Unit 1 Pharmacy 1

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. The verb to be is the most important verb in English. In Spanish it is “ ser o estar” We
form the affirmative with:
Subject+ to be+ complements

Complete form:
I am, You are, he is, She is, it is, We are, you are, They are
Contracted form:
I’m, You’re, He’s, She’s, It’s, We’re, You’re, They’re.

. we can make the negative adding NOT.

Subject+to be+not+complements

Complete form:
I am not, You are not, He is not, She is not; It is not, We are not, You are not; They are
Contracted form:
I´m not, You aren’t, He isn´t, She isn´t, It isn´t, we aren´t, you aren´t, They aren´t.

We also make the interrogative form changing the order:

To be+ subject+complements +?

Am I...?, Are you...?, Is he...?, Is she...?, Is it....?, Are we....?, Are you ....?, Are they...?
For more explanations and activities about the verb to be, click on these links:


Complete the sentences about with am, are or is. (9 points)

a) He is my teacher.
b) They are Pharmacy and Parapharmacy students.
c) Is she your partner?
d) These books are very heavy.
e) RMI are an interesting subject.
f) This exercise are easy.
g) Am I a hard worker?
h) You and your class mate are so brilliant.
i) Are we in page 23?
2. Look at the affirmative sentences from exercise 1 and transform them into the
negative(5 points)
a) He isn’t my teacher
b) They aren’t Pharmacy and Parapharmacy students.
c) Is she your partner?
d) These book aren’t very heavy
e) RMI aren’t an interesting subject.,



Phisiology is the study of how organisms, organ systems, cells and biomolecules carry
out the the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system. That is the
general definition. Specifically, human physiology is the science of the mechanical,
physical and biochemical functions of the humans, but most of the foundation of
knowledge in human physiology was provided by animal experimentation.
Physiology is closely related to anatomy. Anatomy is the study of form, and physiology
is the study of function. Due to the frequent connection between form and function,
physiology and anatomy are intrinsically linked and are studied in tandem. In addition,
human anatomy is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the human body.
In any case, human body is divided in several systems which allow us to differentiate


The skeleton serves six major functions.

The skeleton provides the framework which supports the body and maintains its
shape. The pelvis, associated ligaments and muscles provide a floor for the pelvic
The joints between bones permit movement, some allowing a wider range of
movement than others.
The skeleton protects many vital organs (the skull protects the brain,the clavicle and
scapulas protect the shoulder, etc)
Blood cell production:
The skeleton is the site of haematopoiesis, the development of bold cells that takes
place in the bone marrow.
Bone matrix can store calcium and is involved in the calcium metabolism, and bone
marrow can store iron in ferroti and is involved in iron metabolism.
Endocrine regulation:
Bone cells release a hormone called osteocalcin, which contributes to the regulation of
blood sugar (glucose) and fat deposition. Osteocalcin increases both the insuline
secretion and sensitivity. In addition to boosting the number of insuline-production
cells and reducing stores of fat.

1. Choose from the vocabulary section at the end of the unit 1 and match the
numbers with the corresponding words:

1. Head or Hair 2. Neck 3. Chest 4. Arm 5. Abdomen

6. Pelvis 7. Buttocks 8. Hand 9. Legs 10. Knee
11. Ankle 12. Back 13. Clavicle 14. Back 15.Elbow 16. Wrist
17. Fingers 18. Thigh 19. Calf 20. Ankle

2. Match these words with the correct definition from Cambridge English
Dictionary Online. (8 points)

Words: brain, pelvis, hormone, cell, insulin, fat, skull, metabolism.

a) hormone in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood INSULINE
b) any of the various chemicals made by living cells that influence the development,
growth, sex etc of an animal and are carried around the body in the blood HORMONE
c) The bones which form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the
top of the legs, and to which the leg bones and spine are joined. PELVIS
d) The organ inside the head, that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity.
e) The smallest basic unit of a plant or animal. CELL
f) The bones of the head, which surround the brain and give the head its shape SKULL
g) All the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used
for energy and growth. METABOLISM
h) The substance under the skin of humans and animals that stores energy and keeps
them warm. FAT
3. Answer the following questions: (5x2=10 points)

