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2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

2009 ©

The following case study involves the development of a GHG inventory for a public transit company. The
GHG inventory was developed in accordance with the ISO 14064‐1 GHG Standard. The case study
illustrates typical sources, sinks, and reservoirs (SSRs) that should be included in a GHG inventory for this
type of organization.

Blayton Transit (BT), which was established in 1991, provides public transportation for the entire City of
Blayton, New York. It began operations with 60 buses and gradually expanded to include 75 buses in
their active fleet. BT also owns 3 garages (each 4,306 ft2), 1 with service station and a 6,135 ft2 office.
There are a total of 152 employees.

The City of Blayton is well aware of the issues of global warming and the contribution its public
transportation system has to the city’s total GHG emissions. As such, they have decided on
implementing strategies for reducing the city’s total GHG emissions. In order to do so, a GHG inventory
must be developed which would help identify areas or opportunities within their public transportation
system for reducing emissions. Once the quantification has been completed BT plans to have the
quantification report verified in accordance to ISO 14064‐3 by a 3rd party, adding to the project’s
credibility. A limited level of assurance will be requested by the verification body, as no higher level of
assurance is required for the intended use. Blayton Transit plans to release the findings from the GHG
quantification and verification to the public via its website so that, in addition to reducing GHG
emissions, it may improve its public appearance.

Blayton Transit is a publicly owned transportation system servicing the City of Blayton. In 2003 Blayton
Transit took a directed action for reducing GHG emissions. The directed action consisted of replacing a
portion of their diesel buses with hybrid buses. Blayton Transit has scheduled 2003‐2004 for a
purchasing and implementation period, with annual reporting beginning in 2006 for the 2005 calendar
year. Verification will be conducted less frequently, annually from 2005‐2008 and once every three years
after 2008. A summary of Blayton Transit’s organization including the number of employees, buses etc.
is presented in Table 1. The years covered in this report are 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Table 1: Description of reporting organization

Blayton Transit

Buses Began with 60 buses then expanded to include 75 buses in their


Offices 1 office – 6,135ft2

Company Vehicles 2 company vehicles

Employees 152

Garages 3 garages each 4,306 ft2

2009 ©
GHG Manager Tom Turner: (233) 555‐2245

Organizational boundaries

Blayton Transit decided on using the financial control approach in establishing their organizational
boundary. In selecting this approach, those operations with which BT has financial control over will be
included in the organizational boundary. BT owns 1 office which is 6,135 ft2, 3 garages which are each
4,306 ft2 and 75 buses. Figure 1 presents the organizational boundary for BT’s GHG inventory.
Organizational boundaries must be reviewed prior to the completion of every inventory.

Figure 1: Blayton Transit’s organizational boundary

CO2, CH4, N2O

Organizational Boundaries

Electricity Grid Offices Garages Consumables Recycling

or Disposal
Hot Water Tank Hot Water Tank

Natural Gas

Electrical Devices Electrical Devices

Transportation fuels
(Gasoline / Diesel)

Lighting Lighting

Office and Garage

Manufacturing Company Vehicle Fleet
75 Diesel Buses

Business Travel

Bus Maintenance
Employee Commuting

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Operational boundaries

The Greenhouse gases that will be included in the inventory are: Methane (CH4), Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Both direct and indirect emissions will be quantified. The operational
boundaries are presented in Figure 2.

The following direct GHG emissions are included in the inventory:

• Direct GHG emissions from the combustion of natural gas for space and water heating for the
offices and garages
• Direct GHG emissions from the combustion of diesel in the buses’ engines
• Direct GHG emissions from the combustion of gasoline in the company owned vehicles.

The following energy indirect GHG emissions are included in the inventory:
• Emissions due to consumption of electricity by the offices and garages.

The following GHG emissions are excluded from the GHG inventory due to their immaterial contribution
to the organization’s GHG inventory:
• Emissions from the use of office consumables
• Emissions from the manufacture and disposal of office supplies i.e., paper, staples etc.
• Bus Maintenance.

Procedures are however currently under development for the quantification of GHG emissions from the
use of office consumables and the manufacture and disposal of office supplies.

Operational boundaries and sources of GHG emissions are to be reviewed prior to every inventory.

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Figure 2: Operational boundaries for Blayton Transit.

