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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
2nd Quarterly Examination
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________
Year & Section: _____________________________ Score: ______________
TEST I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write in CAPITAL, the letter
of your answer on the space provided before the number. (ERASURES MEANS WRONG) (50 pts.)
_____1. Which of these describes a state institution?
A. concerned with the welfare of the individual rather than community
B. established for personal interest
C. financed from private funds
D. endorsed and supported by the government
_____2. Which of these government agencies have the function of ensuring citizens access to quality
_____3. Which of the following refers to the elements of state that needed by the people to live and organize
themselves socially and politically?
A. Government B. Territory C. Sovereignty D. Population
_____4. Which of the following refers to the forms of states that strives to regulate nearly every aspect of
public and private life?
A. Monarchy B. Theocracy C. Totalitarianism D. Oligarchy
_____5. What state institution regulates the banking industry in the country?
A. National Defense C. Social Welfare
B. Health D. Financial Regulation
_____6. What is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers,
attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence?
A. Sole Proprietorships B. Markets C. Corporation D. Family
_____7. What state institution is responsible for social development?
A. National Defense C. Health
B. Social Welfare D. Financial Regulation
_____8. Which of the following functions is NOT a function of Trade Unions?
A. Fights for Social welfare for workers
B. Advocation for fairness and equality for workers’ compensations
C. Trade unions will organize strikes and demonstrations on behalf of worker demands
D.Support local and international groups to localize the implementation of international policies
_____9. Which is correct about a corporation?
I. It has a board of Directors
II. It is established by shareholders
III. It is a form of business organization
A. II and III only C. I and III only
B. I and II only D. I, II and III
Choices for Items number 10- 13:
A. Self-Actualization needs C. Safety Needs
B. Physiological needs D. love and belongingness needs
_____10. Which of the following hierarchy of needs deals with the realization of personal potential, self-
fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences?
_____11. Which of the following hierarchy of needs refers to need for interpersonal relationship that motivates
_____12. Which of the following hierarchy of needs refers to the protection from elements, security, order,
law, stability, and freedom from fear?
_____13. Which of the following hierarchy of needs deals with the biological requirements for human survival?
_____14. Which is not a feature of education?
A. Removing of Poverty C. Commerce and Trade
B. Freedom of Speech D. Law and order

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_____15. Which is not an example of education?
A. A child using a computer
B. A person reading a book
C. A person reading a newspaper
D. A person attending a online class
_____16. Which of the following is NOT an objective of Education?
A. Teaching basic skills, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
B. Helping children develop skills in abstracting thinking and problem solving.
C. Transmitting the cultural heritage, from which individual may develop an
appreciation of their society.
D. Preparing children to die soon and ruin their lives.
_____17. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Education in the Philippines?
A. Education brings burden and poverty to the Filipino People
B. Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated by the department of
C. Spanish and the United States brought educational practices in the Philippines
D. The Government of the Philippines has been very active in tapping the
educational system for the country’s development efforts.
_____18. Education is primarily a/an __ institution
A. Economic B. Formative C. Religious D. All these
_____19. Which of the following defines social stratification?
A. Social isolation of people from each other
B. System in which everyone is equal but perform very different tasks
C. System by which a person's place in society is defined by birth
D. None of these
_____20. Which of the following best describes how social class is related to social stratification?
A. Each layer has many layers of social stratification
B. Each layer of social stratification constitutes a social class
C. The terms social stratification and social class mean the same thing
D. Social stratification exists in caste systems, whereas social classes only
exist in non-caste systems
_____21. Which of the following kinds of social mobility refers to the movement upward or downward
among the social positions in any given social stratification?
A. Geographical Mobility C. Social Mobility
B. Role Mobility D. Theoretical Mobility
_____22. Which of the following categories of closed system in which the person’s social standing is
based on ownership of land, birth, or military strength?
A. Caste System B. Estate system C. Ethnic system D. Social system
_____23. Which of the following categories of open system in the people in this class is belong to the bottom
of socio-economic ladder?
A. Middle class B. Lower class C. Upper class D. Upper- Middle class
_____24. Which of the following refers to the ability to influence other people. It is getting what they want
despite the unwillingness of others to give in to their desires?
A. Power B. Wealth C. Prestige D. Education
_____25. Which of the following perspective states that "inequality exists because some people are willing
to exploit others"?
A. Conflict perspective B. Structural-Functionalist C. Social Exchange D. Symbolic-interactionist
_____26. Which of the following best describes the structural-functionalist theory of social stratification?
A. Inequality exists because some people are willing to exploit others.
B. Social stratification will eventually be eliminated when the workers revolt.
C. Children are taught that a person's social class is the result of their talent
and effort.
D.The inequality of social classes helps assure that the most qualified people
fill the most important positions.
_____27. Isidra moves from a job as a computer programmer to a job as a Web page designer. This is an
example of _________.
A. Horizontal mobility B. Intergenerational mobility C. Role mobility D. Vertical mobility
______28. Which of the following is also known as Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program, or 4Ps, and it is a
government program that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the Philippines?
A. Conditional Cash Transfer program
B. Agrarian reform in the Philippines
C. SK Reform Act of 2015

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D. Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act
_____29. What are the causes of social inequality?

