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Date Task/s to Accomplish Grade Level and Sets Deadline Remark

September 25-  Oral Communication and 21st Century Literature from Ph and Grade 11 STEM A and B
26 the World classes
 Preparation for the Seven Longings of the Human Heart activity
 Preparation for the Radio Broadcasting
 Preparation for the Bunok artwork
(Note: The task for the self-made artwork will be done individually.
This might be sudden, and I’ll take full responsibility and *Sept. 26,
accountability if you’ll have your share of your disappointment for 2023
this change of instruction. Use 1/4 illustration board. You are given
the liberty as to whatever medium and techniques will you be using
to showcase your understanding of the story.)

 English for Academic and Professional Purposes Grade 12 STEM A and B

 Crafting and polishing of the annotation and evaluation of text
 Continuation of the reporting for the Writing a Review Paper
(only for STEM B)
 Submission of the outputs
 Preparation for the long quiz
September 27 Yeeepppeyyyyy, holiday!
September 28-  Oral Communication and 21st Century Literature from Ph and Grade 11 STEM A and B
29 the World classes
 Seven Longings of the Human Heart activity
 Radio Broadcasting
 Preparation for the Bunok artwork

 English for Academic and Professional Purposes Grade 12 STEM A and B

 Long quiz na!
October 2-3  Oral Communication and 21st Century Literature from Ph and Grade 11 STEM A and B
the World classes
 Submission of the Bunok artwork
 Class sharing of outputs
 Peer and self-evaluation
 Review of the topics covered
 English for Academic and Professional Purposes Grade 12 STEM A and B
 Submission of the reaction paper
 Review of the topics covered
October 5-6 1st Quarter Exam All Grade Level
October 9-10; Resumption of the reporting(s) and ambush quizzes
For Oral Communication class
1. Thesis Statement Writing
2. Discussion of the Types of Speech
3. Preparation for the Impromptu, Extemporaneous, and TEDTalk
TEDTalk will be the final examination and will be held at MSUN-
IDS Mini Stage.

For 21st Century Literature

1. Literary analysis of the selected world literature(s)
2. Creative e-poster making for the selected literature
3. Writing different literary genres
4. Preparation for the Litera Gala (dili pani final nga name sa activity
po; and need sab nako ug help ninyo unsay mas maayo eh name sa
Litera Gala is a culminating activity for the 21st Century class
where students will be showcasing their artwork and literary
prowess. Further, students will also exhibit their artistry and
versatility in the field of making short films and infographics.
This activity will be held tentatively either in Function House or
AVR at the IFRD; prolly sometime in November third or last

Tentative Activities:
1. Film Showing
2. Artwork Exhibit: Infographics of the Philippine Literature and
World Literature History and Timeline, Artworks for the Bunok
and the Good Body/The Thousand Splendid Suns
3. Pop Quiz (may pa prize daw)
4. Song Writing Composition
5. Presentation of Textula / Chiclit / Flash Fiction / Poetry (with
multimodal elements)
6. Class Presentation

Allotted Time for the Preparation of the Litera Gala:

October 16 - November 20, 2023

For English for Academic and Professional Purposes

1. Discussion of the remaining topics: Position Paper and Writing a
2. Crafting of the following:
 Writing Critique Paper
 Writing Concept Paper
 Writing a Report (various studies will be assigned and it will be
done by group); analyzing other researcher’s reports; and
mock defense and presentation of the reports gleaned.

3. Long Quiz (by group)

(NOTE: Once all the topics are covered, you will no longer be met so
that you may have an ample of time to prepare for the major
October 11-13 High School Days
No 2nd Quarter Exams to Oral Communication, 21st Century
Literature and English for Academic and Profession Purposes
Nota Bene:
1. SRA activity will conducted sometime in 1st or 2nd week of October. This is for Grade 11 and 12 students.
2. For grade consultation, I’ll inform you in our respective GC’s anytime as long as the grade is ready for your perusal.
3. Sudden changes of the scheduled activities may happen anytime. So, keep posted.

(If you have query, please let me know.)

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