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Part I
Name of Learner:__________________________________________Grade:___________

Section: _________________________________________________ Date:____________

School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: Science
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 6-5 days
 Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment (Quarter 1, Week 6-7,)
 Identify the changes in materials whether useful or harmful to the environment.
Topic/s: Changes in Materials that are Useful or Harmful to One’s Environment

Dear Learner,
Good Day. Below are your learning activities for the whole week. Please carefully understand and follow the
instructions provided. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from anyone whom you think can help you do the
activities. Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities BUT ensure safety at all times. Have
Your Teacher
Part II

Changes in Materials that are Useful or Harmful to One’s Environment

Background Information for Learners

Some changes in the materials are useful to the environment, while others are harmful. Useful changes
include cutting of piece of cloth for handkerchief and clothes, cutting and shaping pieces of wood or lumber
into chair, changing wood into charcoal for cooking. Harmful changes include burning of old tires and plastic
or trash, throwing of kerosene and detergents into the sewage and others
When garbage materials such as empty bottles, plastics, toxic wastes, chemical from factories and
others are dumped into the soil or land and water, they become polluted.
Polluted land serves as breeding places for flies, cockroaches, and rats. These pests carry germs that
cause diseases, hence hazardous to one’s health. Growing plants is not also possible in polluted lands.
Likewise polluted water is contaminated with germs, and can cause diseases. It can also affect the living
organisms such as water plants and aquatic animals.
When the surrounding air is blanketed with smoke from factories and motorized vehicles, ashes and
other dust particles, it becomes polluted. Polluted air causes skin itchiness, lung infections, cancer and other
respiratory diseases.
Some changes in the materials are harmful to the environment. They may pollute land, water and air. To
keep our surroundings clean and to prevent or minimize pollution in our environment, people are encouraged to
do 5R’s (Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle, Repair, Rot).
Burning of garbage such as plastic materials, rubber, and other wastes is also harmful to the
environment. Many items in household garbage when burned release dangerous chemicals. These pose health
risks for people particularly those with asthma and other heart and lung ailments.
Because the smoke is close to the ground, it can also settle on fruits and vegetables making them not
good for humans and other wildlife. The smoke and toxins that enter the air also contribute to the greenhouse
effect and global warming. To prevent or minimize the effect of burning of garbage or wastes, waste
segregation should be done, and the 5 R’s should be practiced.
This, in turn, changes weather patterns, which leads to other environmental concerns. Cutting down of
trees also causes soil erosion. Many animals native to forests also lose their habitats. Cutting down of trees is
prohibited. To solve the problem on deforestation, planting of trees (reforestation) should be done.

Activity 1: What are the changes in the Materials that are Useful and Harmful to the Environment?

Direction: Complete the chart below by putting a check in the proper column.

Changes in the materials Effects of the changes in the materials to the

Useful Harmful
recycling of old clothes
shaping pieces of wood into chairs
burning of old tires
throwing of detergents into the sewage

changing wood into charcoal for cooking

Activity 2: Useful or Harmful?

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Draw a happy face when the change is useful to the
environment and sad face if harmful.

______________1. cutting a piece of cloth to be made into face mask

_______________2. making compost from fruit and vegetables peelings

_______________3. kaingin or burning of forest

_______________4. cutting of wood/lumber into chair

_______________5. changing wood into charcoal for cooking

_______________6. throwing of dead bodies of animals in the river

_______________7. throwing of waste in the bodies of water

_______________8. excessive use of chemical fertilizer

_______________9. recycling plastic cups as display materials

_______________10. making old tires into flowerpots

Activity 3 : Picture Analysis

Direction: Study the pictures below and identify 5 useful and 5 harmful effects to the environment that might
result from cutting down trees.

Before cutting down trees After cutting down trees

Useful result to the environment

Example: Lumber into chair






Harmful result to the environment

Example: soil erosion





Part I

School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: Science
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 6-5 days
 Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment (Quarter 1, Week 6-7,)
 Identify the changes in materials whether useful or harmful to the environment.
Topic/s: Changes in Materials that are Useful or Harmful to One’s Environment

Part II To be checked by parent/s

Activity 1 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to identify the changes in 2- Partially accomplished
some Materials whether it is Useful or Harmful 3- Needs improvement
to the Environment. 4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent
Activity 2 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to determine whether the 2- Partially accomplished
statement or the changes in material are useful or 3- Needs improvement
harmful by drawing a smiley. 4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent
Activity 3 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to give some useful and 2- Partially accomplished
harmful effect of some cutting trees. 3- Needs improvement
4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent

Name of Parents/Guardians/Parateacher

Submitted to: _________________________

(Name of Teacher)

Date: ________________________
(Date submitted)

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