CO2, CH4, N2O

Operational Boundaries
Electricity Grid Offices Garages Consumables Recycling
or Disposal
Hot Water Tank Hot Water Tank

Natural Gas

Electrical Devices Electrical Devices

Transportation fuels
(Gasoline / Diesel)

Lighting Lighting

Office and Garage

Manufacturing Company Vehicle Fleet
75 Diesel Buses

Business Travel

Bus Maintenance
Employee Commuting

2009 ©
Quantifying GHG emissions

BT has chosen to follow ISO 14064 guidelines to accurately measure and quantify the emission
reductions resulting from this project. The general procedure used to quantify GHG emissions involves
taking the product of the activity data for each source and of the emission factor associated with the
GHG emitting source:

Ei = ALxEFi 1

Where AL is the activity level associated with each source, EFi is the greenhouse gas emission factor
for greenhouse gas i, and E is the emissions of greenhouse gas i (CO2, CH4 or N2O).

To convert GHG emissions to CO2 equivalent emissions, the following general equation was applied:

ECO2e = ∑ E i × GWPi
i =1

Where ECO2e is emissions of CO2 equivalent in tonnes and GWPi is the global warming potential of
greenhouse gas i. The global warming potentials of each greenhouse gas included in the inventory are
presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)

Types of GHG Emissions GWP

CO2 1

CH4 21

N2O 310

Direct GHG emissions

Natural gas production, distribution, and combustion

This source of GHG emissions involves the combustion of natural gas required for office space heating
and water heating, as well as the production and distribution of the gas. The required data for
estimating emissions from natural gas combustion are:
• Activity level: ft3 natural gas consumed by Blayton transit
• Emission factor for natural gas combustion
• Emission factor for natural gas production and distribution

2009 ©
From the monthly natural gas consumption invoices sent to the BT office, the cubic meters of natural
gas consumed by the offices and garages were easily extracted. The other mandatory parameters for
estimating GHG emissions are the emission factors for natural gas consumption. These were obtained
from U.S. Energy Information Administration (U.S. EIA) and are presented in Table 3.

Table 3: Natural gas consumption emission factors

Types of GHG Emissions GHG Emission Factors (lb GHG/106 ft3 of NG)
CO2 120,000

CH4 2.2

N2O 2.3

CO2e 120,759.2
Production and Distribution
CO2e 23,000

Sample calculation:

In 2002, for the month of March, the Blayton Transit office located on Patacky Street (office 1)
consumed 407,265.5 ft3 of natural gas.

From equation 1, emissions for each GHG included in the inventory are calculated as follows:

ECO 2 e ,comb = (407,265.5 / 1000000) ft 3 NGx120,759 = 49,180.97lbCO2e = 24.59tonCO 2e
ft 3 NG
lbCO e
ECO 2 e , prod & dist = (407,265.5 / 1000000) ft 3 NGx 23,000 3 2 = 9,367.11lbCO2e = 4.68tonCO 2e
ft NG

Total emissions due to natural gas combustion from the Blayton Transit offices and garages for the base
year of 2002 are presented in Table 4. Monthly natural gas usage for all periods covered in this report
are provided in Appendix A (Table A1) and GHG emissions in Appendix B (Table B1).

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Table 4: 2002 monthly natural gas combustion data and GHG emissions from offices

Month ft3 NG CO2 (lb) CH4 (lb) N2O (lb) CO2e (lbs) CO2e (tons)
January 385514.58 46261.75 0.85 0.89 46554.43 23.28
February 426474.18 51176.90 0.94 0.98 51500.68 25.75
March 407265.54 48871.86 0.90 0.94 49181.06 24.59
April 377040.18 45244.82 0.83 0.87 45531.07 22.77
May 356136.66 42736.40 0.78 0.82 43006.78 21.50
June 186931.14 22431.74 0.41 0.43 22573.65 11.29
July 94560.18 11347.22 0.21 0.22 11419.01 5.71
August 80436.18 9652.34 0.18 0.19 9713.41 4.86
September 186931.14 22431.74 0.41 0.43 22573.65 11.29
October 319131.78 38295.81 0.70 0.73 38538.10 19.27
November 356984.10 42838.09 0.79 0.82 43109.11 21.55
December 377040.18 45244.82 0.83 0.87 45531.07 22.77
TOTAL 3554445.84 426533.50 7.82 8.18 429232.04 214.62

Diesel combustion

Information needed for estimating emissions as a result of diesel combustion from the buses include:
• Activity Level: gallons of fuel used by active fleet
• Emission factor for heavy duty diesel vehicles

In 2002, Blayton Transit’s fleet consisted of 75 buses. Before the beginning of each day, the buses are
fuelled at their service station and the amount of fuel each bus required is recorded and stored in to the
database. Data on fuel consumed per month for each bus is provided in Appendix A (Table A2). Table 5
presents the emission factors for diesel combustion in buses.

