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Part I
Name of Learner:__________________________________________Grade:___________
Section: _________________________________________________ Date:____________

School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: English

Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 6-5 days

 Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Quarter 1,
Week 6) EN4V-IIIf-38
 Get the meaning of words through word association (analogy) and classification.EN4V-IIIh-39
 Identifying the different meanings of content specific
 Getting the meaning of words through word association
 Different Meanings Of Content Specific Words (Connotation, Denotation)
 Analogy
Dear Learner,
Good Day. Below are your learning activities for the whole week. Please carefully understand and follow the
instructions provided. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from anyone whom you think can help you do the
activities. Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities BUT ensure safety at all times. Have
Your Teacher
Part II

Different Meanings Of Content Specific Words

(Connotation, Denotation)

Background Information for Learners

Correct and concrete interpretation of meaning paves the way for better and clearer communication and/ or
understanding. Thus, the knowledge and understanding of the denotation or the dictionary meaning of words or
statements and their connotation or implied meaning will enhance one’s comprehension skills.

Denotation is the specific, exact and concrete meaning of a word. This is the meaning you will find in a

Connotation is an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning. It refers to the
emotions associated with a word. Sometimes it has social cultural implications. It can be positive or negative.

Dictionary is made up of entry words listed in alphabetical order. Each entry states how a word is pronounced
and what the word means.

Denotation: I saw a white dove flying in a blue sky.

“ The actual meaning of the word dove in the sentence is a little white bird with a round body, small head
and short legs that makes cooing sounds”.

Connotation: President Duterte sided with the dove and worked to avoid war in the country.
“The connotative meaning of the word dove in the sentence is a person who wants peace.”
A. Direction: Choose the word that best fits the sentence.

B. home, house 1. A __home__ is where a family lives happily and harmoniously.

hungry, starving 2. Rey spent the whole day playing basketball with his friends. When he
arrived home he was ____________ to death.
old, antique 3. Her ____________ collection of bottles must be worth a fortune.

small, minute 4. It has been proved that particles that are so ____________ and can’t be
seen by our bare eyes can cause allergies.
thrifty, miser 5. Sheila spends wisely and saves her allowance. She is a __________
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the blank to complete each sentence.

1. When a speaker talks too _____________, it’s difficult to understand his cues.
A. slowly B. quick C. quickly
2. The singers ______________ followed the directions of their conductor.
A. goodly B. easily C. well
3. The audience cheered _______________.
A. loudly B. successfully C. gently
4. Children _______________ joined the parlor games.
A. angrily B. sadly C. eagerly
5. Participants waited for their turn ______________.
A. loudly B. patiently C. correctly

Direction: Choose the correct word that will complete each sentence. Write your answer on the space provided.

blank______ 1. I will write the correct answer on the (black, blank, blanket).
__________ 2. The maps of the different countries are seen on a (globe, glove, glue).
__________ 3. The (class, club, clown,) in the fair makes the children laugh.
__________ 4. I can name the (planes, planets, plants) in the solar system.
__________ 5. My camera has a (flag, flash, flute).

Background Information for Learners:

Analogy is a comparison of two things that may have similar or opposite characteristics or features. It
helps readers and listeners explore relationships between like and unlike things, help explain a principle or idea,
and used to create a deeper significance of the concept.
Examples: mango: tree
milk: cow
Some common literary devices which uses analogies are the following:

1. Simile is a figure of speech that is used to compare two ideas or objects using “as’ or ‘like.”
Examples: as blind as a bat
as quick like a cat
2. Metaphor compares two subjects without any connecting words such as “like” or “as.”
Example: Her petal-soft smile blossomed in the morning sun. (The comparison creates an association
between the qualities of a woman and a flower without directly saying it).
Acivity 3
A. Direction: Choose the word that completes each sentence. Number one is done for you!
1. A lion is to animal as rose is to __ flower _____.
A. plant B. grass C. roots D. flower
2. Grass is to soil as seaweed is to _____.
A. water B. garden C. air D. pot

3. Elbow is to arm as knee is to _____.

A. walking B. finger C. leg D. nose

4. Heel is to foot as palm is to _______.

A. head B. hand C. leg D. stomach
5. A foot is to walk as hands is to ________.
A. see B. smell C. hear D. touch
6. A banana is to yellow as a grapes is to ________
A. red B. orange C. brown D. violet
7. Fire is to hot as ice is to ______.
A. cold B. dry C. warm D. lukewarm
8. A mango is to fruit as a squash is to __________
A. toy B. vegetable C. tree D. animal

9. Ring is to finger as shoes is to ________.

A. animal B. feet C. hair D. hands
10. A kitten is to cat as kid is to _______.
A. pig B. dog C. cow D. goat

B, Direction: Encircle the letter to complete the analogy. Number one is done for you.

1. doctor : nurse : : midwife : _____ Barangay Health Worker___

Radiologist Barangay Health Worker Therapist

2. clock : time : : thermometer : : _________________

temperature speed energy

3. tonsillitis : _____________ : : cataract : : eye

ear throat lungs

4. cardiology : _____________ : : pathology : diseases

kidney heart skin

5. aquarium : fish ; : ______________ : pupils

aviary school abode
Part I

School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: English

Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 6-5 days

 Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Quarter 1,
Week 6) EN4V-IIIf-38
 Get the meaning of words through word association (analogy) and classification.EN4V-IIIh-39
 Identifying the different meanings of content specific
 Getting the meaning of words through word association
 Different Meanings Of Content Specific Words (Connotation, Denotation)
 Analogy

Part II To be checked by parent/s

Activity 1 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to choose the word that best 2- Partially accomplished
fits the sentence. 3- Needs improvement
4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent
Activity 2 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to choose the correct word that 2- Partially accomplished
will complete each sentence. 3- Needs improvement
4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent
Activity 3 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to choose the word that 2- Partially accomplished
completes the analogy. 3- Needs improvement
4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent

Name of Parents/Guardians/Parateacher

Submitted to: _________________________

(Name of Teacher)

Date: ________________________
(Date submitted)

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