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Chất trữ tình trong thơ Hàn Mặc Tử khác biệt hẳn so với các thi sĩ cùng thời.

Nếu thơ của họ truyền thẳng

cảm xúc đến người đọc thì thơ của ông lại “gợi cảm” sâu xa bấy nhiêu. Mỗi khi nhắc đến Thơ mới – một
trong những thời đại thi ca rực rỡ bậc nhất của văn học Việt Nam, cái tên Hàn Mặc Tử, bao giờ cũng hiện
ra trong tâm trí của độc giả, đặc biệt là những người yêu thơ ca bởi lẽ ông đã trở thành tượng đài lớn.
-At the present time, education is a very important and necessary thing. Most people make an effort to
gain high education in order that they will get good chances and have a better life. Some people continue
their studies locally, while many people choose to study abroad. For me, studying abroad is better than
studying locally for a number of important reasons. Firstly, studying abroad helps people improve their
foreign language whereas studying locally does not. When people go to study abroad, they have to use
foreign language all the time to communicate with other people. From this point, it will help people
improve their language skills such as pronunciation, conversational skill, and writing skill. These are very
important because second language skills give people a better chance of a job. On the other hand, people,
who study locally, still use their native language. There is no factor to pressure them to use foreign
language, so their skills are not improved as much as people who study abroad. Secondly, studying
abroad helps people gain more experiences than studying locally. Studying abroad is very fascinating.
People will meet new things that they have never seen before. They are able to gain their experiences
from learning new cultures, and meeting lots of different people. In contrast, people, who study locally,
will gain their experiences just only in their country. They will meet just the same things and do not have
a chance like people who study abroad. Moreover studying abroad can enhance their career. It is
something that gives people the priority. You may notice that most people, who succeed in their career,
used to study abroad. Therefore studying abroad is better than studying locally. Lastly, studying abroad
trains people to adapt themselves to circumstance whereas studying locally does not. People, who study
abroad, have to stay in a new circumstance, so they must try to adapt themselves to it. Studying abroad
will teach them how to support their lives, and how to express themselves in another language.
Furthermore, living away from home can also help people to grow up and become completely adult.
Conversely, people, who study in their country, do not have to adapt themselves because they live in
circumstance that they are familiar. So people, who study in foreign country, will be better in adaptation
than people who study locally. In conclusion, there are many reasons why studying abroad is better than
studying locally, in particular, foreign language improvement, experiences, and adaptation. Therefore, I
think people should go studying abroad so that they will gain these things and get many good chances in
their future.
-Education is very important in our life. People usually choose the best institution for their children and
themselves. Nowadays, Thai people are more likely to encourage their child to study abroad, but some of
them still prefer to let their children study in their home country. In my opinion, I prefer to study in my
home country. In this essay, I will compare and contrast the differences between these two choices. The
main difference between studying abroad and studying in my home country is the freedom. Studying
abroad would give me more independence than studying in my home country because of my parents.
They will always ask me to do something or disallow me for doing something. On the other hand, If I
study in my home country, I will have less independent because I must tell them almost all of my
movements such as where I am going, who I am going with, and what time I will come back. However,
stayed close to my parents allows me to discuss a problem with them. Another difference is the
familiarity in my daily life. Studying abroad could make me feel strange because I am not familiar with
those places. The lifestyle might be different from my country and also the food that I have not tried
before. Unlike studying abroad, in my home country, I feel more comfortable and more familiar because
of the familiar places, lifestyle, and food that I am used to. However, some people still prefer to study
abroad because they want to try the new things. Last but not least, the cost is a big difference between
studying abroad and studying in my home country. Everyone basically knows that studying abroad costs a
lot.The education fees and the cost of living are very high. In contrast, studying in my home country has
fewer expenses than studying abroad. The education fees and the cost of living are in a normal rate which
is not too expensive. In conclusion, the above reasons clearly compare and contrast the differents between
studying abroad and studying in my home country
-Some people would like to attend universities in VN while others love studying abroad. Although both
studying abroad or studying in VN satisfy a thirty of knowledge of students as well as those universities
supply students a degree of bachelor, there are some differences between them in terms of expenses,
living and studying environment and chances of students to find good jobs after graduating from

The most different is expenses. One point is sure that fee of university abroad is more expensive than in
Vietnam. For example, fee of one year in local university including two semesters is about 2-3 million
VND (approximately 80-100 USD) while it costs thousands dollars in American or English Universities.
Moreover, the expense will increase so much when living in a foreign country especially developed
countries. Because you must rent a room or spend money on food which is so expensive than your
country. In short, the expenses of commodation and fee is the biggest different between studying in
University abroad and University locally.

Another difference is living environment. All seem to be so familiar with people in their country from
direction, language to food. On the contrary, language is one biggest of barriers. Initially, students will
find it so difficult and embarrassed in a new environment, and must take a long time to adapt themselves
to foreign countries' culture and tradition as well as to try to integrate in that community. For instance,
people must learn the way to share a department or make friends which are completely different from
your local country. Even though people maybe find it uneasy to acquainted with food and climate in
another country. All in all, living environment is a disadvantage of foreign students.

The thirth remarkable different is studying environment. In fact, curriculums of universties in Vietnam
almost are the same which are occupied by theory in majority. Students rarely have chances of practice.
And learning time of students must sit on desks at the class leads to make them become passive students.
On the contrary, abroad students spend so much time on practice and themselves studying. Moreover,
they must read so many kinds of book and the most outstanding of universities abroad is modern
curriculums helping them be active students.

Finally, abroad students find it easy to get good jobs with high salary after graduating from universities
aborad. While there are still many local students find it hard to get a appropriate job. In reality, companies
and enterprises always like to seek employees with their valuable degree of bachelor even though that
candidates graduated from a trivial universities abroad.

In conclusion, whether people study in university abroad or not, people also must try to improve their
knowledge and work so hard to get good certificates. To me, I prefer studying in university abroad to
local one because of its advantages. This aim of essay help students make a decision for choosing where
they should study in less complicated

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