Environment Canada provides emission factors for heavy duty diesel vehicles with no control, moderate
control and advanced control. The emission factors selected here are heavy duty diesel vehicles with
moderate control. This will provide a conservative estimate of emissions from Blayton Transit’s fleet.
GHG emissions from diesel combustion in buses are presented in Appendix B (Table B2).

Table 5: Diesel consumption emission factors

Types of GHG Emissions GHG Emission Factor (lb CO2e/gal of diesel)

CO2 22.384

Sample calculation:

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For the year 2002, the total amount of fuel consumed by the buses totalled 773, 648 gal.

From equation 1:

ECO2 = 773,648 gal × 22.384 = 17,317,336.8lbCO2e = 8,658.7tons

Gasoline combustion

Blayton transit owns two vehicles which are used by employees for business use. In order to keep track
of the amount of fuel consumed by each vehicle, employees were asked to document all receipts. From
the fuel bills, the necessary activity data for estimating GHG emissions is easily extracted. To estimate
emissions as a result of gasoline combustion from the company owned cars the following data was
• Activity level: Fuel consumed by the company owned vehicles
• Emission factor for light duty gasoline vehicles

The World Resource Institute’s CO2 emission factor for gasoline vehicles is presented in Table 6.

Table 6: Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle Emission Factors

Types of GHG Emissions GHG Emission Factors (lb CO2e/gal of fuel)

CO2 19.564

2002 GHG emissions from the use of the company vehicles are presented in Table 7. Appendix A (Table
A3) presents company vehicle monthly fuel consumption data used in this report.

2009 ©
Table 7: 2002 monthly gasoline consumption data and GHG emissions for BT company vehicles

Month Volume (gal) GHG Emissions (tons CO2e)

January 89.82 0.88
February 90.35 0.88
March 86.91 0.85
April 66.04 0.65
May 66.84 0.65
June 71.06 0.70
July 84.53 0.83
August 64.99 0.64
September 66.84 0.65
October 85.86 0.84
November 94.84 0.93
December 108.31 1.06
TOTAL 976.37 9.55

Sample calculation:

In 2002, the amount of fuel consumed by BT’s two company vehicles totalled 3,696 litres of gasoline.

From equation 1:

ECO2 = 976.37 gal × 19.564 = 19,101.75lbsCO2e = 9.55tons

Energy indirect GHG emissions

Electricity consumption

Blayton Transit receives monthly invoices for the electricity consumed by their offices and garages. The
monthly and yearly electricity consumption activity is directly obtained from these invoices. GHG
emissions estimation from the consumption of electricity requires the following:
• Activity Data: Monthly electricity consumption in kWh (from monthly electricity invoices)
• Emission factor: New York state emission factor in CO2e for the production of electricity

The upstate New York average state emission factor obtained from the US EPA e‐Grid is 800 lbs
CO2e/MWh. Using this value and the monthly electricity consumption information, the total GHG
emitted for each year due to electricity consumption is easily calculated. Monthly electricity
consumption data is presented in Appendix A and total GHG emissions due to electricity consumption
are presented in Appendix B.

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Sample calculation:

During the month of January, electricity invoices showed that the Blayton Transit facility consumed a
total of 11.13 MWh of electricity for the year 2002.

From equation 1;

ECO2 e = 11.13MWh × 800 = 8,904.0lbsCO2e = 4.45tons

Table 8: 2002 GHG emissions due to electricity consumption

Office 1 Garage 1 Garage 2 Garage 3 tons

Month (MWh) (MWh) (MWh) (MWh) lb CO2e CO2e
January 2.40 2.89 2.91 2.94 8906.80 4.45
February 2.47 2.70 2.72 2.75 8506.68 4.25
March 2.49 2.99 3.01 3.05 9235.84 4.62
April 2.71 2.58 2.60 2.63 8418.96 4.21
May 2.20 2.79 2.81 2.84 8518.16 4.26
June 2.47 2.83 2.85 2.88 8831.76 4.42
July 2.64 2.60 2.62 2.65 8413.36 4.21
August 2.50 2.47 2.49 2.53 7993.92 4.00
September 2.48 2.67 2.69 2.72 8455.80 4.23
October 2.50 2.58 2.60 2.63 8250.96 4.13
November 2.38 2.53 2.55 2.58 9636.00 4.81
December 2.25 2.60 2.62 2.65 8101.36 4.05
TOTAL 29.49 32.24 33.47 33.87 103260.6 51.63


Adjustments will be required to accurately compare annual GHG emissions to baseline year emissions.
Operating changes, such as the addition/removal of busses or energy intensive equipment, will require
adjustments. In the occurrence of such a situation, data for the baseline year will be normalized and
adjusted to represent the conditions that occur in the project year.
Changes to quantification methodologies, including emission factors and equations, will also trigger a
similar recalculation of base year data.

