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Storm is a non-profitable student organization aimed at promoting Korean culture to all students at
Simon Fraser University. Our mission is to create a welcoming community where members and executives
are free to share and enjoy various aspects of Korean culture that they love.

Executive Contract
Last updated: April 7, 2021

**Council member: The VP or President that the executive reports to

***Unless otherwise stated under VPs, President, Treasurer, or Secretary

All Executive Team Members Must:

1. Commit to an executive team role for at least 2 semesters.
2. Remain respectful toward other executive team members and regular members
● All ideas pitched to the group are acknowledged and given a response,
even if it is to respectfully decline to implement it. Team members are
entitled to reiterate ideas that do not receive a response.
3. Practice good communication by responding within a day and keep others up to
date with tasks and responsibilities
● Reading and participating in the team Facebook Messenger group chats
minimum once per day
● Regularly engage in club content (Ex: Events, Marketing posts, Discord,
Facebook, etc.)
● Inform a council member minimum 1 day in advance if they cannot check
the group chats for longer than 1 day at a time (Please specify the reason)
● Inform their council member** minimum 1 day in advance if they cannot
attend the weekly mandatory meeting (Please specify the reason)
● Inform their council member minimum 2 weeks in advance if they cannot
attend an event (Please specify the reason)
● Inform their council member minimum 2 weeks in advance regarding
resignation (must have stayed for a minimum of two semesters)***
4. Inform the VP when a mistake is made or if unable to carry out their duties. The
group must collaborate to resolve the issue and compensate.

Executive Contract

5. Exhibit positive attitude to overcome the issue and remains optimistic about its
resolutions when a problem arises or a task becomes difficult
6. Follow communication process listed in SFU K.Storm Exec Training Handbook
doc to bring up any potential issues/grievances to HR

All departments work together as a team on the main tasks and each team member
contributes towards the event. The specific roles designated to each team member is to
assign detailed responsibilities which they are to be held accountable for. The tasks are
not limited to a single person and if there is an uneven work balance, team members are
to be proactive to delegate additional responsibilities.

Vice Presidents and Presidents Must:

1. Contribute to the development of their department’s goals, objectives, and
systems to align with the club’s goals
2. Delegate tasks to their executives and stay on top of deadlines to ensure
3. Maintain good communication towards and within their department for effective
4. Inform the HR team and other VPs/President of expected resignation minimum 1
semester in advance so there is sufficient timing to hire and train their successor

Events Team Members Must:

1. Report to the VP of Events, complete all tasks assigned by the VP of Events and
acquire approval before making any critical decisions/ actions
2. Attend as many meetings as possible, inform a council member minimum 1 day in
advance if they cannot attend a meeting and specify the reason
3. Regularly contribute ideas during meetings (either through voice or chat function
on Zoom)
4. Sign up for a minimum 1 task/material to be held responsible for at each event
5. Oversees the planning and execution of events and act quickly to resolve

Human Resources Members Must:

1. Report to the VP of Human Resources, complete all tasks assigned by the VP and
acquire approval before making any critical decisions/ actions
2. Attend all events meeting for the first semester (4 months) as well as HR

Executive Contract

3. Monitor and communicate with all departments and maintain good relationships
with all executives
4. Contribute ideas for team bonding events every semester and help creating the
5. Contribute to the execution of mid-semester check-in and rehiring process for
the next semester

Marketing Team Members Must:

1. Report to the VP of Marketing, complete all tasks assigned by the VP of
Marketing and acquire approval before making any critical decisions/ actions
2. Be responsible for at least 1 marketing platform per event, which involves:
a. Writing captions
b. Publishing posts
c. Designing the graphics (optional, depending on skill-set)
d. Platforms include:
i. Facebook
1. Event page
2. K.Storm Facebook page
3. SFU student Facebook groups
ii. Instagram
1. Profile posts
2. Instagram story
iii. Email newsletter
1. Registered paid members
2. Registered non-paid members

External Relations Team Members Must:

1. Report to the VP of External Relations, complete all tasks assigned by the VP of
External Relations and acquire approval before making any critical
2. Maintain relations with at least 1 sponsor, which involves contacting them to :
a. Secure and renew discount deals for members
b. Secure prizes for events
3. Regularly update and monitor the Memberships Google Sheets, which involves:
a. Members list
b. Sponsors list

Executive Contract

Treasurer Must:
1. Report to the President, complete all tasks assigned by the President and acquire
approval before making any critical decisions/actions
a. Including reporting any financial changes
2. Regularly monitor and track the club’s finances
3. Submit and organize reimbursements from SFSS and the Korean Consulate
a. Collect all receipts, manage cheques from SFSS and the Korean
Consulate, and ensure accurate payments to all creditors
4. Track all club resources and inventories
5. Inform the HR team and the President of expected resignation minimum 1
semester in advance so there is sufficient timing to hire and train their successor

Secretary Must:
1. Report to the President, complete all tasks assigned by the President and acquire
approval before making any critical decisions/actions
a. Including reporting any schedule changes
2. Create and record weekly meeting minutes notes in an efficient and organized
3. Organize administrative documents, schedule meetings (Zoom meetings
currently) and Clubs Days boothing shifts
4. Book locations with SFSS and other venues for in-person events and meetings
5. Inform the HR team and the President of expected resignation minimum 1
semester in advance so there is sufficient timing to hire and train their successor

Consequences for Failure to Abide

For the violation of any of the criteria mentioned above, the team member shall be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of the contract.
Disciplinary action for the same or different offenses shall progress in the following

1. First offence: Verbal statement to the team member that they have violated
one of the criteria and that such violation may not continue. If the member does
not show signs of understanding, then they will receive a strike. The strike will be
on their record for 90 days, which will be reevaluated after for improvement. If
there is improvement, then the strike is erased. If not, then they are terminated.

Executive Contract

2. Second offence: The member will receive a strike right away and needs to
provide an explanation on what leads to that performance. Same terms from the
first offence also apply.
3. Third offence: If the team member ignores strikes and keeps behaving the
same manner, their contract will be terminated.

Whether an act constitutes a punishable violation remains at the discretion of the VP

group at large (i.e. the following list is non-exhaustive). Some acts that may be
punishable but not limited to are:

● Failure to attend a group meeting without advance warning and adequate

● Persistent negativity or marginalizing language intended to damage group
● Failure to report a mistake or incapacitation; effort made to conceal problems
from the group.

If a verbal warning/written reprimand is received, the team member must show positive
attitude in understanding, accepting and willing to change the behavior. If the recipient
shows such attitude, the verbal warning/written reprimand will be erased in three

If the recipient shows signs of refusal and neglects to change, through careful
discussions between VP management, the issue may escalate and result in termination
of contract.

I have read, understand, and agree to perform all applicable terms and
conditions listed above for the duration of April 9th, 2021 to August 31st, 2022.
I understand that refraining from doing so may result in termination of my

*The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to future change by the VPs and
President. A verbal or written notice will be provided prior to the change.


Signature: ______________________

April 8, 2021
Date Signed: ______________________

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