1. What’s the difference between physiology and anatomy?

Phisiology is the study of how organisms, organ systems, cells and biomolecules
carry out the the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system.
Anatomy is the study of form, and physiology is the study of function. Human
anatomy is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the human body
2. Which are the different function systems that are not mentioned in the text?
Nervous system
Muscular system
osseous system
circulatory system
endocrine system
lymphatic system
immune system
integumentary system
3. In your opinion, which are the two most important functions of the skeleton
In my opinion the most important system would be the circulatory system and
the nervous system.
4. Explain the support function with your own words:
First, it supports the soft tissues of the body, so that shape and upright posture
can be maintained. Second, it protects delicate structures such as the brain,
spinal cord, lungs, heart and great vessels.

5. Relate the movement function of the skeleton system with the muscle system.
The bones of the skeletal system serve to protect the organs, support the
weight of the body and give it its shape. The muscles of the muscular system
attach to these bones and pull on them to allow movement of the body.


Full forms:
- We can say I have or I have got indistinctly. In Spanish it means “tener”,
although the form HAVE is used with other meanings like “Tomar”
- For example: Susan has/has got a car.
▪ Susan has lunch at 2.30 every day. In the second example, have
is the only possible form. (not have got)
- I
- WE Have/ have got
- You
- They

She has/ has got

Contracted forms:
I’ve got
You´ve got
We´ve got
You´ve got
They´ve got

He´s got
She´s got
It´s got
For more explanations and practice about have(got) click on the following link:

EXERCISES: (8 points)

1. Write these sentences with got (I´ve got/have you got etc) The meaning is the
2. They have two exercises to do. They’ve got two exercises to do.
3. She doesn´t have a pencil. She hasn’t got have a pencil.
4. He has a new electric car. He hasn’t got a new electric car.
5. They don´t have a lot of pages to study They haven’t got a lot of pages to
6. Do you have a pet? Have you got have a pet?
7. We have a lot of exams to do We’ve got a lot of exams to do
8. Does your brother have a motorcycle? Have your brother have a
9. How much money do they have? Have much money do they have?

3. Write have got (´ve got), has got (´s. got), haven´t got or hasn´t got. (7 points)
1. Juan hasn’t got a car. He goes everywhere on foot.
2. They love films. They have got three hard discs with thousands of movies.
3. Verónica isn´t happy. She has got some fails this evaluation.
4. They don´t read much. They haven’t got many books in their e-book.
5. What´s wrong? I’ve got a lot of pain in my knee.
6. Where is my tablet? I don´t know. We haven’t got it.
7. Javier wants to go to the doctor, but he hasn’t got an appointment.


Exercise 1
Match these words to the correct definition from Cambridge English Dictionary
online. (6 points)
Words: gland, Keratin, membrane, receptor, injury, molecule.
A) Physical harm or damage to somebody´s body caused by an accident or an
attack. INJURY
B) A nerve ending that reacts to a change, such as heat or cold, in the body by
sending a message to the central nervous system. RECEPTOR
C) An organ of the body or of a plant that secretes liquid quemicals that have
various purposes. GLAND
D) The simplest unit of a chemical substance, usually a group of two or more
E) A thin piece of skin that covers or connects parts of a person’s or animal´s
F) A strong natural protein, the main substance that forms hair, nails, hoofs,
horns, feathers, etc KERATIN

LISTENING: Click on the following link and do this listening exercise:

_(ESL)/Parts_of_the_body/Body_parts_listening_gn266579ly 5x2=10 points
I have got five eyer
I have got one green nose
I have got purple hair
I have got two heads
I have got four legs

Write your results here: ................../5


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