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A passive-biped model with multiple routes to chaos

Article in Acta Mechanica Sinica · April 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s10409-011-0422-3

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2 authors, including:

Mahyar Naraghi
Amirkabir University of Technology


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Acta Mech. Sin. (2011) 27(2):277–284
DOI 10.1007/s10409-011-0422-3


A passive-biped model with multiple routes to chaos

F. Farshimi · M. Naraghi

Received: 22 June 2009 / Revised: 28 December 2009 / Accepted: 25 February 2010

©The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011

Abstract This paper presents a new passive-biped model shallow slopes. His biped model was then simplified to a
consisting of a simplest walking model beneath an upper three mass version, two at the feet and one at hip joint, con-
body, with no kinematic constraint. The upper body is at- nected by two links, as shown in Fig. 1. Garcia also made a
tached to the legs with a linear torsional spring. The model further simplification by assuming that hip mass is negligible
is a passive dynamic walker, so it walks down a slope without compared to the feet masses. Equations of motion were de-
energy input. The governing equations of motion are derived rived and integrated simultaneously with collision equations
and simulated for the parameter analysis purposes. Simula- to find the period-1 gait cycle. Since his model possessed
tion results reveal some different routes to chaos that have only a single parameter, the slope angle, the parametric study
not been observed in previous models. was also restricted to a single bifurcation diagram.

Keywords Passive-biped · Routes to chaos · Upper body ·


1 Introduction

McGeer [1] introduced the first passive biped in 1990, lead-

ing to a new perspective for human gait analysis and high ef-
ficiency biped designs. The model consists of two links, con-
necting through a hip hinge and two semi circular feet. This
biped could walk on shallow slopes without external energy
and with acceptable resistance to the external disturbances.
Fig. 1 Garcia simplest model [3]
McGeer [2] also built an experimental prototype based on his
model, the prototype which had double limbs for the sake of
symmetry could walk several gaits on a ramp surface before To emphasize the role of surface profile in walking,
falling down. Tehrani Safa et al. [4] studied Garcia’s model for stepping
Subsequently, passive walking became the main topic, motion. After obtaining very similar routes to chaos, it is
both in simulating human walking and designing brand new shown that for the same slope angle (equivalent slope angle
energy efficient biped robots. In 1998, Garcia [3] presented for step is derived by some simple methods) step possesses
the simplest model of biped mechanisms that could walk on stable walking motion whereas finding a stable locomotion
for ramp is impossible.
F. Farshimi · M. Naraghi ( ) Wisse and Shwab [5] introduced a new variation of the
Department of mechanical Engineering, Garcia simplest model. Their model was completely similar
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran to the Garcia’s except for an additional upper body that was
e-mail: added to the model as shown in Fig. 2. The upper body had
278 F. Farshimi, M. Naraghi

a kinematic coupling to keep the body midway between the When a foot hits the ground at heelstrikes, it acts as a hinge
legs. Considering this new limb, the model seems to have and remains at the ground until the other foot (swing leg)
three degrees of freedom, though by applying the kinematic reaches heelstrikes. At any time during locomotion, only
constrain in equations, the model still has two degree of free- one foot is in contact with the ground, and supporting on
dom, just like the simplest walking model. both feet occurs instantaneously.

Fig. 2 Wisse and Shwab model [5]

