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How to write a term Paper

The Term Paper should contain respectively the following:

Front Cover Page and Inside Cover Page (containing Title of the topic, Student’s name and Roll number, Name and
designation of the Supervisor, Date of preparation),
Statement of Student’s Declaration about the originality of work authenticated by the Supervisor (1 page),
Abstract (1 page),
Table of Contents (1 page), and then
body of the Term Paper (20-25 pages).
The Term Paper should be printed using the following: A4 size, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line-space, 14-font bold
Heading, 13-font bold Sub-Heading, 12-font text) excluding Bibliography and Appendices. It should be submitted in a
book-binding form with art paper.
Following Specimen Structure is suggested to prepare of the Body of the Term Paper:
Chapter 1: Introduction (3-4 pages: introductory background of the issues on the topic, statement of the topic,
objectives of term paper topic)
Chapter 2: Conceptual Issues (3-4 pages: clarifying the concepts involved, any available research finding on the
Chapter 3: Database (2 pages: nature of data–qualitative/quantitative; sources and uses of database)
Chapter 4: Findings of the Study (10-14 pages: brief overview of the companies concerned, if any; detailed
description of the topics under headings and sub-headings)
Chapter 5: Conclusion (2-3 pages: summary of major findings, policy recommendations, concluding remarks)


Cover page and Inner Cover

Term Paper
Female education in Bangladesh compared to male education

Submitted to:
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.

Submitted by:
Reg. No.: ……………….
Session: ………………….
MBA (Final Year)
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.

National University, Gazipur

Date of Submission:…. ……., 2018
Letter of Transmission
Date : …………………………….
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
Govt Tolaram College, Narayanganj.

Sub : Submission of Term Paper.

Dear Sir,
With due respect and humble Submission I would like to state that I have completed
my term paper at Govt. Tolaram College Narayanganj, under National University and
after completing the term paper program, I am submitting this report to you. As a faculty
member other than my assigned responsibilities, I have done a substantial work on the
“Name of Term Paper” I have tried my best with forethought and assiduousness to
present my thoughts and findings as clearly as I could within the time and resource
available under the vigilant guidance and indefinite patience of my supervisor in the
university. I hope you would be compassionate enough to consider my shortcomings
and accept my report.

Sincerely Yours

Reg. No.: ……………….
Session: ………………….
MBA (Final Year)
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.
Student’s Declaration

I do solemnly declare that the work presented in this Term paper entitled “name of the topic” has
been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other University/College/
Organization for any academic qualification /certificate/Diploma or degree.

The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright .I further undertake to
indemnity against any loss or damage arising from breach of the foregoing obligation .


Reg. No.: ……………….
Session: ………………….
MBA (Final Year)
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.
Acceptance Letter

This is to certify that Name of the student is a student of MBA Final year Department of
Accounting in Govt. Tolaram College, Registration No: ……………….., Session: …………….
has complete the term paper titled “Female education in Bangladesh compared to male

He is directed to submit the report for evaluation.



Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.
The successful completion of this report is the outcome of the contribution of a number of people
to whom I’m grateful and thank from the very deep of my heart. So, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all those people who helped me in preparing this report on “Female
education in Bangladesh compared to male education”. First of all I would like to express my
great respect to almighty for providing me the strength and energy to prepare this report.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my honorable teacher BIMAL CHANDRA DAS,
Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for giving me the mental as well as the financial support
for preparing the term paper.

Reg. No.: ……………….
Session: ………………….
MBA (Final Year)
Department of Accounting
Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj.
Table of Content

SL. No. Chapter Topics Name Page No.

1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Objective of the study 02
1.3 Scope of the study 02
1.4 Research Method 02-03
1.5 Limitations of the study 03
2.1 Education In Bangladesh 03-04
2.2 Female Education in Bangladesh 05
2.3 Shifting Social Attitudes 06
Girls tend to get better grades at school than
3.1 07
3.2 Girls are better at mathematics and science 08
3.3 Why females are better students than males 08
Number of male and female students in
3.4 08-09
Public Universities
3.5 Primary Education 09-11
3.6 Secondary Education 12
3.7 Major obstacles to girls’ higher education 13-15
4.1 Problem of female education are following 16-18
4.2 Interview Design 18
4.3 Research Findings 19
5.1 Recommendations 20
5.2 Chapter-05 Conclusion 21
5.3 Bibliography 22

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