Selection of base year

The base year is the year against which Blayton Transit compares its annual GHG emissions to. Since
2002 is the earliest year with which reliable data is available, this became the base year. This selection is

2009 ©
further justified in that it is the most recent year prior to the implementation of the GHG project, and
thus, most accurately represents the conditions that would have occurred had the project not been

Activities to reduce GHG emissions

To reduce its significant GHG foot print, Blayton Transit decided on implementing a directed action to
reduce its total GHG emissions. The directed action was undertaken in the year 2004 and it consisted of
replacing 40 of their diesel buses with hybrid technology buses. 2005 was the first complete year using
hybrid buses.

GHG emissions from active fleet after implementation of directed action

The switch from diesel to hybrid buses resulted in a reduction of approximately 40% in fuel consumption
compared to 2003 (the most recent full year in which at least 95% of the buses were diesel‐fuelled). This
reduction in fuel consumption resulted in a reduction in total GHG emissions. Figure 4 presents the
annual GHG emissions from the buses. A significant reduction in GHG emissions is evident after
implementation of the directed action.

Figure 4: Annual GHG emissions from the buses

2009 ©
The results of the GHG inventory are presented in Table 9.

Table 9: BT’s GHG Inventory (2002‐2005), in tons of CO2e

Sources CO2e
Direct GHG Emissions
Natural Gas Combustion , Production, and Distribution (HVAC)
2002 255.92
2003 274.77
2004 294.75
2005 313.24
Diesel Combustion (Buses)
2002 8,658.67
2003 8,918.43
2004 7,965.98
2005 7,273.28
Gasoline Combustion (Vehicle Fleet)
2002 9.55
2003 9.46
2004 9.40
2005 9.14
Energy Indirect GHG Emissions
Electricity Consumption (Lighting and Electrical Devices)
2002 51.63
2003 54.31
2004 57.79
2005 60.16

2009 ©
Appendix A: Activity Data

Table A1: Monthly Natural Gas Consumption by Blayton Transit Facilities (ft3).

Month 2002 2003 2004 2005

January 385514.58 416355.75 449664.21 485637.34
February 426474.18 460592.11 497439.48 537234.64
March 407265.54 423556.16 432027.28 449308.38
April 377040.18 407203.39 439779.67 444177.46
May 356136.66 391750.33 430925.36 474017.89
June 186931.14 201885.63 218036.48 235479.40
July 94560.18 96451.38 98380.41 100348.02
August 80436.18 86871.07 93820.76 101326.42
September 186931.14 201885.63 218036.48 235479.40
October 319131.78 340513.61 363328.02 387671.00
November 356984.10 381972.99 412530.83 424906.75
December 377040.18 407203.39 439779.67 474962.04
TOTAL 3554445.84 3816241.45 4093748.65 4350548.75

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Table A2: Monthly Diesel Consumption Data for Blayton Transit’s Fleet (gal, 2002)

Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT1 879.69 892.89 906.10 919.31 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 887.61 634.01 10566.80
BT2 771.38 784.58 797.79 811.00 811.00 805.72 800.44 795.15 789.87 784.58 779.30 525.70 9245.95
BT3 871.76 884.97 898.18 911.39 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 890.25 884.97 879.69 626.08 10474.34
BT4 990.64 1003.85 1017.05 1030.26 1030.26 1024.98 1019.70 1014.41 1009.13 1003.85 998.56 744.96 11887.65
BT5 895.54 908.74 921.95 935.16 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 649.86 10746.44
BT6 464.94 478.15 491.36 504.56 504.56 499.28 494.00 488.71 483.43 478.15 472.86 219.26 5573.99
BT7 731.75 744.96 758.17 771.38 771.38 766.09 760.81 755.53 750.24 744.96 739.68 486.07 8770.44
BT8 921.95 935.16 948.37 961.58 961.58 956.30 951.01 945.73 940.45 935.16 929.88 676.28 11068.72
BT9 787.23 800.44 813.64 826.85 826.85 821.57 816.29 811.00 805.72 800.44 795.15 541.55 9446.72
BT10 1302.36 1315.57 1328.78 1341.98 1341.98 1336.70 1331.42 1326.13 1320.85 1315.57 1310.28 1056.68 15641.51
BT11 948.37 961.58 974.79 988.00 988.00 982.71 977.43 972.15 966.86 961.58 956.30 702.69 11388.37
BT12 425.31 438.52 451.73 464.94 464.94 459.66 454.37 449.09 443.81 438.52 433.24 179.64 5116.97
BT13 1611.44 1624.65 1637.85 1651.06 1651.06 1645.78 1640.50 1635.21 1629.93 1624.65 1619.36 1365.76 19339.89
BT14 903.46 916.67 929.88 943.09 943.09 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 657.78 10830.97
BT15 515.13 528.34 541.55 554.76 554.76 549.47 544.19 538.91 533.62 528.34 523.06 269.45 6192.14
BT16 737.03 750.24 763.45 776.66 776.66 771.38 766.09 760.81 755.53 750.24 744.96 491.36 8828.56
BT17 903.46 916.67 929.88 943.09 943.09 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 657.78 10830.97
BT18 858.55 871.76 884.97 898.18 898.18 892.89 887.61 882.33 877.04 871.76 866.48 612.87 10302.63
BT19 573.25 586.46 599.67 612.87 612.87 607.59 602.31 597.02 591.74 586.46 581.17 327.57 6894.84
BT20 581.17 594.38 607.59 620.80 620.80 615.52 610.23 604.95 599.67 594.38 589.10 335.50 6963.52
BT21 586.46 599.67 612.87 626.08 626.08 620.80 615.52 610.23 604.95 599.67 594.38 340.78 7032.21
BT22 837.42 850.63 863.84 877.04 877.04 871.76 866.48 861.19 855.91 850.63 845.34 591.74 10038.46
BT23 845.34 858.55 871.76 884.97 884.97 879.69 874.40 869.12 863.84 858.55 853.27 599.67 10138.84
BT24 853.27 866.48 879.69 892.89 892.89 887.61 882.33 877.04 871.76 866.48 861.19 607.59 10239.23

