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I. Read the text and fill in using the words below: 10x2p=20p

circus, town, elephant, angry, ice-cream, laugh, egg, children, clown, Indian

All the children are in ………….(1) They are going to the circus. At the …………(2). they
can see clowns, an ………….(3), a tiger, a lion and an ape.
The ape is sitting on the elephant’s back. It has an umbrella in its hands. The clown throws
an apple and an orange to the ape. The ape eats the apple, but throws the orange back to
the…………(4)..The clown falls down and sits on an …………(5). All the children………..(6)
An Indian comes into the tent. He has a bow and an arrow. The ape has an ………(7).in its
hand now. The Indian shoots an arrow at the ice-cream. The ape is very angry.
An ………(8). ape! It takes another ice-cream and throws it at the Indian. The
..…………(9). has ice-cream all over his face. All the ……………(10). laugh.
What a nice day!

II. Answer the questions: 10x2 p=20p

a. Who is in town?
b. Where are the children going?
c. What can the children see at the circus?
d. Where is the ape sitting?
e. Who throws an apple and an orange to the ape?
f. What happens to the clown?
g. Who comes into the tent?
h. What does the Indian do?
i. How does the ape feel now?
j. What do the children do?

III. Fill in Present Simple or Present Continuous: 10x2=20 p

1. She can’t talk to you. She ………………………………………. (have) a shower.

2. “Where …………………………… Alex ……………………… (live)?“In France.”
3. The children ………… (play) the piano and they ………… (sing) a song at the moment.
4. My mother ………………………………………. (always / cook) in the morning.
5. What …………………………………………… (you / usually / do) at weekends?
6. Jane ……………………… (give) a party today because it …………… (be) her birthday.
7. The lesson …………………………… (start) at 9 o’clock every morning.
8. Adam is in his room now. He …………………………………. (write) a poem for school.

IV. Fill in with the right “wh….” interrogative words: 5x2p=10p

1............... is the bag? It’s Jane’s.

2. you go shopping? At the weekend.
3..................trains are there in the picture? Three. Paul? He is over there.
5...................does school begin? On the 15th September.

V. Write the plural of the words: 10x2 p=20p










10.Wife -

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