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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Education Institute

Daily routine

Name: Rosário Ricardo Janeiro, Code: 708233087

Course: Chemistry teaching

Subject: English
Frequency: 1st year, Class: “B”
Tutor: Moisés Dube

Nampula, September 2023


Rating criteria

Categories Indicators Standards
Maximum Tutor
score value
 Index 0.5

 Introduction 0.5
aspects  Discussion 0.5
 Conclusion 0.5
 Bibliography 0.5
 Contextualization
(Clear indication of the 2.0

Introduction  Description of
 Methodology
appropriate to the 2.0
object of the work
 Articulation and
mastery of academic
Content discourse (careful
written expression,
coherence / textual
Analysis and cohesion)
 Relevant national and
international literature
review in the study
 Data exploration 2.5
 Practical theoretical
Conclusion 2.0

 Pagination, font and

Formating size, paragraph, line 1.0

APA Standards  Rigor and consistency

Bibliographic 6th Edition on of
references Citations and citations/bibliographic
Bibliography references

Improvement recommendations sheet: To be filled in by the tutor


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Daily routine ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Importance of Daily Routine ................................................................................................ 4

1.2 My Daily Routine ................................................................................................................. 5

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 7

References .................................................................................................................................. 8

All of us are aware that people need a routine to provide structure and discipline in their lives.
When we were younger, most of us were told to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a
certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner at a regular hour, shower, even play
with our friends at a specific time. But what about adults? Many grownups do not have a set
daily routine and „wing‟ their day. They have no idea what they are going to do when they
wake up each morning because they have not thought about creating a schedule to adhere to.
As a result, many people feel like they are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and falling short of
their goals and true potential. The answer lies in carefully designing a routine that works best
for each of us, one which helps us be productive, in control, and be the best person we can
possibly be.

This work will be focusing on Daily Routine which are are the habits that act as the building
blocks to shape a productive day. This work also is structured as follows:

 Introduction;
 Development;
 Conclusion;
 References.

As a scientific field work, it bears the following objetives:

General objetive: By the end, you will be able to:

 Understand the key points of routine.

Specific objetives: By the end, you will be able to:

 Give precise definition of daily routine;

 Explain in detail the importance of daily routine in ou each day Life.
 Write step by step a good daily routine.

1. Daily routine
A routine can be defined as a repeated sequence of behaviors that do not require conscious
effort or thought and which minimize the unpredictable variability of everyday life. In other
words, a routine is a series of actions that you perform automatically every day (Schultz &
Davis, 2023).

According to Mindmesh (2023), a daily routine refers to the regular activities that a person
engages in on a daily basis. These activities may vary depending on a person's occupation,
personal interests, and lifestyle.

Altrogge (2022) says, "routine is a sequence of actions that you do repeatedly".

1.1 Importance of Daily Routine

Having a routine can be helpful at any time, particularly if you are trying to establish healthy
habits, but these routines can be particularly important when aspects of your life feel uncertain.

According to Skilled at Life (2022) affirms to have the following benefits:

 When we have a routine that we follow daily, it reduces the need to make decisions
each day.
 It enables us to know exactly what tasks we need to do each day without having to
contemplate, decide or think too much.
 When we are finished with one task, we know what comes next without much thought.
Activities become standardized and we become more efficient as a result.
 It eliminates the need to plan our activities every morning and budget and allocate our
precious time. It takes the guesswork out of our day and allows us to wake up and „do‟
instead of wake up and „plan‟.
 Time is the most precious asset at our disposal because, once lost, it is non-retrievable.
By following a routine, we free up time that would otherwise be spent on planning,
decision-making and preparation. Our routine has predetermined our schedule,
allowing us to use our time efficiently.
 It facilitates developing good habits by encouraging us to repeat the same tasks over
and over again. Just like brushing our teeth every morning, adhering to a routine
allows us to foster habits that match our goals and aspirations.
 A daily routine provides structure and a logical sequence in our lives. It provides the
framework within which we live our lives and conduct our daily activities. Soon we