Owing to multi-parameter nature of the model, the

maximum slope angle attained in stable walking is drasti- Fig. 3 Passive biped model
cally higher for Wisse and Schwab model than one for the
Garcia’s model. The constrained upper body also facilitates The equations of motion are derived by employing La-
achieving higher walking speeds compared to the simplest grange formulation. With the equations written in a dimen-
model. sionless form, three equations of motion are given as
Gomes et al. [6] studied a three link biped model con-
sisting of two legs with continuous mass and an upper body. [1 + 2β(1 − cos ϕ) + α]θ̈ − β(1 − cos ϕ)ϕ̈ − αν cos(ψ + θ)ψ̈
The upper body was linked to the legs by torsional springs. −βϕ̇2 sin ϕ + 2βϕ̇θ̇ sin ϕ + ανψ̇2 sin(ψ + θ) − sin(θ − γ)
It was stated that the model could walk on smooth surfaces
without any energy input. But, the model was not practical −β[sin(θ − γ) − sin(ϕ − θ − γ)] − α sin(θ − γ) = 0, (1)
because foot-ground impact was ignored in the analysis. 2
β(1 − cos ϕ)θ̈ − βϕ̈ + βθ̇ sin ϕ + β sin(θ − ϕ − γ) = 0, (2)
In 2004, Kurz and Stergiou [7] used the simplest model
as a template to investigate chaos in locomotive patterns. −αν cos(ψ + θ)θ̈ + αν2 ψ̈ + ανθ̇2 sin(ψ + θ)
They used Lyapunov exponents as a variable for quantizing −αν sin(ψ − γ) + κψ = 0, (3)
chaos and showed that as the slope angle increased, Lya-
punov exponents would become positive which meant that where dimensionless parameters are given as
the system had entered chaotic motion. m0 m K l0
In the present study, a new model of passive biped is α= , β= , κ= , ν= .
M M Mlg l
introduced which shows new properties. In the parameter
For simulating a complete walking cycle, the equations
study, thanks to multiple parameters model, some new routes
of motion (Eqs.(1)–(3)) together with the algebraic transition
to chaos and attractor shapes are observed, which have not
rules, which relate to the state vector {θ, θ̇, ϕ, ϕ̇, ψ, ψ̇} before
been found in previous works.
collision to the same vector after collision, are simultane-
ously integrated. Transition rules of angular displacement
2 The model can be derived by employing geometric principles, resulting
in the following equations

The model is based on the same prototype as presented by θ+ = −θ− ,

Wisse and Schwab, except that instead of using a kinematic ϕ+ = −2θ− , (4)
constraint to hold the upper body upright, a torsional spring
ψ+ = ψ− .
is introduced. This mechanism leads to a harmonic motion
of the upper body. The model has four point masses, one for Transition rules of angular velocity are obtained by us-
the upper body, one for the hip and two for the feet, as de- ing the conservation of angular momentum for the following
picted in Fig. 3. All masses are connected with three rigid cases:
light rods acting as feet and upper body. The upper body (1) The whole mechanism about the swing foot contact
is supported at hip joint connection by a torsional spring. point.
The whole model moves on a rigid ramp with slope angle γ. (2) The former stance leg about the hip.
A passive-biped model with multiple routes to chaos 279

(3) The upper body about the hip.

Consequently, the whole transition matrix is given as
+  −
θ   −1 0 0 0 0 0   θ 
 
    
 
 θ̇   0 A
 0 0 0 0   θ̇ 
     
 ϕ   −2 0 0 0 0 0   ϕ 
  =     , (5)
 ϕ̇   0 B 0 0 0 0   ϕ̇ 
     
ψ   0 0 0 0 1 0   ψ 
    
     
ψ̇ 0 C 0 0 0 1 ψ̇

[(α + 1) cos ϕ − α cos(θ − ψ) cos(θ + ψ)] Fig. 4 Stable period-1 cycle. γ = 0.004 5 rad
A= , (6)
{β sin2 ϕ − α[cos ϕ − cos(θ − ψ) cos(θ + ψ)] + 1}
B = A(1 − cos ϕ), (7) Table 1 A set of initial conditions and parameter values
 cos(θ − ψ)  for stable walking
C = 1+ (1 − A). (8)
Initial conditions Parameters
Finally, the end of every sequence can be detected by mon-
θ 0.186 3 α 0.05
itoring foot clearance function. In particular, when the fol-
lowing conditions are met, a heel strike is detected: (a) Foot θ̇ −0.152 9 β 0
clearance is crossing zero; (b) Derivative of foot clearance is ϕ 0.382 6 κ 0.091 7
negative. ϕ̇ −0.010 5 υ 0.4
In a similar approach to Ref. [3], equations are simpli- ψ −0.365 9 η 0.02
fied by assuming β → 0, denoting that the hip mass is negli-
ψ̇ 1.792 5 γ 0.004 5
gible compared to the foot mass, and the simplified equations
can thus be derived as follows

(1 + α)θ̈ − αν cos(ψ + θ)ψ̈ + ανψ̇2 sin(ψ + θ) A linear approach is adapted to evaluate the stability. In
this approach, any arbitrary initial condition could be consid-
− sin(θ − γ) − α sin(θ − γ) = 0, (9) ered as a set of fixed points plus a small deviation.

