Michelson Interferometer

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The Michelson interferometer is a common configuration for optical
interferometry and was invented by Albert Abraham Michelson. Using a
beam splitter, a light source is split into two arms. Each of those light
beams is reflected back toward the beam splitter which then combines
their amplitudes using the superposition principle (for all linear systems,
the net response caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the
responses that would have been caused by each stimulus individually).
The resulting interference pattern that is not directed back toward the
source is typically directed to some type of photoelectric detector or

Study the phenomenon of interference.

1- Source of light (He-Ne laser).

2- Beam splitter BS.

3- Compensator Plate CP.

4- Adjustable mirror (fixed) M1.

5- Moveable mirror M2.

6- Screen

7- Convex lens (expander).

Experimentally study of the phenomenon of interference by using the
principle of interference, which is called Interferometers Instruments.

Change the length of path through the moveable mirror (M2), and then
we will change the phase of the two beams relative to each other. When
this translation corresponds to half of the wavelength (λ/2) maxima will

be seen (constructive). Conversely, minima will be seen when the

displacement causes the beams to be out of phase by 180º (destructive).
Therefore, when path of M2 is increased or decreased by a distance equal
to the wavelength of the light we should see an entire fringe/extinction
event. Or, when the twice the translation equals the wavelength of the

Construction of Michelson interferometer is shown below.

It consists of two highly polished mirrors M1 and M2. Two glass plates
beam splitter (BS) and compensatory glass plate (CP), are placed parallel
to each other between the mirrors at an angle of 45o. The rear side of
glass plate BS is semi-silvered such that the light from a source is equally
reflected and transmitted by it. In this way division of amplitude takes
place. From a broad source, let a monochromatic light such as laser (in
our experiment is He-Ne laser with wavelength of 632.8nm) fall on BS.
Half of light falling on BS is reflected towards the mirror M1 and the
other half is transmitted towards mirror M2. The role of CP is to
compensate the optical path difference for both rays. Thus, the two waves
will interfere constructively or destructively as per the following
conditions of path difference:

After splitting, the two rays are reflected back by the mirrors M1 and M2
and return to the plate BS. The ray reflected from M1 is transmitted
through BS and the ray reflected from M2 is reflected again by BS. The
two rays coming from the two mirrors interfere and fringes are observed
on a screen by naked eye at E. Usually one of the mirrors is mounted on a
translation stage so that it can be moved back and forth to observe the
change in fringes.

As a result, when two different electromagnetic waves are superimposed

they will sometimes overlap constructively, sometimes destructively and
most often something in between the typical interference pattern therefore
looks like:

Concentric circular fringes (fringes of

equal inclination)

Concentric circular fringes are obtained when the air film is parallel.
M2'(virtual image of M2) which is parallel to M1. For simplicity, light
source "L" is at the observer's position. L1 and L2 are the virtual images
of L formed by M1 and M2', and are coherent. Let "d" be the distance
between M1 and M2', therefore the distance between L1 and L2 is 2d. Let
"θ" be the angle between the incident beam originated at P and the
reflected beams from M1 and M2'. Then path difference between light
beams from points P’and P" is 2d cosθ.

A maximum (bright fringe) will be formed when 2dcosθ = mλ. For a

fixed value of m,λ and d, the value of θ is a constant, and the contour of
the maximum point becomes a ring. The center of the ring is in line with
the observer and perpendicular to the mirror plane. Each circular ring
corresponds to a particular value of θ. Hence the fringes are known as
fringes of equal inclination.

Determination of λ from circular fringes

Circular fringes are used to determine the wavelength of the source of
light. For a given separation of "d" between the mirrors M1 and M2 and
normal incidence (θ=0), the path difference is given as 2d = nλ.

If one mirror is moved by a distance d and N numbers of rings

appear/disappear at the center, then the path difference after moving the
mirror is given as

2d = Nλ
So: 𝜆 =

Determination of wavelength of He-Ne

laser light source
1. Obtain the circular fringes.

2. Move the mirror M2 using fine adjustment knob. The fringes appear or
disappear in the field of view.

3. Rotate the fine adjustment knob to count the number of fringes

appearing or disappearing "N".

4. Get the value of "d" for distance that moving for a specific value of

5. Use the formula λ=2d/N to calculate the value of λ.

1- What the color of fringes you think to see if using a source of white

2- Explain for what purpose this equation use? And define every term in
it. λ=2d/N

3- Why the rings (fringes) shrink and vanish at the center?

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