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Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT25 861.19 874.40 887.61 900.82 900.82 895.54 890.25 884.97 879.69 874.40 869.12 615.52 10342.26
BT26 871.76 884.97 898.18 911.39 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 890.25 884.97 879.69 626.08 10445.28
BT27 879.69 892.89 906.10 919.31 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 887.61 634.01 10550.95
BT28 887.61 900.82 914.03 927.24 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 641.93 10656.62
BT29 898.18 911.39 924.60 937.80 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 652.50 10762.29
BT30 906.10 919.31 932.52 945.73 945.73 940.45 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 660.43 10870.60
BT31 903.46 916.67 929.88 943.09 943.09 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 657.78 10849.46
BT32 903.46 916.67 929.88 943.09 943.09 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 657.78 10825.69
BT33 900.82 914.03 927.24 940.45 940.45 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 655.14 10804.55
BT34 898.18 911.39 924.60 937.80 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 652.50 10783.42
BT35 895.54 908.74 921.95 935.16 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 649.86 10762.29
BT36 895.54 908.74 921.95 935.16 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 649.86 10741.15
BT37 892.89 906.10 919.31 932.52 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 647.22 10720.02
BT38 890.25 903.46 916.67 929.88 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 644.57 10698.89
BT39 890.25 903.46 916.67 929.88 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 644.57 10677.75
BT40 887.61 900.82 914.03 927.24 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 641.93 10653.98
BT41 884.97 898.18 911.39 924.60 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 639.29 10632.84
BT42 884.97 898.18 911.39 924.60 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 639.29 10611.71
BT43 882.33 895.54 908.74 921.95 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 890.25 636.65 10590.58
BT44 948.37 961.58 974.79 988.00 988.00 982.71 977.43 972.15 966.86 961.58 956.30 702.69 11385.73
BT45 726.47 739.68 752.88 766.09 766.09 760.81 755.53 750.24 744.96 739.68 734.39 480.79 8722.89
BT46 623.44 636.65 649.86 663.07 663.07 657.78 652.50 647.22 641.93 636.65 631.37 377.76 7489.22
BT47 684.20 697.41 710.62 723.83 723.83 718.54 713.26 707.98 702.69 697.41 692.13 438.52 8210.40
BT48 890.25 903.46 916.67 929.88 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 644.57 10672.47
BT49 731.75 744.96 758.17 771.38 771.38 766.09 760.81 755.53 750.24 744.96 739.68 486.07 8773.09
BT50 951.01 964.22 977.43 990.64 990.64 985.35 980.07 974.79 969.50 964.22 958.94 705.33 11404.22

