Kangaroo in The Snow

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I woke up from my sleep in my mother’s pouch.

The air was cold and bitter, the coldest day

of the winter so far. Something was falling gently from in the sky, covering the ground in a
white powdery substance. I twitched my nose to get a good smell, but other than the grass, I
couldn’t smell anything. I hoped out of my pouch, and as my paws touched the group I
squeaked. The fluffy white stuff covering the ground was wet and cold. It make my paws
sting as I hoped I circles around my mother. My mother started jumping off and I began
following her, my paws stinking deep into the fluffy white stuff. I squeaked happily and
began jumping faster after my mother. Eventually I caught up with her, and asked what the
stuff on the ground was. She explained it was called snow, and it fell from the clouds like
rain, but frozen. I hopped across the field with, more white power, snow sorry, kept falling
from the sky.

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