Cartoon Translation

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Topic 1

What The Duck (By Aaron Johnson)

Topic 2
The 10,000 Hours Rules

First day of school

How to Calculate a Quote

Topic 3

Oversized Tablets To Take Pictures

Life is Too Short to Argue?

Signing Contracts
Topic 4

Making Compliments

Photographers are not Magicians!

Cloud Storage … Going Up In Smoke

Topic 5

Photo Credit

Food Photography

Bullshit Removal!
Topic 6

Google Glasses

Individuals vs. People (By Jonathan P.)

Being Civil …
Topic 7

Speechless … ?


Flying in the US
Topic 8

Life isn’t Fair

All I Want Is For You To Be Happy…?

You Don’t Have To Be Happy

Topic 9

Becoming Independent

Let’s Test Our Love!

Patented Virus = Breaking the law?

Topic 10

You make me happy? Or ecstatic?

What The Duck (By Aaron Johnson)

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