(1 − cos ϕ)θ̈ - ϕ̈ + θ̇2 sin ϕ + sin(θ − ϕ − γ) = 0, (10) qn = q∗ + ∆qn . (12)

−αν cos(ψ + θ)θ̈ + αν2 ψ̈ + ανθ̇2 sin(ψ + θ) Although our stride function p is quite nonlinear, for small
deviations of q∗ , the linear approximation can be given by
−αν sin(ψ − γ) + κψ = 0. (11)

By integrating Eqs. (9)–(11) and applying Eq. (5) in ev- q∗ + ∆qn+1 = p(q∗ + ∆qn ) ≈ p(q∗ ) + J∆qn , (13)
ery heel strike, a complete walking cycle will be obtained,
hence the entire calculation is performed as Poincare map- where J is Jacobian matrix and derived as J = ∂ p/∂q. Thus,
ping, transforming state vector before collision to state vec- the eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix can be used to judge the
tor after heel strike. This map is also referred to the Stride walking cycle stability [8]. As depicted in Fig. 5, all Jaco-
function p [1] in the previous works. We use Matlab ode 45 bian matrix’s eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle, indicating
with a tolerance of 10−12 for computational integration. the stability of relevant walking cycle.

3 Walking cycle 4 Parameter study

By integrating governing equations, stable walking cycles The main focus of this paper is to study the effect of parame-
can be found for some sets of parameter values. Figure 4 ter variation on model behaviors; therefore, the essential def-
depicts stable period-1 cycle for a selected set of initial con- initions of routes (transients) to chaos are briefly presented
ditions and parameters that are presented in Table 1. for a better understanding of the next section.
280 F. Farshimi, M. Naraghi

Fig. 7 Zoom window for Fig. 6

Fig. 5 Eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix for walking cycle.

γ = 0.004 5 rad

4.1 Slope angle (γ)

Effect of slope angle has been analyzed in the previous stud-

ies, but in our model, some new results are obtained. In his
single parameter model, Garcia [3] showed that as the slope
angle increased, the period doubling occurred and finally
chaotic motion would be attained. In our model, a differ-
ent bifurcation mechanism has been observed. As the slope
angle increases, a single bifurcation to period-2 occurs. By
further increasing γ, a large band of chaotic motion suddenly Fig. 8 Phase portrait for chaotic motion. γ = 0.009 78
appears as depicted in Fig. 6 and 7. Figure 8 also shows a
chaotic phase portrait for this region.
By moving beyond this chaotic band, a period-6 mo- The same patterns of alternative chaotic and periodic
tion substitutes the previous motion. This period-6 motion motions can be observed in higher ranges of γ. Figure
follows a period doubling sequence to higher period motion. 10 is a zoom window of bifurcation diagram (Fig. 6) for
Figure 9 shows fixed points of period-6 and period-12 mo- 0.010 1 < γ < 0.010 5. It can be clearly seen that chaotic
tion. motion bands are surrounded by periodic motions and vice
versa, for validation, a phase portrait of θ, ϕ, ψ is plotted for
γ = 0.010 14 and γ = 0.010 32 in Figs. 11 and 12, respec-
tively, which shows chaotic motion.
This characteristic of bifurcation diagram leads to a
multiple attractor feature of motion. By expansion of pe-
riodic orbit—with an increase of parameter γ—some fixed
point regions will develop, each of them referring to one
point of Poincare map. To explain the whole concept, each
individual periodic orbit fixed points (e.g. individual fixed
point of period-12) will expand to a huge set of fixed points,
observed as a chaos (Strange attractor) in Poincare section.
Figure 13 depicts the chaotic attractor at γ = 0.010 32 with
zoom views of all attractors. It can be declared that each at-
tractor can be considered as an individual chaotic attractor.
The reason for the appearance of such attractors might be ex-
plained by the contraction of periodic motion fixed points to
Fig. 6 Bifurcation diagram for slope angle small islands that shapes the chaotic attractors.
A passive-biped model with multiple routes to chaos 281

Fig. 9 Fixed points of period-6 and period-12 motion. a γ = 0.010 16; b γ = 0.010 23

drive the system into chaos. Figure 17 is 3-D attractor region

for α = 0.034 36. Multiple attractors and diffusion of fixed
points assure the chaotic dynamics in the selected parameter

