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Globalization has a significant impact on architectural

firms in several ways:

Increased Competition
Cultural Diversity
Collaboration Opportunities
Technological Advancements
Market Expansion
Sustainability and Environmental Concerns
Regulatory Challenges:
Talent Pool
Economic Factor
Cultural Sensitivity

Increased Competition:
Globalization expands -can bid for international projects, leading to
heightened competition(MAS MARAMI)


MANILA, LUZON,VISAYAN AND MIDANAO, what more if global na ang
pinag uusapan

*unique offers/services, yung expertise rin as per Ar. Roy De Guzman,

halos 10 church architects lang sila.
Firms must demonstrate their expertise, innovation, and ability to
meet the unique needs of clients from different regions.

Cultural Diversity

-diverse cultural influences, which can inspire unique design solutions.

-based parin sa clients taste

-or mas wide yung kaya mong offeran ng services mo
Architects may integrate elements from various cultures into their
designs, resulting in more globally appealing and inclusive architecture.

Collaboration Opportunities:

from the word itself collab,

Architectural firms can collaborate with professionals and specialists from
around the world, fostering the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best
practices. This collaborative approach can lead to more comprehensive
and sustainable architectural solutions.

Technological Advancements:

Globalization encourages the adoption of cutting-edge technologies

and digital tools in architectural design and project management.
Virtual collaboration, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and other
technologies enhance efficiency and communication across borders.

-inaadopt narin natin yung process ng ibang countries

Market Expansion

Architectural firms can mitigate market risks by taking on projects in

different countries and regions, expanding their market reach.

saan ba nagpupuntahan ang mga bagong architects ngayon? middle east?

Sustainability and Environmental Concerns:

aarki nowadays were push to put eco-friendly and energy-efficient design

principles into dahil narin sa

growing awareness of environmental and sustainability issues brought

about by globalization.

Regulatory Challenges
Architectural firms operating globally must understand and comply with
local building codes, regulations, and standards that vary across different

Talent Pool:
job candidates who have the potential to meet an archi firm or
company’s standard
by hiring architects, designers, and consultants from various countries.

-can bring fresh perspectives and skills to the firm.

Economic Factors:
EKONOMIYA, of course, di mawawala, yung about money or financial aspects ng project

khit international pa


-pwedeng mas mahal pa or mura depende sa bansa so needd naten imonitor yung mga

economic trends and ihandle ang mga posible financial risk.

Cultural Sensitivity:

When working on international projects, architectural firms must be

culturally sensitive to ensure their designs align with local customs,
traditions, and aesthetics.
-susundin mo yung mga norms, or based saa paniniwala nila

-for example ano yung mga to,

mga fengshui enthusiasts

cultural heritage, di lang dito sa pinas, pati acorss the globe


The impact of globalization on architectural services is a double-edged sword

that presents PROS AND CONS.

As architects like Dato Sri Ar Esa Mohamed navigate this dynamic landscape,
they must embrace the benefits of globalization while remaining sensitive to
the unique needs and identities of the communities they serve

. Balancing global trends with local considerations will be essential for the
continued success and relevance of architectural services in an increasingly
interconnected world.

Diverse Cultural Influences:

Globalization has enriched architectural design by integrating diverse cultural
influences, resulting in a wide range of styles and designs.

Technological Advancements:

The globalization - sharing of knowledge and technology across borders.

Architects can harness cutting-edge tools and techniques from around the
globe, enhancing their ability to create innovative and sustainable designs.
Market Expansion:

Globalization has opened up new markets and opportunities for architectural

firms. Architects can now collaborate on projects in different countries, l

business growth and profitability.



Globalization provides both opportunities and challenges for architectural

services. Architects must balance global trends with local needs to remain
successful and relevant to the communities they serve

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