become familiar and comfortable with what we have to do each day. It allows us to
experience a flow to our day.
 When you have a routine, you start to become better at doing certain things because
you do it regularly. That is one of the keys to mastering any skill. Think about
something you are skillful at. More likely than not, you developed your skill because
you have performed the task over and over again.
 When we carefully design a personal routine and stick to it, it allows us get the most
important things done first and out of the way. There is no room for forgetfulness or
neglect. Because the most important tasks have been predetermined by us, as long as
we follow our routine, we know that we will complete what is important and not spend
time and effort on frivolous things.
 When you do the same things repetitiously, it builds momentum, making it easier to
persist. That is why going to the gym gets easier the more frequently you do it.
Momentum is a huge factor when it comes to ensuring success and following a routine
helps build that momentum.
 The beauty of designing a set routine is that it forces us to prioritize and decide what is
important to us. Rather than make these decisions on a daily basis, we already know
what we need to do and in what order because we have carefully planned it.
 When we follow a routine and do the same things over and over again, it can help us
save money. For example, part of my routine involves juicing fruits and vegetables
each morning. Because I know that I will follow this routine religiously, I can buy my
fruit and vegetables in bulk, saving me money. The same holds true for many other
things such as the cost of a long-term gym membership.

1.2 My Daily Routine

My name is Janeiro, I am 25 years ald. On weekdays, my day starts at 5 o'clock. After waking
up at 5 o'clock, I usually remain in bed 5 minutes. I get up at 5:05 a.m and make my bed.
After getting up, I go straight to the bathroom to have a bath, then I brush my teeth in order to
let them shine the whole day. After that, I go to the gym at 6:30. On this point, I always
exercise all the week days long. After that, at 8 o'clock I usually take my breakfast which is
tea along with some potatoes. After that, I usually go to study for around one hour, during
which I revise the lessons that I have learnt during the previous lessons.

After revising my lessons, I quickly go for a shower. As I get ready for work, my wife brigs
me a delicious lunch around 11:30, I usually take lunch earlier because my work starts at
12:30 P.m. and to be honest I do love spending time with my colleagues.

At around 5:00 P.m, I get back home happily with my colleagues and my students. As soon I
reach home, I freshen up myself and get ready to be at my study table to prepare the lessons
for the following day. After that, my beloved wife calls me for supper at around 7:30 P.m.

Before going to sleep, I watch TV News with my sister who lives with me and my wife. It
makes me aware of the crucial matters related to my country and around the world. At around
9:30 p.m. I go to my bedroom and lie on my bed and after five minutes I turn off the lights to
wake up the next day.

On weekends, I usually wake up at 7:30 a.m, after getting up I brush my teeth and go straight
to the dinning room to have my breakfasto. Lunch time on weekends is held at 12:30 p.m.,
after that I take a quick nap. At 2:30 P.m I prepare myself to go to watch football at the pitch,
I usually come back 6:30 p.m. After getting home, I take a warm bath. After that, at 8 o'clock
I take supper and at around 11:30 I go to my bed and switch off the lights to wake up the next

It's really important to have a daily routine in order to maximise your productivity and
develop a strong routine which you can carry out effortlessly. Research shows that it takes
sixty-six days to create a new habit! By planning ahead and staying organised, you will be
sure to reach your targets and develop healthy, stable habits which will give you happiness for
years to come.

A daily routine as defined by Mindmesh (2023) refers to the regular activities that a person
engages in on a daily basis. These activities may vary depending on a person's occupation,
personal interests, and lifestyle. It bears the following benefits: Makes us more efficient,
reduces our need to plan, creates structure in our lives, saves time, our most valuable resource,
instills good habits, breaks bad habits, helps us become more proficient, helps us get the most
important tasks done, reduces the need for determination and willpower, it reduces the chance
that we will procrastinate doing them. It becomes ingrained into our system and we almost do
it subconsciously, Builds Self Confidence, helps reduce stress and facilitate relaxation, frees
up our time.

Altrogge, S. (2022, December 20). 12 morning and evening routines that will set up each day
for success. Retrieved from
Mindmesh. (2023). Daily Routine. Retrieved from
Schultz, K. & Davis, T. (2023). Routine: Definition, Examples, & Tips. Retrieved from
Retrieved from

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