Termahan Seminar PB Yang Akan Di Gabungkan Valen

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Yunani English Morphology

Καὶ And Conjunction

kai Yunani English Morphology

πτύξας having rolled

Κηρῦξαι to up Verb-Aorist Participle
ptyxas kēryxai proclai Active-Nominative
m Maskulin Singular

τὸ the
ἐνιαυτὸν [the] Article-Accusative Neuter
to eniauton year Singular

βιβλίον scroll,
Κυρίου of [the] Noun-Accusative Neuter
biblion Kyriou Lord’s Singular

ἀποδοὺς having delivered

δεκτόν. favor.” [it] Adj-AMS
Verb-Aorist Participle
apodous dekton Active-Nominative
Maskulin Singular

τῷ to the Article- Dative Masculine

Ayat 19
tō Singular

ὑπηρέτῃ attendant, Noun-Dative Masculine

hypēretē singular

ἐκάθισεν· He sat down, Verb-Aorist-Indicative

ekathisen Active-3rd Person Singular

καὶ and Conjunction


πάντων of all Adjective-Genetive

pantōn Masculine Plural

οἱ the Article-Nominative
hoi Masculine Plural

ὀφθαλμοὶ eyes Noun-Nominative

ophthalmoi Masculine Plural

ἐν in Preposition

τῇ the Article-Dative Feminine

tē Singular

ayat συναγωγῇ synagogue Naon-Dative Feminine 20

synagōgē Singular

ἦσαν were Verb-Imperfect Indicative

ēsan Active -3rd Person Plural

ἀτενίζοντες fixed upon Verb-Present Participle

atenizontes Active-Nominative
Masculine Plural
Ayat 21
Yunani English Morphology

ἤρξατο He began Verb-Aorist Indicative

ērxato Middle-3rd person

δὲ then Conjunction

λέγειν to say Verb-Present Infinitive

legein Active

πρὸς to Preposition

αὐτοὺς them Personal/possessive

autous Pronoun-Accusative
Masculine 3rd Person

ὅτι -, Conjunction

Σήμερον Today Adverb


πεπλήρωται is fulfilled Verb-Perfect Indicative

peplērōtai Middle or Passive -3rd
Person Singular

ἡ the Article -Nominative

hē Feminine Singular

γραφὴ Scripture Noun-Nominative

graphē Feminine Singular

αὕτη this, Demonstrative

hautē Pronoun-Nominative
Feminine Singular

ἐν in Preposition

τοῖς the Article-Dative Neuter

tois Plural
ὠσὶν hearing Noun-Dative Neuter
ōsin Plural

ὑμῶν. of you. Personal/Possesive

hymōn Pronoun-Genetive 2nd
Person Plural

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