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Work immersion honed my skills in my chosen

filled of expertise through I was able to explore
interact with people of various personality, get to
know the ideal of my future career and most
importantly, I get to develop my skills in with the
hustle, fun and learning that I’ve had in my work
immersion I also get to know myself I realize what
I really want in future I was able to reflect on the
advantages and disadvantages of my future career.
I know that I can already adjust in my future work
after my graduation and and I will be able to pursue
my dream job as a student. I can say that overall
my work immersion experience is really great and I
learned a lot while im exploring and learning. My
work immersion experience made me realized of
all things that I lack of and change me to become
better one during our immersion. I’ve learned a lot
of things that I can use in the near future. Work
immersion is really beneficial for me because it is
where I discovered the thing I can’t imagine to do
and on this stage I will say that I was so thankful
because of the encountered and experiences this is
because I have now the idea what will bring my
chosen course to me in the near future and I am
looking forward to it.

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