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Test Bank for History of Psychology The Making of a Science, 1st Edition

Test Bank for History of Psychology The Making of a

Science, 1st Edition

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Chapter 7: From the Renaissance to the Dawn of Science


1. During the period of 1350 to 1700, the ____ lost sight of its/their original mission, as evidenced by the
fact that priests kept concubines and many nunneries were akin to brothels.
a. Christian churches c. Jewish Churches
b. Roman Catholic Church d. Protestant Churches
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: Zeitgeist: 1350-1700

2. The Protestant Reformation came about when ____ defied the Pope.
a. Martin Luther c. Tycho Brahe
b. Erasmus d. Johannes Kepler
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: Zeitgeist: 1350-1700

3. The Protestant Reformation, followed by the ____, eventually resulted in two Europes.
a. Catholic Transformation c. Catholic Counter Reformation
b. Christian Reformation d. Protestant Transformation
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: Zeitgeist: 1350-1700

4. Following the end of the Middle Ages, astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and
Johannes Kepler demolished the ancient geocentric model of the universe with the now familiar ____
a. solaricentric c. unicentric
b. orbicentric d. heliocentric
ANS: D DIF: Conceptual REF: Introduction

5. The Renaissance began in ____.

a. Florence c. Paris
b. Rome d. Oxford
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Renaissance

6. Like Augustine, ___ believed that the primary form that religion should take is inward, toward one’s
own mind.
a. Martin Luther c. Tycho Brahe
b. Erasmus d. Friedrich the Wise
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Renaissance

7. Who wrote the book called “The Praise of Folly,” a satire in which he attacked the Roman Catholic
Church, its practices, and its clergy?
a. Erasmus c. Tycho Brahe
b. Martin Luther d. Friedrich the Wise
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Renaissance

8. Who was the first to take full advantage of the power of the printing press for mass marketing, and
became one of the first media celebrities in history?
a. Erasmus c. Tycho Brahe
b. Martin Luther d. Friedrich the Wise
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Renaissance

9. Which of the following would most likely be an “indulgence” sold by the Roman Catholic Church
during the Renaissance?
a. Giving money to the Church to buy clothes and food for the poor
b. Giving money to the Church to liberate the souls of loved ones from Purgatory
c. Giving money to the Church to send missionaries to non-Christian countries
d. Giving money to the Church to print new Bibles for Mass
ANS: B DIF: Application REF: The Reformations

10. Who was nearly killed by lightening and prayed to St. Anna, the maternal grandmother of Christ,
promising to become a monk if he lived?
a. Erasmus c. Johann Eck
b. Martin Luther d. Friedrich the Wise
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

11. Luther’s Reformation really began to “take off” after he ____.

a. left Saxony to meet Pope Leo in Rome, where he was then pronounced a heretic
b. posted his 95 Theses on the church doors in Wittenberg and widely distributed them in
Latin and German
c. declared that only some of the indulgences sold by the Roman Catholic Church were
d. and several followers marched on Rome in an attempt to overthrow the Pope
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

12. The Counter Reformation began slowly; the ____ finally met in 1545.
a. Council of Trent c. Pope and Luther
b. Diet of Worms d. Pope and Charles V
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

13. What is one change that the Roman Catholic Church put into practice as a result of the Catholic
a. Bishops could live outside of their sees.
b. The sale of indulgences was restricted to Sundays only.
c. Priestly celibacy was promoted.
d. Both bread and wine were offered to parishioners during the rite of communion.
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

14. The “Index of Prohibited Books” was developed by ____.

a. Luther, during the Protestant Reformation
b. the Roman Catholic Church, during the Counter Reformation
c. the Pope, during the Roman Inquisition
d. Copernicus, during the Dawn of Science
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations
15. As a result of religious wars, such as the Thirty Years War, Europe coalesced into two major religious
camps. Which of the following countries ended up on the Catholic side?
a. Austria c. Switzerland
b. Scandinavia d. England
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

16. Which of the following countries ended up on the Protestant side following the Thirty Years War?
a. Portugal c. Netherlands
b. Ireland d. Sweden
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Reformations

17. Why did the Christians need a new calendar to replace the Julian calendar?
a. The Julian calendar contained holidays that interfered with the established date for
Christ’s birth.
b. The Julian calendar was constructed by Jewish leaders, and Christians wanted greater
religious separation following the Reformation.
c. The Julian calendar lagged by 11 minutes each year, making it difficult to set the date for
Christ’s resurrection
d. The Julian calendar had been introduced by Julius Caesar, who was later labeled a heretic
because of his religious views
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

18. Which astronomer refused to work on the calendar problem because he believed that better knowledge
of the movements of the heavenly bodies was needed first?
a. Copernicus c. Kepler
b. Brahe d. Galileo
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

19. What book was written by Copernicus, contained an unauthorized preface added by the editor, and was
eventually placed on the “Index of Prohibited Books”?
a. “Commentariolus”
b. “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres”
c. “Mysterium Cosmographicum”
d. “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

20. In his book, why did Copernicus switch the positions of the earth and sun, placing the sun at the center
of the universe?
a. To explain how lunar eclipses are possible
b. To improve his ability to make astronomical predictions
c. To provide proof for the Ptolemaic and Aristotelian concept of a final, equidistance sphere
of fixed stars
d. To eliminate the need for Ptolemy’s equants (hypothetical points)
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

21. What did Copernicus’s new view of the solar system indicate about the universe?
a. That the universe was much smaller than previously thought
b. That the universe was much larger than previously thought
c. That all matter was actually repelled from the center of the universe
d. That there were fewer planets and more stars than previously thought
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