Fig. 10 Bifurcation diagram zoom window

4.2 Ratio of upper body mass to hip mass (α)

As the parameter α increases, a different bifurcation diagram Fig. 11 Phase portrait for chaotic motion. γ = 0.010 14
with a new route to chaos is produced. Figure 14 depicts the
bifurcation diagram for a range of α. As α is increased, the
period-1 fixed points suddenly expand to a larger region of
fixed points. By plotting the attractor of this area (Fig. 15), it
can be seen clearly that the attractor is a quasi periodic type,
implying that although we have infinite fixed points, only
two frequencies with irrational fractions exist. Study on this
physical model reveals that for small range of α, the differ-
ence between upper body harmonic motion frequency and
walking motion frequency is not large enough to separate
the system from period-1 motion. However, as α increases,
these two main frequencies of the biped diverge, resulting
in a quasi periodic motion. Figure 16 shows phase portrait
of θ, ϕ, ψ for quasi periodic motion, it is clear that as it is
expected for 3D quasi periodic motion the attractor lies in a
torus (or more precisely described in topology [9] “a shape
that is homeomorphic to torus”). Further increase of α will Fig. 12 Phase portrait for chaotic motion. γ = 0.010 32
282 F. Farshimi, M. Naraghi

Fig. 13 Multiple attractors and their individual zoom windows

oscillations. Therefore, for large values of ν (about 0.4), the

system follows a simple period one locomotion. As param-
eter ν decreases, the frequency of upper body oscillations
increases, ensuing irregular walking frequencies. By fur-
ther decrease of ν, the biped system falls into limping region
(period-2, period-4 · · · ) and finally into chaos. Figure 19
shows a chaotic attractor at ν = 0.387 and the convergence
of fixed points into one-dimensional region; demonstrating
high dissipation of the system.

Fig. 14 Bifurcation diagram for ratio of upper body mass

to hip mass

4.3 Ratio of upper body length to leg length (ν)

Although one might think that the variation of parameter ν

has a similar effect on system behavior to that of α, in this
case the system follows a complete different route as shown
in Fig. 18. This route is a period doubling of fixed points
rather than quasi-periodicity that was derived in the previous
section. It is apparent, the decrease of parameter ν makes
the frequency of locomotion depart from that of upper body Fig. 15 Quasi-period motion attractor. α = 0.034
A passive-biped model with multiple routes to chaos 283

Fig. 16 Quasi-period phase portrait. α = 0.034

Fig. 19 Chaotic attractor for ν = 0.387

4.4 Ratio of dimensionless stiffness ratio (κ)

Although it is quite possible to have some bifurcation dia-

gram by changing the value of parameter κ for a specific set
of parameters, we could not find any stable motion for κ ex-
cept period-1 cycles in our study.

5 Conclusion

A new biped model is introduced, which possesses more des-

ignable parameters compared with its ancestors. Equations
of motion and transition rules are then derived for the model
Fig. 17 Chaotic attractor in 3-D. α = 0.034 36 and a stable walking cycle are obtained for a set of parame-
ters and initial conditions.
The parameter study of the system reveals that increas-
ing the slope angle (γ) has similar effect on the system to
what mentioned in the previous works. The model follows
a bifurcation path which leads to chaotic motion, but instead
of period doubling—that exists in previous studies—some
intermittency between order and chaos occurs prior to the
complete chaotic motion. It is also discovered that due to the
existence of high period obits, as the fixed points of these
orbits expand (arising from parameter increase), the trajec-
tories also expand but are bound in various stream tubes. In
Poincare section, this is observed as multiple attractor areas.
Variation of parameter α (ratio of upper body mass to
hip mass) modifies the system behavior in a complete dif-
ferent manner. By increasing this parameter, the frequency
of upper body oscillations departs from the locomotion fre-
quency, which is presented as a quasi-periodic motion. By
further increasing, quasi-periodicity route to chaos traverses
and chaotic motion will be attained.
Fig. 18 Bifurcation diagram for ratio of upper body length to leg Finally, the effect of parameter ν (ratio of upper body
length length to leg length) is investigated. Although it may be
284 F. Farshimi, M. Naraghi

thought that this parameter affects the system in the same of Biomechanical Engineering 120, 281–288 (1998)
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guidance and advices. 6 Gomes, M.W., Ruina, A.L.: A walking model with no en-
ergy cost. Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechan-
ics, Cornell University, 25 Aug. (2004) http://ruina.tam.cornell.
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3 Garcia, M., Chatterjee, A., Ruina, A., et al.: The simplest walk- 9 Stillwell, J.: Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group The-
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