A. Poverty C. Uneven distribution of income

B. Unequal distribution of resources D. Gender Biasness
_____30. What government can do to reduce social inequality?
A. Increase the minimum wage C. Invest in Education
B. Expand the earned income tax D. Build assets for working families
_____31. Which of the following sustainable development goals can Conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development?
A. Goal 14 B. Goal 2 C. Goal 6 D. Goal 10
_____32. Which of the following program can provide persons with disability, the opportunity to participate
fully into the mainstream of society by granting them at least twenty percent (20%) discount in all
basic services?
A. Republic Act No. 9442 C. Republic Act No. 1003
B. Republic Act No. 1290 D. Republic Act No. 3445
______33. Which of the following program has been praised for its support for the cultural integrity of
indigenous peoples, the right to their lands and the right to self-directed development of these
A. Republic Act No. 2003 C. Republic Act No.2045
B. Republic Act No. 8371 D. Republic Act No. 2567
______34. What is Social Inequality?
A. The difference between groups in a stratification system. For example when one group has
more wealth or income.
B. The opportunity to improve your life and make it better
C. Having a higher status than another person.
D. Having more access to sweets and games than someone else
______35. Agrarian reform in the Philippines seeks to solve the centuries-old problem of landlessness in
rural areas. Through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) initiated in 1987, the
government addressed key national goals. These are:
A. address the inequality in labor and gender sensitivity
B. promotion of culturally based work and ethnic identity
C. address the needs of the less privilege like those of challenge persons
D. promotion of equity and social justice, food security and poverty alleviation in the countryside
______36. What is distribution of Wealth?
A. This is the way that vouchers and cash are given to poor people
B. The inheritance that a child gets when a parent passes way
C. This is the way that good weather improves a person's life chances
D. This is the way that wealth is distributed between people
______37. What is referred to a voluntary association of people who contributes money to a jointly owned
enterprise with the intention of patronizing their products and dividing the profits among themselves?
A. Joint VentureB. Partnership C. Trade Unions D. Cooperative
______38. Which of the following is a relevant concept involved in global inequality described as the unequal
distribution of social gaps across nations.
A. global inequality B. global stratification C. social stratification D. social inequality
______39. Which of these is the main function of the banks in the economy?
A. they have programs to alleviate poverty in the country
B. the are engage in the production of foods
C. they serve as financial intermediaries
D. they negotiate for fair wages with the government
______40. Which of these describes a trade union?
A. Accepts deposits from the public and lends to the borrowers
B. Regulates the conduct of employers and employees in the country
C. Established to generate profits for its members
D. Negotiate for the fair wage, benefits and good working conditions
______41. Which of the following manifests relationship between states and non-state actors in the global
A. global inequality B. global stratification C. social inequality D. society
______42. These are groups composed of less dominant classifications in the society that experience
disproportionately lower opportunities than their dominant counterparts?
A. ethnic minorities B. LGBT C. PWD’s D. other minorities

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______43. In many countries, what activity takes up a significant amount of women's time that men don't
have to deal with?
A. Going to School C. Household food preparation
B. Earning an Income D. Gardening
_____44. Which of the following are NOT TRUE about Global Inequalities?
A. Ownership of properties and inclusiveness of the lower class.
B. Inclusive partnership across nations that focus on technological advancements
and innovations.
C. Revise taxation plans, ensuring lower taxes for poorer people.
D. The LGBT community has always been treated indifferently and discriminatively
because they do not fall within a biologically gender group.
_____45. Which of the following statement are correct regarding Gender discrimination?
I. Newborn boys and girls respond differently to stress, possibly suggesting genetic, hormonal
or temperament differences.
II. Baby girl tends to be a little bit taller and heavier than boys and can be a bit sturdier.
A. Only II B. Both I and II C. Neither I nor II D. Only I
_____46. Which of the following refers to the process of geographic mobility or the change of residence of a
person from one community to another with the intention of setting temporarily or permanently?
A. Migration B. Mobilization C. Transnationalism D. Urbanization
_____47. Which of the following refers to the adjustments made regarding decisions and activities in order
to manage risks and capture potential opportunities brought about by any changes in the
A. Adaptation B. Development C. Evolution D. Environmental Challenges
______48. The following are the challenges faced by transnational migrants, EXCEPT:
A. Family Disruption
B. Access to pensions and health insurance
C. Loss of sense of identity and belongingness
D. Making clear and tangible policies to address the issues
______49. All of the following are example of mitigation, EXCEPT:
A. Using a more efficient energy generation technology.
B. Using more efficient energy end user technology.
C. Conducting local or regional assessment of sensitivity to environmental
D.Replacing fossil fuels with none or low carbon emitting energy.
______50. How are humans making greenhouse gases of our own?
A. burning fossil fuels in our cars C. with large-scale agriculture
B. burning forests D. all of these

“Luck is for the lazy Success is for those who work hard.”

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Subject Teachers

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