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Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT51 953.65 966.86 980.07 993.28 993.28 988.00 982.71 977.43 972.15 966.86 961.58 707.98 11438.56
BT52 956.30 969.50 982.71 995.92 995.92 990.64 985.35 980.07 974.79 969.50 964.22 710.62 11472.90
BT53 958.94 972.15 985.35 998.56 998.56 993.28 988.00 982.71 977.43 972.15 966.86 713.26 11507.25
BT54 961.58 974.79 988.00 1001.20 1001.20 995.92 990.64 985.35 980.07 974.79 969.50 715.90 11541.59
BT55 969.50 982.71 995.92 1009.13 1009.13 1003.85 998.56 993.28 988.00 982.71 977.43 723.83 11634.05
BT56 969.50 982.71 995.92 1009.13 1009.13 1003.85 998.56 993.28 988.00 982.71 977.43 723.83 11634.05
BT57 813.64 826.85 840.06 853.27 853.27 847.99 842.70 837.42 832.14 826.85 821.57 567.97 9753.16
BT58 813.64 826.85 840.06 853.27 853.27 847.99 842.70 837.42 832.14 826.85 821.57 567.97 9774.29
BT59 879.69 892.89 906.10 919.31 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 887.61 634.01 10566.80
BT60 882.33 895.54 908.74 921.95 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 890.25 636.65 10587.93
BT61 884.97 898.18 911.39 924.60 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 639.29 10609.07
BT62 884.97 898.18 911.39 924.60 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 639.29 10630.20
BT63 887.61 900.82 914.03 927.24 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 641.93 10651.33
BT64 890.25 903.46 916.67 929.88 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 644.57 10672.47
BT65 890.25 903.46 916.67 929.88 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 644.57 10693.60
BT66 892.89 906.10 919.31 932.52 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 647.22 10714.74
BT67 895.54 908.74 921.95 935.16 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 649.86 10735.87
BT68 895.54 908.74 921.95 935.16 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 649.86 10759.64
BT69 898.18 911.39 924.60 937.80 937.80 932.52 927.24 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 652.50 10780.78
BT70 900.82 914.03 927.24 940.45 940.45 935.16 929.88 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 655.14 10801.91
BT71 945.73 958.94 972.15 985.35 985.35 980.07 974.79 969.50 964.22 958.94 953.65 700.05 11359.31
BT72 528.34 541.55 554.76 567.97 567.97 562.68 557.40 552.12 546.83 541.55 536.27 282.66 6326.87
BT73 879.69 892.89 906.10 919.31 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 887.61 634.01 10569.44
BT74 882.33 895.54 908.74 921.95 921.95 916.67 911.39 906.10 900.82 895.54 890.25 636.65 10601.14
BT75 884.97 898.18 911.39 924.60 924.60 919.31 914.03 908.74 903.46 898.18 892.89 639.29 10632.84
TOTAL 64468.05 65458.68 66449.32 67439.96 67439.96 67043.70 66647.45 66251.19 65854.94 65458.68 65062.43 46042.19 773648.26

2009 ©
Table A3: Gasoline Consumption by Blayton Transit Vehicles (gal)

Month 2002 2003 2004 2005

January 89.82 91.61 87.12 88.87
February 90.35 84.02 87.64 81.50
March 86.91 88.65 84.30 78.40
April 66.04 67.36 68.04 68.72
May 66.84 65.50 68.84 64.02
June 71.06 66.09 66.75 62.08
July 84.53 78.62 82.00 80.36
August 64.99 65.64 66.94 65.60
September 66.84 68.17 68.84 64.02
October 85.86 84.14 83.28 84.11
November 94.84 96.73 94.80 95.75
December 108.31 110.48 102.74 100.69
TOTAL 976.37 967.01 961.28 934.11

Table A4: Electricity Consumption by Blayton Transit (MWh)

Month 2002 2003 2004 2005

January 11.13 12.25 13.96 13.40
February 10.63 10.21 10.51 10.83
March 11.54 12.70 12.19 12.56
April 10.52 10.10 11.11 12.22
May 10.65 10.97 11.30 12.43
June 11.04 11.37 12.51 14.26
July 10.52 11.99 13.19 12.66
August 9.99 10.99 12.09 11.61
September 10.57 10.89 12.41 13.65
October 10.31 11.35 12.48 11.98
November 12.03 13.24 12.71 14.49
December 10.13 9.72 10.01 10.31
TOTAL 129.08 135.77 144.47 150.40

2009 ©
Appendix B: GHG Emissions

Table B1: Natural Gas GHG Emissions for Blayton Transpo’s offices and garages (2002 example)

GHG Emissions GHG Emissions Total GHG

From Production From Combustion Emissions
Month Volume (ft3) (t CO2e) (t CO2e) (t CO2e)
January 385514.58 4.43 23.32 27.76
February 426474.18 4.90 25.80 30.71
March 407265.54 4.68 24.64 29.32
April 377040.18 4.34 22.81 27.15
May 356136.66 4.10 21.55 25.64
June 186931.14 2.15 11.31 13.46
July 94560.18 1.09 5.72 6.81
August 80436.18 0.93 4.87 5.79
September 186931.14 2.15 11.31 13.46
October 319131.78 3.67 19.31 22.98
November 356984.10 4.11 21.60 25.70
December 377040.18 4.34 22.81 27.15
TOTAL 3554445.84 40.88 215.04 255.92

