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Speaker 1: All right, you having fun with these tools? Do you see the value of these? These weren't
something that Tony and I thought up of in three minutes. Let's throw in some tools. No,
these are the actual tools I use in all of our Masterminds. It doesn't matter what level
people are on, it doesn't matter what niche they're in, it doesn't matter what they do
for a living. Again, I've got to remind you, I hope you're seeing the value of these in your
own life. Imagine when you give these to someone else, people who are not used to
Masterminds. Their minds explode. They're like, "Oh my God. Why haven't I had these
tools my whole life."

So right now, I want to go to one of my favorites, well I guess they're all my favorites,
but this one's really important to me. This is something I originally heard from my dear
friend David Bach. I don't know 15 years ago, and that's creating a not-to-do list. I've
also worked on it with my buddy Joe Polish in his Mastermind and the Mastermind him
and I ran together $100,000 Mastermind we ran together.

A not-to-do list isn't some thing to me, it's my life. We are so busy running and gunning
that we need to have a list of things we should not be doing. But there's a process to it
and that's what we're going to go through today. This is something again, go through it
like I'm teaching you, you need to do this process and then you need to share it with
your group when it makes the most sense.

So getting back to the perfect Mastermind formula, it's the story that creates the
impact, the credibility, gets people motivated, it future paces them and it gets them
living through your eyes, the story. Then you teach. That's the part where you share
your biggest breakthroughs, the things and all the questions we have. What's moved the
needle the most in life? Why did you gain success? Why do you have the followers? Why
do you generate the revenue? Teach them that. Again, you can use Powerpoint, you can
use slides, you can use a whiteboard, you could just write it down, whatever you need
to give that impact.

Then the third part are the tools that you will sprinkle in periodically. If it anchors what
you taught, great, and if not it will just go in in spots that help make a difference
because it doesn't matter what they do, losing the weight, get the girl, get the guy, get
the money, if they don't have time, none of it's going to work. So this is the time
compounder which equals needle movers. So more important than a to-do list, is a not-
to-do list. This says what actions, what things do you spend time on that don't serve
growth, greater income, empowerment, God, your family or a bigger future. I got bigger
future from Dan Sullivan. I love that phrase. So many people have a bigger past, oh back
in the good old days. I don't even hang around people who use that term back in the
good old days.

But think about this, there are actions that you take that move the needle the most for
your company and your life. Maybe that's sales, maybe it's marketing, it's whatever you
do best that generates the biggest check. Now I don't want you to think about those
quite yet. What I want you to do is start thinking of the actions you take on a daily basis.
I want to give you a little example. A little story to pre-frame. This is kind of like a

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Mastermind with you, right? This is the story, then I'm going to teach, then I'm going to
give you the tool. Think about that.

So when I was a kid, one of the defining moments of my life, hands down a defining
moment, is I was ... I already had my first apartment house. It was a big old mansion
that was deserted and run down and I converted it into nine apartments. I lived in one
of them. I used to work in one apartment, get it all done, get it ready and then I'd move
into a crappy one, work. So I did that all the way through, got them all done and then I
had nine apartments. At the same time, I had a collision shop and I had a used car sales
lot. I had a lot where I sold used cars. This old mansion, converted into nine apartments
where I lived, had the most beautiful and massive lawn. It was up on top of a mountain
in upstate New York. I could see the views.

But every Saturday, I would mow that lawn. I would weed whack. I don't know if you
had allergies or you live in an area where you've got to mow like that. My eyes would be
watering, I'd be sneezing. It would take me all day because I was taught by my dad if you
could do something yourself, why would you pay someone? I knew it sounded wrong
but, anyway I'll get to that in a moment. So it's a Saturday afternoon and I call my buddy
Doug, he's a young kid at the time and he's starting to mow lawns. I said, "Can you come
up here this morning and take a look at my lawn?" He gave me a price of $50.

