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School Grade Level 12


Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7 Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate understanding of...
A. Content Standards 1. data collection procedures and skills using varied instruments
2. data processing, organizing, and analysis
The learners should be able to...
a. gather and analyze data with intellectual honesty, using suitable techniques
B. Performance Standards
1. form logical conclusions
2. make recommendations based on conclusions
 Uses statistical techniques to analyze data –study of differences and relationships limited for bivariate analysis

C. Learning Specific Objectives:

Competencies/Objectives 1. define and describe statistical techniques to analyze data;
2. summarize the uses of statistical techniques in analyzing data; and
3. perform data analysis of your own study using appropriate statistical technique/s.
II. CONTENT Using Statistical Techniques to Analyze Data
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin by reviewing the key concepts
Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the
from the previous lesson on data
key concepts covered in the previous
collection methods and data types.
class related to data analysis and
Introduce the new lesson topic: "Today, Begin by briefly reviewing the concepts covered in the previous lesson related to
1. Reviewing previous lesson or statistical techniques.
we will dive into the world of statistical research methodology and data collection techniques.
presenting the new lesson Introduce the new lesson by explaining
techniques for analyzing data. These Introduce the new lesson on data analysis using statistical techniques.
that today's focus is on understanding the
techniques will help us make sense of the
practical uses of statistical techniques in
data we've collected and draw
analyzing data.
meaningful conclusions from it."
Explain to the students that understanding Explain the importance of statistical
statistical techniques is crucial for techniques in drawing meaningful
Explain that data analysis is a crucial step in research to draw meaningful conclusions
making informed decisions and drawing insights from data.
2. Establishing the purpose of the from collected data.
accurate conclusions from data. Emphasize that statistical techniques
lesson Emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate statistical techniques based on the
Emphasize the importance of selecting provide a systematic and objective way
research questions and data types.
the appropriate technique based on the to analyze data and make informed
nature of the data and research questions. decisions.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Present examples of real-world data sets Provide real-world examples of situations Display real-world examples of research questions that require data analysis (e.g.,
where statistical techniques are
commonly used, such as:
(e.g., heights of students, test scores,  Analyzing the effectiveness of a new
sales figures) to illustrate the need for drug in a clinical trial
statistical analysis.  Studying consumer preferences and Does studying time affect exam scores? Does age influence preference for a particular
Show how different types of data require market trends in business product?).
the new lesson
different statistical techniques (e.g.,  Evaluating student performance in Briefly discuss how different statistical techniques can be applied to answer these
descriptive statistics for summarizing, education questions.
inferential statistics for drawing Discuss how statistical techniques help
conclusions). researchers make sense of large amounts
of data and uncover patterns and
Introduce key statistical concepts, such
Introduce Descriptive Statistics:
 Define descriptive statistics as
 Descriptive statistics (mean,
techniques used to summarize and
median, mode, range, standard Introduce basic statistical concepts such as measures of central tendency (mean,
describe the main features of a data
deviation) median, mode) and measures of variability (range, variance, standard deviation).
4. Discussing new concepts and  Inferential statistics (hypothesis Demonstrate how to calculate these measures using a sample data set on the
 Discuss measures of central tendency
practicing new skills #1 testing, confidence intervals, p- whiteboard.
(mean, median, mode) and measures
values) Provide students with a practice data set and have them calculate the measures of
of dispersion (range, variance,
Use the whiteboard to explain these central tendency and variability in pairs.
standard deviation).
concepts with simple examples. For
Provide examples and calculations using
instance, calculate the mean and standard
the data sets from earlier.
deviation of a sample dataset.
Introduce Inferential Statistics:
 Explain inferential statistics as
techniques used to make Build on the previous concepts by
predictions or draw conclusions discussing correlation and regression
about a population based on a analysis. Introduce inferential statistics and hypothesis testing.
sample. Explain how correlation measures the Explain the concept of null and alternative hypotheses.
