point
(1,1). The length of the rectangle is 4 units and
the width is 3 units.
Sign Convention:
• As just mentioned, in the relative coordinate
system the displacements along the X and Y axes
are measured with respect to the previous point.
Imagine a horizontal line and a vertical line
passing through the previous point so that you
get four quadrants. If the new point is located in
the first quadrant, the displacements DX and DY
are both positive. If the new point is located in
the third quadrant, the displacements DX and DY
are both negative. In other words up or right are
positive and down or left are negative.
[Example 2]
Draw Figure EX 2 using relative coordinates of
the points given in the table below:
Point Coordinates Point Coordinates
1 3,1 8 @-1,-1
2 @4,0 9 @-1,1
3 @0,1 10 @-1,0
4 @-1,0 11 @0,-2
5 @1,1 12 @1,-1
6 @0,2 13 @-1,0
7 @-1,0 14 @0,-1
[Figure EX 2]
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: 3,1 [enter] (Start Point)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: @4,0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Undo]: @0,1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @1,1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0,2 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,-1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,1[enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0,-2 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,-1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @-1,0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0,-1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: [Enter]
• In the polar coordinate system, a point can be
located by defining both the distance of the
point form the current point and the angle
that the line between the two points makes
with the positive X axis. The prompt sequence
to draw a line form a point at 1,1 to a point at
a distance of 5 units from the point (1,1), and
at an angle of 30 degrees to the X axis, is:
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: 1,1 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Undo]: @5<30 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: [Enter]
Sign Convention:
• In the polar coordinate system the angle is
measured from the horizontal axis (3 o’ clock)
as the zero degree baseline. Also, the angle is
positive if measured in a counter clockwise
direction and negative if measured in a
clockwise direction. Here we assume that the
default setup of angle measurement has not
been changed. More information about
default setup on “Setting Units”.
[Example 3]
For Figure EX 3, enter the polar coordinates of each point in
the table, then generate the drawing. Use absolute
coordinates for the start point (1.5, 1.75). the dimensions
are shown in the drawing.

[Figure EX 3
Point Coordinates Point Coordinates
1 1.5, 1.75 7 @1.0<180
2 @1.0<90 8 @0.5<270
3 @2.0<0 9 @1.0<0
4 @2.0<30 10 @1.25<270
5 @0.75<0 11 @0.75<180
6 @1.25<-90 (or 270) 12 @2.0<150
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: 1.5, 1.75 [enter] (Start Point)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: @1<90 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Undo]: @2.0<0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @2.0<30 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0.75<0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @1.25<-90 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @1.0<180 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0.5<270 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @1.0<0 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @1.25<270 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @0.75<180 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: @2.0<150 [enter]
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: [Enter]
• You can draw a line by specifying the length of
the line and its direction, using the Direct
Distance Entry. The direction is determined by
the position of the cursor, and the length of
the line is entered from the keyboard. If Ortho
is on, you can draw lines along the X or Y axis
by specifying the length of line and positioning
the cursor along ortho direction. You can also
use it with other draw commands like
• . You can also use the Direct Distance Entry
with polar tracking and SNAPPING. For
example, if SNAPPING is 45 degrees and ortho
is off, you can draw a line at 45 or 135 degrees
direction by positioning the cursor and
entering the distance from the keyboard.
Similarly, if the polar tracking is on, you can
position the cursor at the predefined angles
and then enter the length of the line from the
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: Start a point
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Position the
cursor and then enter distance
• Specify next point or [Undo]: Position the
cursor and then enter distance
• Specify next point or [Undo]: [enter]
[Example 4]
In this example you will draw the object as shown in the Figure
EX 4, using Direct Distance Entry. The starting point is 2,1.

[Figure EX 4]
• Before you invoke the LINE command, you
should turn on polar tracking. This will make it
easier to specify the direction of lines. To turn
polar tracking on, choose the Polar Tracking
button in the status bar. You can also turn
polar tracking on or off while you are in a
command. As you move the cursor, AutoCAD
displays a dotted line when the position of the
cursor matches one of the predefined angles
for polar tracking.
Command Prompt Sequence
• Command: LINE [enter]
• Specify first point: 2, 1 [enter] (Start Point)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: 4 (Move the cursor horizontally
and enter the length of the line (4) form the keyboard)
• Specify next point or [Undo]: 1.4142 (Position the cursor in a 45-
degree direction and enter 1.4142)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: 2 (Move the cursor up
vertically, then enter 2)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: 6 (Move the cursor left
horizontally then enter 6)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: 2 (Move the cursor
down vertically then enter 2)
• Specify next point or [Close/ Undo]: C
[1] For Figure EXE 1, enter the absolute
coordinates of the points in the given table, then
use the coordinates to draw that same figure.

Point Coordinates Point Coordinates

1 2, 1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
[Figure EXE 1]
[2] For Figure EXE 2, enter the relative
coordinates of the points in the given table, then
use these coordinates to draw the figure.

Point Coordinates Point Coordinates

1 2, 1 12
2 13
3 14
4 15
5 16
6 17
7 18
8 19
9 20
10 21
11 22
[Figure EXE 2]
[3] Draw the object shown in Figure EXE 3
using the absolute, relative, and polar
coordinate systems to locate the points. Do not
draw the dimensions; they are for reference
only. Assume the missing dimensions.
[Figure EXE 3]
[4] Use the direct distance entry method to
draw a parallelogram. The base of the
parallelogram = 4 units, side = 2.25 units, and
the angle = 45 degrees. Draw the same
parallelogram using absolute, relative, and polar
coordinates. Note the differences and the
advantage of using Direct Distance Entry.
• Tickoo, S. 1999, AutoCAD 2000. Thomson
Learning 2000.

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