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Grade: 5 SCIENCE WORKSHEET, 2021-2022



I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The surface of the earth is made up of __igneous__rocks______ and
2. The three types of rocks are __igneous, sedimentary and
3. When magma or lava solidifies or cools _igneous__________________ rocks
4. ____Aluminum___________ is the metal which is obtained from the bauxite.
5. ____Parrafin_______wax is obtained from petroleum.
6. Metallic minerals are called __Ores_____________
7. Minerals are the building blocks of __Rocks____________.
8. Limestone consists mainly of a mineral called ___Calcium Carbonate___________.
9. __LPG, CNG, Diesel, Petrol____________ are obtained from petroleum.
10. ____Taj Mahal___________ is an example of white marble.
11. We must use alternative fuels such as ___renewable_________ energy.
12. Minerals are ____chemical_________ substances.
13. The Red Fort of Delhi is made up of ____sandstone___________.
14. The lava solidifies to form _____igneous___________ rocks.

II. List the rocks given below as Igneous rock as I, Sedimentary rock as S and Metamorphic
rock M
15. Pumice : ____I_______
16. Quartzite : __M_________
17. Marble :____M________
18. Granite: ____I_________
19. Sandstone: ____S____________
20. Slate: ___M__________
21. Basalt: ____I____________
22. Conglomerate : _S___________
23. Lime stone: ____S__________
24. Shale: _______S________
25. Gneiss: __M___________
26. Coal: __S_________________

III. Write whether the following statements are true or false:

27. All rocks are made up of the same minerals. _False______________
28. Sedimentary rocks are always formed in layers. ___True_____________
29. Metamorphic rocks have fossils in them. ___False_______________
30. Coal is called black gold. _______False____________
31. Petroleum can be used in its natural state. ___False________________
IV. Differentiate the following:
32. Metallic and non-metallic minerals
Metallic minerals are called ores, and metals are extracted from these. Non-metallic mineral
reserves consist of stone quarries and clay and sand pits, examples of non metallic minerals
are: Coal and Petroleum
33. Sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks

Sedimentary rocks are made up of sediments that are cemented together, igneous rocks are formed due
to the cooling of lava
34. Sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks

Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments of rocks that have been cemented together.
Metamorphic rocks are made from sedimentary or igneous rocks that have gone through lots of heat
and pressure
35. Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks

Igneous rocks are formed from cooled down lava. Metamorphic rocks are formed from sedimentary
and igneous rocks that went through extreme heat and pressure.

V. Matching
Column A Column B

1. Sedimentary Rocks iv i. Machines, gold and silver

2. Igneous Rocks v ii. Gneiss, slate, quartzite, marbles

3. Metamorphic rocks ii iii.Coal and petroleum

4. Metallic minerals i iv. Sandstone, limestone, shale, conglomerate

5. Non-metallic minerals iii v. Granite, pumice, basalt

Column A Column B

1. Granite f a. blackboards

2. Sandstone c b. cement
3. Pumice e c. Red Fort

4. Limestone b d. Flooring of house

5. Slate a e. Body Scrubber

6. Marble d f. Buildings

VI. Answer the following:

36. Can we use pumice instead of granite or marble? Why?
No, we cant use pumice instead granite or marble because each rock is used for a specific purpose
because of their different properties.

37. If petrol gets over in 50 years, suggest a source of energy can be used to run a car?
If petrol gets over 50 years, you can use it as LPG, CNG, Diesel and petroleum

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