So the next week, I didn't mow my own lawn. I got Doug there for 50 bucks to weed
whack, to mow, because for me there was a huge ROI, return on my investment. Maybe
ROT, return on my time. Instead of me spending my entire Saturday mowing the lawn, I
could go fix a car and make a 1,000 bucks. I could sell a car, maybe make a 1,000 bucks. I
could go look for another apartment house that I could buy and make significantly more
and it just made so much practical sense to me. So Doug's mowing the lawn, I'm getting
ready to leave and my dad pulls in. I'm like, "Oh no." My dad's amazing but sometimes
he's a hothead. He can be a hothead.

So he comes in and he loses it on me. He goes, "Oh", exact words, "Oh Mr. Big Shot.
You're going to pay someone to mow your lawn when you could do it yourself? This is
the beginning of the end for you." He got so mad at me, he left. There was blue gravel in
the driveway. He hit the gas and the gravel spit all over the side of my car. Ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding it sounded like. I had little dents in my car and he left. I was upset that
my dad just yelled at me but I knew I was on to something because my dad worked his
butt off his whole life. He did everything himself. My dad never made more than 30,
maybe $40,000 in a good year.

I realized at that moment if I can get an ROI on something, I have to stop doing the
things that don't move the needle in my life. I have to start making not-to-do lists. I
didn't say, "Oh not-to-do lists." I just started to figure out the things I shouldn't be doing
and working more on the things that made me more money, that served God, that
served the universe, that took my empowerment to another level, my income to
another level. I stopped doing the shit that doesn't. It went against everything I was
taught. Everything both my parents taught me, I had to go against the grain. And guess
what? I was right and they were wrong.
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So now, it leads us to right now, is it's time to make a not-to-do list for you and then
you're going to do this with your group, whether online, virtual or in person. So I think
back through the years of the things that were on my list of actions that you spend time
on. So these are the things that you spend time on that you really shouldn't. You could
go back right now, you can stop this video and think back over a week. What are the
things you do on a regular basis over a week? Do you go see friends that are negative
and that kind of drains you? Are you still running around picking things up? Are you still
paying your bills by dropping them off or writing checks on the weekends? The littlest
things. Because here's what I know about life.

We don't have big blocks of time to find it. We've got to find incremental moments of
time. So let me just share some of the things through my life that were on my not-to-do
list and I got rid of. Things like long, unstructured meetings. I hate meetings where you
sit and it's not a structure. This is a problem, we need a solution. Or here's the solution,
what is it? I got obsessed on that and I stopped doing long meetings. I stopped doing
conference calls that weren't pre-framed with an email of the five bullets we want to
cover. I stopped answering voice mail. I haven't answered a voice mail on my phone in
nine years.

If I look back in the old days, I did stop mowing my lawn. I stopped cleaning my own
house. I stopped, through the evolution of life, I stopped getting my own groceries. I
stopped doing my own laundry. I stopped fixing all the little repairs in my house. I
stopped building brochures. I used to build brochures for my team. I stopped going to,
in my real estate days, this is all different time frames, I stopped going to Home Depot
to pick up materials. I just started obsessing on, "What are the things that I'm doing that
someone else could do cheaper while I'm doing something more expensive, something
that generates me more money?"

If you have an ROI, if you could make $100 an hour doing your unique ability, working in
your super power and you could pay somebody 15 bucks to do the things you used to
do, then why would you do them? Think of it as the straight ROI, you can't move the
needle in your life with your income, your happiness, your joy, unless you start saying
no to things. But here's the magic of this, here's the magic of it. Right now, stop anytime
you want. Start thinking of the things you do that are foolish. Here's the crazy part. I'm
going to tell you another story.

My mom came to my house, after I lived there for five years. She said, "Hey honey, your
garbages I see out on the side are filled. When do you take them out to the street?" You
know for the garbage truck to come. I'm like, "I don't know." She's goes, "But what day
do they come?" I'm like, "I heard you Mom. I have no idea I've never taken my garbage
out." My mom, being old school, she's like, "You've never taken your garbage out?
Wow, someone's a big shot."

