HW01 (SignalsSystems) Fall2022v1

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EECS202000 Signals and Systems

Homework #1
(Due October 12, 2022 before NOON to the TA in EECS 613.)

Note: Detailed derivations are required to obtain a full score for each problem. (Total 100%)

1. (6%+6%) Express the real part of the following signals in the form Ae−at cos(ωt + φ)
(or Ae−an cos(ωn + φ) in the discrete case), where A, a, ω, and φ are real numbers with
A > 0 and φ ∈ (−π, π].

(a) x(t) = 2ejπ/4 cos(3t + π)

(b) x[n] = jej4n

2. (6%+6%) Problem 1.15 of the textbook.

3. (5%+5%) Recall that any signal can be broken into a sum of an even and an odd
signal, i.e.,
x(t) = Ev {x(t)} + Od {x(t)},

where Ev {x(t)} = 21 [x(t) + x(−t)] and Od {x(t)} = 12 [x(t) − x(−t)]. Show that Ev {x(t)}
and Od{x(t)} are indeed even and odd functions.

4. (3%+3%+3%+3%) Determine if the signals in Problem 1.25 (c), (d), and Problem
1.26 (a), (e) periodic. If the signal is periodic, determine its fundamental period.

5. (3%+3%+3%+3%) Problem 1.27 (b), (c), (f), and also the case y(t) = Ev {x(t − 1)}
of textbook.

6. (10%) Solve Problem 1.31(b) for the following input signal

 −2, −2 < t < 0,

 2, 0 < t < 1,

x(t) = 1, 1 < t < 2,

−1, 2 < t < 3,

 0,


7. (12%) Problem 1.35.

8. (12%) Consider the three systems in Problem 1.42 (c).

(a) Determine if System 1 and System 2 are linear and time invariant.

(b) Determine if System 1 and System 3 are invertible.

(c) Determine if System 2 and System 3 are causal

9. (8%) Consider the feedback system in Problem 1.46. Sketch the output when

 1, n = 0,


n = 1,
x[n] =

 −1, n = 3,

0, otherwise.

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