 Discuss concepts of sampling, strength and direction of a linear Discuss the steps involved in hypothesis testing: selecting a significance level,
5. Discussing new concepts and sampling distributions, and the relationship between two variables. calculating test statistics, and interpreting p-values.
practicing new skills #2 Central Limit Theorem. Introduce linear regression as a method Guide students through a step-by-step example of hypothesis testing using a
Conduct a simple classroom experiment: to model relationships between variables hypothetical research question.
 Randomly select a sample of 20 and make predictions. Provide another practice scenario and have students work individually to perform
students. Provide an example of a scatter plot and hypothesis testing using a statistical software program.
 Measure their heights. guide students through calculating and
 Calculate the mean height of the interpreting correlation coefficients.
sample and compare it to the
mean height of the entire class.
6. Developing Mastery Engaging Activity: "Guess the Data": Divide the class into small groups. Divide students into small groups.
 Provide each student with a Provide each group with a different Distribute a set of research scenarios, each with a specific research question and data
small set of data (e.g., ages of dataset and a list of questions to answer set.
family members, number of using statistical techniques. Instruct each group to choose an appropriate statistical technique to analyze the data
pets, hours of sleep). Encourage students to work and draw conclusions based on hypothesis testing.
 Have them calculate descriptive
statistics for their data set
individually. collaboratively to analyze the data,
 Each student presents their data calculate relevant statistics, and draw
and statistics, and the class tries conclusions. Each group will present their findings to the class, explaining their chosen technique,
to guess what the data After analyzing the data, each group hypothesis formulation, test statistics, p-values, and conclusions.
represents. presents their findings to the class, Encourage class discussion and peer feedback.
 This activity reinforces their explaining the statistical techniques used
understanding of how to and the insights gained.
calculate and interpret
descriptive statistics.
Discuss real-life situations where
Facilitate a discussion on how the
statistical techniques are used (e.g.,
concepts and skills learned in this lesson
analyzing survey results, predicting Engage students in a brainstorming session about everyday situations where statistical
can be applied to everyday situations.
7. Finding practical applications of election outcomes, medical research). analysis is applied (e.g., sports, health, economics, social sciences).
Encourage students to think about
concepts and skills in daily living Highlight how understanding statistics Discuss how understanding data analysis can help make informed decisions in
instances in their lives where they
can help students make informed various contexts.
encounter data and could benefit from
decisions and evaluate claims based on
using statistical techniques to analyze it.
Summarize the main concepts covered in
Summarize the key concepts covered in
the lesson, emphasizing the practical uses Summarize the key concepts covered in the lesson: measures of central tendency,
the lesson: descriptive statistics, measures
8. Generalizing and abstractions of statistical techniques in analyzing data. variability, hypothesis testing, and their practical applications.
of central tendency, measures of
about the lesson Ask students to reflect on how their Emphasize the importance of critical thinking and careful selection of statistical
dispersion, inferential statistics,
understanding of statistical techniques techniques for accurate data analysis.
sampling, and sampling distributions.
has evolved throughout the lesson.
Ask students to answer a set of questions Conduct a quick review quiz or a short
Assign a short quiz or exercise to assess students' understanding of the concepts and
related to the discussed concepts. open-ended question session to gauge
9. Evaluating Learning techniques covered in the lesson.
Review and discuss the answers together students' comprehension of the material
Review the quiz as a class to address any misconceptions.
to ensure comprehension. covered in the lesson.
Application: Provide a more complex
Assign homework exercises that involve
data set and have students work in pairs
analyzing different types of datasets Provide additional practice problems or scenarios for students to work on individually
to calculate descriptive statistics and
10. Additional Activities for using the statistical techniques discussed or in groups.
draw conclusions.
Application or Remediation in class. Offer resources and references for students who want to explore further or require
Remediation: Offer extra practice
Provide additional resources for students additional support in understanding data analysis techniques.
problems for students who need more
who want to explore the topic further.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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