My mom said that and my mom's the sweetest woman in the world. I said, "No Mom
you're wrong. The reason I retired you 20 years ago and I get to buy you new cars is it's
not because I'm lazy, it's not that I don't know how to do it. I built houses, I drive
bulldozers, backhoes, I can do any of that. It's because I have my priorities straight. I like
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to impact the world, I like to work on my books, work on my courses, work on my
training, getting better as a marketer, getting better as a speaker or being with my
children." I can get an ROI on both of those.

When I'm with my children that's a return on investment for my heart. When I'm
working I'm making a return on my income. I said, "If I can pay someone to take care of
the house when a light bulb goes out, someone does it." You might think that's terrible
but if during the time I do the repairs on my house, take out the garbage, do the chores,
mow my lawn, if I could write one sales letter, if I could write 15 pages in my book, if I
could work with Tony Robbins to create an amazing course like this, if I could do all the
things I get to do, I get to make impact, align with my values and when I'm done, go
spend time with my kids, that's the definition of success. That's why you need a not-to-
do list.

This is why you personally need to do this and then you're going to want your group to
do this. Here's the part that changes everything. Once you list it, then there's only three
things you can do with it. You either automate it, you delegate it or you eliminate it.
Let's take a silly analogy like, I literally had a friend that was so overwhelmed on time
and I started to go, "You don't know, everything I do I have to." I found out that he was
literally paying his bills with a check, writing them out, like two hours a week and then
some of it he would drop off, like the Verizon bill. He would drop off his electric bill. I'm
like, "Oh my God." I said, "That one you can automate. Yes, you could just put all those
bills that automatically get deducted out of your paycheck."

He's like, "I know. That just takes a few minutes." I said, "Yeah, it would take you an
hour to set up and save you two to three hours every single week." He automated it,
done. My lawn, I delegated it. I got someone else to do it and I had an ROI on my time. I
was able to justify why I paid someone. There's some things that you do though that just
need to be eliminated. They just need to be cut out.

There's certain friends that you're hanging onto just because they've been around for a
long time. I don't mean to be rude but every time you're with them, they talk about the
past, they talk about negativity and they tell you why you can't. They bring you down,
they set you back hours, days, even weeks sometimes. You might have to eliminate
spending time with them. You might have to eliminate doing old habits that's a hypnotic
rhythm in your life.

Think about these things. Going to Home Depot, I delegated it. Creating brochures, I
delegated it. Grocery shopping, I delegated it. Some is automated, some of it just gets
delivered on a monthly basis. A little bit of time upfront. So, make this list right now. Let
people that you're going to teach see what you got rid of and how can you replace it?
How can you do it with a ROI mindset so you don't feel like, "Am I being snooty by not
taking out my own garbage?" No. What can you do while someone's doing those things?
That's the power of a not-to-do list. So stop and do it right now and then we'll go onto
the last two pieces of it.

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Okay, if you're back, the next thing is, what are the top three actions that move the
needle the most in your life? Now if you have the time to see what you shouldn't be
doing, what are the things, take a few moments and think about ... All right, for me,
when I'm selling, when I'm creating, when I'm impacting, when I'm persuading people to
action, when I'm coming up with new course, when I'm in flow, when I'm creative mode,
when I'm nurturing my partnerships with amazing people, when I'm with Tony and we
brainstorm, that stuff moves the needle in my life. So I can write down what they are
because now that when you create a not-to-do list and you throw some of them out,
you open up space. You don't need more time in a day, you just need to throw away the
crap that doesn't serve you and those spaces that open up? You're going to want to fill it
with those three things.

You getting this? Making sense? Yeah, people in your Mastermind, it'll make sense too.
The last thing, what are the top three things you want to eliminate first? You made a list
of up to ten. What do you got to get rid of right now? Right now, not wait and see, I've
got to talk, no. Right now, write down three things you're going to eliminate first. That is
the power of the not-to-do list.

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