2009 ©
Table B2: GHG Emissions from diesel combustion in Blayton Transit Buses (2002 example, tons CO2e)

Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT1 9.85 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 9.93 7.10 118.15
BT2 8.63 8.78 8.93 9.08 9.08 9.02 8.96 8.90 8.84 8.78 8.72 5.88 103.60
BT3 9.76 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 9.96 9.90 9.85 7.01 117.08
BT4 11.09 11.24 11.38 11.53 11.53 11.47 11.41 11.35 11.29 11.24 11.18 8.34 133.05
BT5 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.47 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 7.27 120.27
BT6 5.20 5.35 5.50 5.65 5.65 5.59 5.53 5.47 5.41 5.35 5.29 2.45 62.44
BT7 8.19 8.34 8.49 8.63 8.63 8.57 8.51 8.46 8.40 8.34 8.28 5.44 98.28
BT8 10.32 10.47 10.61 10.76 10.76 10.70 10.64 10.58 10.53 10.47 10.41 7.57 123.82
BT9 8.81 8.96 9.11 9.25 9.25 9.19 9.14 9.08 9.02 8.96 8.90 6.06 105.73
BT10 14.58 14.72 14.87 15.02 15.02 14.96 14.90 14.84 14.78 14.72 14.66 11.83 174.91
BT11 10.61 10.76 10.91 11.06 11.06 11.00 10.94 10.88 10.82 10.76 10.70 7.86 127.37
BT12 4.76 4.91 5.06 5.20 5.20 5.14 5.09 5.03 4.97 4.91 4.85 2.01 57.12
BT13 18.04 18.18 18.33 18.48 18.48 18.42 18.36 18.30 18.24 18.18 18.12 15.29 216.42
BT14 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.56 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 7.36 121.34
BT15 5.77 5.91 6.06 6.21 6.21 6.15 6.09 6.03 5.97 5.91 5.85 3.02 69.18
BT16 8.25 8.40 8.54 8.69 8.69 8.63 8.57 8.51 8.46 8.40 8.34 5.50 98.99
BT17 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.56 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 7.36 121.34
BT18 9.61 9.76 9.90 10.05 10.05 9.99 9.93 9.88 9.82 9.76 9.70 6.86 115.31
BT19 6.42 6.56 6.71 6.86 6.86 6.80 6.74 6.68 6.62 6.56 6.50 3.67 76.99
BT20 6.50 6.65 6.80 6.95 6.95 6.89 6.83 6.77 6.71 6.65 6.59 3.75 78.05
BT21 6.56 6.71 6.86 7.01 7.01 6.95 6.89 6.83 6.77 6.71 6.65 3.81 78.76
BT22 9.37 9.52 9.67 9.82 9.82 9.76 9.70 9.64 9.58 9.52 9.46 6.62 112.47
BT23 9.46 9.61 9.76 9.90 9.90 9.85 9.79 9.73 9.67 9.61 9.55 6.71 113.53
BT24 9.55 9.70 9.85 9.99 9.99 9.93 9.88 9.82 9.76 9.70 9.64 6.80 114.60
BT25 9.64 9.79 9.93 10.08 10.08 10.02 9.96 9.90 9.85 9.79 9.73 6.89 115.66
BT26 9.76 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 9.96 9.90 9.85 7.01 117.08
BT27 9.85 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 9.93 7.10 118.15
BT28 9.93 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 7.18 119.21

