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Filamer Christian University

College of Computer Studies – Roxas City

CC1 - Assignment #2
Name:Butalon,Hannah Fhe A. Course/Section/Year:BSIT-1D Date of Submission:10-16-23
The history of computers is a vast and fascinating subject that spans centuries of development.
I'll provide a condensed overview of the key milestones in computer history:
1. Abacus (c. 3000 BC): Often considered one of the earliest computing devices, the abacus
is a simple mechanical calculator that helps with arithmetic operations.
2. The Antikythera Mechanism (c. 100-150 BC): This ancient Greek device is often
described as an analog computer used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses.
3. Charles Babbage (1791-1871): Babbage is known as the "father of the computer" for his
work on mechanical general-purpose computers. He designed the Analytical Engine and
the earlier Difference Engine, which were never built during his lifetime.
4. Herman Hollerith (1889): Hollerith developed the punched card system to process data
for the U.S. Census. His technology would later form the foundation for early computer
data input and processing.
5. Alan Turing (1936): Turing is considered one of the founding fathers of computer
science. He developed the concept of the Turing machine, a theoretical model of
computation, and played a crucial role in breaking the Enigma code during World War II.
6. ENIAC (1945): The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was one of
the first general-purpose, fully electronic computers. It was massive and used vacuum
7. UNIVAC (1951): The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) became the first
commercially produced computer. It was used for various applications, including
business and scientific calculations.
8. IBM 360 (1964): The IBM 360 family of computers was a significant milestone in
computer history. It introduced compatibility across a range of models, setting a standard
for computer architecture.
9. Microprocessors (1971): Intel released the first microprocessor, the 4004, marking the
beginning of the era of personal computers and embedded systems.
10. Apple I (1976) and IBM PC (1981): These are iconic examples of early personal
computers that popularized computing for individuals and businesses, respectively.
11. The World Wide Web (1991): Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web, a
system that made the internet accessible to the public and revolutionized communication
and information sharing.
12. Smartphones (2000s): The advent of smartphones, such as the iPhone and Android
devices, transformed mobile computing and made the internet easily accessible from
handheld devices.
13. Cloud Computing (2000s): The development of cloud computing services, like Amazon
Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, revolutionized data storage and processing.
14. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Recent years have seen significant advancements in AI and
machine learning, which are changing the way computers interact with and understand
the world.
This history is a simplified overview, and there are many other important developments and
contributions in the field of computer science and technology. Computers have evolved from
massive machines used for specific purposes to the ubiquitous devices we use in our daily lives,
shaping nearly every aspect of modern society.

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