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Research Paper

1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY - Why did you choose to conduct this research? (State where
you got the idea of this research (i.e, radio, friends, TV, etc.))
2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM - What is the main problem and the sub-problems you need
to have in order for the research to be answered?
a. HYPOTHESIS - Tested in the experiment; Can be in interrogative, declarative, or null
3. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY - Why does society need our product? (State how each
individual can benefit from our research; Make sure it is a new idea or knowledge to the world)
4. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY - What are the scope and limitations of the study
you need to mention in order for the reader to know the time of the investigation, where it will be
conducted, and any limitations of data-gathering devices and methods?
5. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE - The summary of past studies that could be connected
to present research in terms of objectives, materials and methods used, findings and conclusions
obtained. It should end in a paragraph that summarizes all the cited studies and interpret them in
terms of your own problem. (Use APA Style for citations)
- Kapag sinabi na review ung pinaka simpleng explanation nito ay pagsasamahin ang mga
researches,thesis and any scientific literature na related sa study natin.
- Sa paggawa natin nito magkakaroon tayo ng ideya kung ano yung mga alm natin tungkol sa tapik
natin at yung hindi pa.
- Malalaman natin yung mga relevant na theories, methods na pwede natin gamitin sa research
natin at kung ano pa ung mga research gaps na pwede natin ma explore sa ating tapik
- Panitikan kasama dito yung news article, books, news paper
- Yung review of related studies yung researches, thesis, dissertations, journal article
- Tinutulungan tayo dito mafamiliarize ang ating sarili dun sa tapik cuz kapag naga simula tyo wla
pa tyo masyadong alam about the tapik ngunit kapag gumagawa tayo habang nagbabasa ng mga
related studies mas naiintindihan na nati kung ano ang mga na explore ng mga ibang researchers
at kung ano na ang mga discoved nila tas anu pa yung mga hindi nila alm about this tapik
- Para maging maganda ang ating review and related literature dpt hindi lang basta natin i
summarize hindi dpt siya copy paste
- Kailangan natin i analyze, synthesize, evaluate, yung mga related researches/literature
- At para malaman natin ung mga usually na suggest nila, mga na discovered nila about sa tapik,
and yung mga dpt pa natin ma explore
- Dissect your research title
- Read the abstract first
- Habang nagbabasa ng mga reseaches mag take notes nung mga importans
- Ng mga title, main findings, link
What is the impact of our study that can benefit the society? (Mention the advantage of using the
Banana Midrib in our study so that the readers can know the gaps of our research)


Parts of Methodology According sa Example ng Reseach Paper:

1. RESEARCH DESIGN - Mention how you are going to test, the quantitative analysis, and purpose
sampling method of the study. Mention also the independent variables and dependent variable of
the study.
a. MATERIALS - This is where you mention the raw materials. Make sure that they are
cost-efficient and can be found anywhere.
b. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT - Mention the tools and equipments we’ll use. Make sure
that they are cost-efficient and can be found anywhere.
c. PROCEDURE - The step by step process of how to make the product. It should be
written in past tense and can be reproducible. It should also be appropriate and relevant to
the investigation so the research will be valid.
d. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - In diagram form, mention the benefits of Banana
Midrib as a Component of Floorwax.
e. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK - In diagram form, mention how you made the Banana
Midrib as a Component of Floorwax and proven to be effective.
3. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATION - Mention the things you have considered in making the
product such as the hazards, bacterial growth, and things that the researchers have done while
making the product in order to be safe.
4. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS - Mention the focus of the study and how the materials are
beneficial in making this product. Mention also the possible outcome if the study was a success.
5. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS - Mention the potentials and benefits of your raw material
(Banana Midrib) as a floorwax.

Notes to Apply to Methodology:

● Describe in sufficient detail the raw or processed materials utilized in the study. Include how they
were used, what observations were gathered, and how these observations were processed to
formulate a conclusion interpreting essentially their meaning and significance in relation to the
problem investigated.
● Make sure the Methodology can have the same results using identical experimental conditions
and materials so that there are evidences of reproducibility results, making the research reliable.
● Make sure that the research is valid through the terms of treatments or methods to which the
materials or samples have been subjected to that will be explained in Methodology.
● In a research proposal, this section includes a timetable.
● Needs to have independent variables and dependent variable to be experimented on on what is the
best version of the product.

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