2009 ©
Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT29 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 7.30 120.63
BT30 10.14 10.29 10.44 10.58 10.58 10.53 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 7.39 121.69
BT31 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.56 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 7.36 121.34
BT32 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.56 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 7.36 121.34
BT33 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.53 10.53 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 7.33 120.98
BT34 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 7.30 120.63
BT35 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.47 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 7.27 120.27
BT36 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.47 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 7.27 120.27
BT37 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.44 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 7.24 119.92
BT38 9.96 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 7.21 119.56
BT39 9.96 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 7.21 119.56
BT40 9.93 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 7.18 119.21
BT41 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 7.15 118.85
BT42 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 7.15 118.85
BT43 9.88 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 9.96 7.13 118.50
BT44 10.61 10.76 10.91 11.06 11.06 11.00 10.94 10.88 10.82 10.76 10.70 7.86 127.37
BT45 8.13 8.28 8.43 8.57 8.57 8.51 8.46 8.40 8.34 8.28 8.22 5.38 97.57
BT46 6.98 7.13 7.27 7.42 7.42 7.36 7.30 7.24 7.18 7.13 7.07 4.23 83.73
BT47 7.66 7.81 7.95 8.10 8.10 8.04 7.98 7.92 7.86 7.81 7.75 4.91 91.89
BT48 9.96 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 7.21 119.56
BT49 8.19 8.34 8.49 8.63 8.63 8.57 8.51 8.46 8.40 8.34 8.28 5.44 98.28
BT50 10.64 10.79 10.94 11.09 11.09 11.03 10.97 10.91 10.85 10.79 10.73 7.89 127.72
BT51 10.67 10.82 10.97 11.12 11.12 11.06 11.00 10.94 10.88 10.82 10.76 7.92 128.08
BT52 10.70 10.85 11.00 11.15 11.15 11.09 11.03 10.97 10.91 10.85 10.79 7.95 128.43
BT53 10.73 10.88 11.03 11.18 11.18 11.12 11.06 11.00 10.94 10.88 10.82 7.98 128.79
BT54 10.76 10.91 11.06 11.21 11.21 11.15 11.09 11.03 10.97 10.91 10.85 8.01 129.14
BT55 10.85 11.00 11.15 11.29 11.29 11.24 11.18 11.12 11.06 11.00 10.94 8.10 130.21
BT56 10.85 11.00 11.15 11.29 11.29 11.24 11.18 11.12 11.06 11.00 10.94 8.10 130.21
BT57 9.11 9.25 9.40 9.55 9.55 9.49 9.43 9.37 9.31 9.25 9.19 6.36 109.28
BT58 9.11 9.25 9.40 9.55 9.55 9.49 9.43 9.37 9.31 9.25 9.19 6.36 109.28

2009 ©
Bus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
BT59 9.85 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 9.93 7.10 118.15
BT60 9.88 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 9.96 7.13 118.50
BT61 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 7.15 118.85
BT62 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 7.15 118.85
BT63 9.93 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 7.18 119.21
BT64 9.96 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 7.21 119.56
BT65 9.96 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 7.21 119.56
BT66 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.44 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 7.24 119.92
BT67 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.47 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 7.27 120.27
BT68 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.47 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 7.27 120.27
BT69 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.50 10.44 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 7.30 120.63
BT70 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.53 10.53 10.47 10.41 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 7.33 120.98
BT71 10.58 10.73 10.88 11.03 11.03 10.97 10.91 10.85 10.79 10.73 10.67 7.83 127.02
BT72 5.91 6.06 6.21 6.36 6.36 6.30 6.24 6.18 6.12 6.06 6.00 3.16 70.96
BT73 9.85 9.99 10.14 10.29 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 9.93 7.10 118.15
BT74 9.88 10.02 10.17 10.32 10.32 10.26 10.20 10.14 10.08 10.02 9.96 7.13 118.50
BT75 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.35 10.29 10.23 10.17 10.11 10.05 9.99 7.15 118.85
TOTAL 721.53 732.61 743.70 754.79 754.79 750.35 745.92 741.48 737.05 732.61 728.18 515.30 8658.32

2009 ©
Table B3: GHG Emissions from Blayton Transpo’s Company Vehicles (2002 example)

Month Gal of Gasoline BT CO2e tons CO2e

January 89.82 1757.20 0.88
February 90.35 1767.53 0.88
March 86.91 1700.34 0.85
April 66.04 1292.06 0.65
May 66.84 1307.56 0.65
June 71.06 1390.25 0.70
July 84.53 1653.83 0.83
August 64.99 1271.38 0.64
September 66.84 1307.56 0.65
October 85.86 1679.67 0.84
November 94.84 1855.39 0.93
December 108.31 2118.97 1.06
TOTAL 976.37 19101.75 9.55

Table B4: Total GHG Emissions for Blayton Transpo’s Electricity Consumption (tons CO2e)

Month Quantity (MWh) GHG Emissions (tons CO2e)

January 11.13 4.45
February 10.63 4.25
March 11.54 4.62
April 10.52 4.21
May 10.65 4.26
June 11.04 4.42
July 10.52 4.21
August 9.99 4.00
September 10.57 4.23
October 10.31 4.13
November 12.03 4.81
December 10.13 4.05
TOTAL 129.08 51.63

2009 ©
ISO 14064‐1, Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of
greenhouse gas emissions and removals

Government of Canada (1999). Transportation and climate change: Options for action; Options paper of
the transportation climate change table.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2006) Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Sinks: 1990‐2006

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2007) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated
Database (eGRID)

2009 ©

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