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College of Education

NAME: _________________________________ SUBJECT: __________________

COURSE & YEAR: _______________________ DATE: _____________________


I believe that I am indeed worthy of love. Our worth is not contingent upon
external validation or accomplishments. Each of us possesses unique
qualities and experiences that make us deserving of love and affection.
It's crucial to recognize that self love plays a pivotal role in this equation.
Before seeking love from others, we must first love ourselves.
Self acceptance, self compassion, and nurturing our well-being are essential
steps in realizing our own worth.Furthermore, understanding that
imperfections are part of the human condition is vital. Nobody is flawless,
and our past mistakes do not define our worthiness. In fact, they provide
opportunities for growth and learning. In conclusion, yes, I am worthy of
love. Embracing our inherent worthiness, practicing self-love, and fostering
meaningful connections with others are all integral aspects of a fulfilling
and love-filled life.

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)

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