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Larae Junick Riguis 22 PERIDOT (HUMSS)

Physical Educational and Health

Weeks 1-2, Quarter 4, Module 4A

 Written Task: task 2: Tell me Why

1. When giving fist aid, we should remember the do’s and don’ts in giving a first aid.
You have to make sure that that person is a qualified first aider, and that they are in
safe hands.

2. First Aid is the most rapid care a person may give to another, by supporting the
damage and preventing it from becoming severe and so that you know what you’re
doing. That is one of the reason why it is important to follow and understand the
basics of first aid.

3. The goals of first aid, or administering first aid, are to save lives, avoid harm, and
facilitate recovery.

4. A first aider's role is to offer emergency, life-saving and medical care before more
medical assistance arrives.

5. When giving fist aid, we should remember the do’s and don’ts in giving a first aid.

6. First Aid is the most rapid care a person may give to another, by supporting the
damage and preventing it from becoming severe and so that you know what you’re
doing. That is one of the reason why it is important to follow and understand the
basics of first aid.

Larae Junick Riguis 12 PERIDOT (HUMSS)

Physical Educational and Health
Weeks 1-2, Quarter 4, Module 4
 Written Task : Additional Activities

1. Attempt to stop or reduce the flow of blood from his head.

Apply a bandage or apply pressure to help stop the bleeding.

2. Place the body in a relaxed position. Never put anything in

his mouth, including water. Ascertain that he is breathing
normally. Remove his belt or anything else that can block him
from breathing. Finally, seek assistance.

Larae Junick Riguis 12 PERIDOT (HUMSS)

Physical Educational and Health
Weeks 3, Quarter 4, Module 4B

 Performance Task: What I can do

As a first responder, the first thing I'm going to do is obtain a towel
and bind it tightly around the infection site, which will hopefully slow
down the venom flow. Second or next stop, I won't let him become
dehydrated, and I'll keep a watch on him while waiting for the
ambulance, or if there are any individuals I can ask for assistance
from, please do everything you can to get him to the hospital as soon
as possible.

Larae Junick Riguis 12 PERIDOT (HUMSS)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Week 3, Quarter 4, Module 7

 What’s New: Activity 1.1 “Let’s Complete It”


1.Face-to-face structured Face-to-face interviews aid in The competency of the
Interview the more accurate screening interviewer will often
of people. During screening determine the quality of the
questions like as gender, age, data you receive. Some people
or race, the person being are born with the ability to
interviewed is unable to conduct an interview and
submit false information. collect data effectively.
2.Telephone Survey Geographically diverse access. First, it's difficult to make a
With telephone interviews, connection, second, it's
small business owners have intrusive for customers, and
access to a large geographic third, the questions are simple.
area. Both money and time are
3.Paper-and-pencil Survey Paper and pencil surveys have The disadvantages of a paper
a substantially greater and pencil survey include high
response rate than digital printing and transportation
questionnaires, which is one of costs.
their key advantages. The data transcription process
is time-consuming, especially
for handwritten free texts.
Response rate is low.
4.Mail Survey Mail surveys don't require a lot The issue is obtaining a
of work. The entire survey complete and credible list of
procedure can be managed by participants from the target
a single man. In comparison to group. When this is not done,
telephone surveys and face-to- coverage mistakes will occur.
face interviews, doing a mail
survey is less expensive.
5.Online Survey More convenience and faster Inability to communicate with
responses, access from any people from distant locations.
device, significant cost savings, Survey Fraud Possibilities are
and more. High. Problems with Sampling.

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