22. What was the “eighth heaven”?

a. The “Heaven” for Catholic souls released from Purgatory after the sale of indulgences by
the Church
b. The name that Brahe gave to the island that Fredrick II, king of Denmark, offered to him
c. The name Tycho Brahe gave to the supernova he observed in 1572
d. The outermost sphere of the Ptolemaic universe where the “fixed stars” are supposedly
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

23. Tycho Brahe used ____ to measure the locations of stars and planets to an unheard of high level of
a. refracting telescopes c. compound microscopes
b. reflecting telescopes d. homemade astronomical instruments
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

24. Who discovered that the astronomical tables used to predict planetary movement were wrong when
they failed to predict the planetary conjunction that he had observed?
a. Copernicus c. Kepler
b. Brahe d. Galileo
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

25. Brahe used sextants as one of his units of measure of the locations of the starts and planets. How many
degrees is a sextant?
a. 30 c. 90
b. 60 d. 120
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

26. Who pioneered the use of the basic empirical techniques of science?
a. Copernicus c. Kepler
b. Brahe d. Galileo
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

27. The Tychonic model of the universe had the ____.

a. sun circling the planets c. earth circling the sun
b. moon circling the sun d. sun and moon circling the earth
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

28. Brahe hired a young astronomer named ____ to help him work out the mathematical details of the
Tychonic model of the universe.
a. Copernicus c. Kepler
b. Galileo d. Ursus
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

29. At first, Brahe shared with Kepler the orbital data for only one planet: ____.
a. Jupiter c. Saturn
b. Venus d. Mars
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

30. Kepler’s mathematical model of the universe, based on 3D shapes, was not well received because
a. his model mixed liberal arts with natural philosophy
b. his mathematical calculations were proven to be wrong
c. the planets were thought to be flat (2D)
d. his model relied on hypothetical devices
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

31. During this era, mathematics and ____ drove the early rise of science.
a. physics c. measurement
b. astronomy d. linguistics
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

32. What was Kepler’s big breakthrough, now known as Kepler’s First Law?
a. That the stars were mobile, not stationary
b. The explanation of why planets closer to the sun traveled faster than those more distant
c. The realization that the earth was also a planet, and that the orbits of all planets were
d. The theory that the planets covered equal areas of equal duration throughout their orbit
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

33. Who discovered that there were moons orbiting Jupiter?

a. Galileo c. Brahe
b. Kepler d. Copernicus
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

34. Galileo made significant improvements to the sector. This instrument evolved into others such as the
a. single-lens microscope c. abacus
b. compound microscope d. slide rule
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: Point Blank

35. Which book, in 1665, was the very first publication of the Royal Society?
a. “Principia Mathematica” c. “The Mysteries of the Universe”
b. “Micrographia” d. “De Motu”
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: Microbiology

36. While under house arrest, Galileo wrote and dictated his last book, ____.
a. “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”
b. “Mysterium Cosmographicum”
c. “Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences”
d. “Principia Mathematica”
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

37. What is one reason that Galileo got into deep trouble with the Roman Inquisition?
a. His last book mocked Kepler’s nested solids model of the universe.
b. His last book rejected the Tychonic model of the universe.
c. His last book openly supported Ptolemy’s model of the universe.
d. His last book clearly defended the Copernican theory of the universe.
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

38. In what year were the charges of heresy against Galileo finally withdrawn?
a. 1798 c. 1900
b. 1856 d. 1992
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: The Rise of Science

39. Although Giordano Bruno supported Copernicanism, he was most likely branded a heretic in the eyes
of the Roman Inquisition because ____.
a. he preached about how he did not believe that God existed
b. his writings argued against many central tenets of Catholicism
c. he openly made fun of the Pope
d. he accused church leaders of having heretical views and practices
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

40. Which Spanish physician was burned at the stake in 1553, in part, for publishing a book that attacked
the Trinity?
a. John Calvin c. Michael Servetus
b. Giordano Bruno d. Henry Lucas
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

41. After his book was negatively viewed, ____ took a pseudonym and became a translator living in
a. Giordano Bruno c. Michael Servetus
b. John Calvin d. Isaac Newton
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

42. Newton’s thoughts about gravity were first inspired after ____.
a. he saw an apple fall c. he fell down a staircase
b. he watched raindrops falling d. he dropped a ball
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

Test Bank for History of Psychology The Making of a Science, 1st Edition

43. Newton built the first ____.

a. single-lens microscope c. reflecting telescope
b. compound microscope d. refracting telescope
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

44. Robert Hooke did not agree with Newton’s ____.

a. hypotheses about gravity
b. corpuscular theory of light
c. correction for the chromatic aberration flaw in the telescopes of the day
d. theory on planetary mechanics
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

45. Newton’s Third Law states that ____.

a. every action has an equal and opposite reaction
b. motion and force are proportional and the force applied will cause motion in the direction
of the force
c. the force holding the planets in place decreases as the square of the distance between them
and the sun
d. objects at rest remain at rest while objects in motion remain in motion, provided they are
not affected by an external force
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

46. Which two individuals have been given credit for inventing calculus independently?
a. Newton and Galileo c. Kepler and Galileo
b. Leibniz and Kepler d. Newton and Leibniz
ANS: D DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

47. The notation used in modern-day calculus is credited to ____.

a. Newton c. Kepler
b. Leibniz d. Galileo
ANS: B DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

48. After being given police powers, who vigorously prosecuted counterfeiters and clippers?
a. Erasmus c. Isaac Newton
b. Martin Luther d. Tycho Brahe
ANS: C DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

49. Newton wrote, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” In Newton’s mind,
who was least likely to be in this category?
a. Hooke c. Galileo
b. Kepler d. Halley
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: Religious Intolerance

50. What was the founder of archeology and described his own work as “restoring the dead to life”?
a. Pizzicolli c. Valla
b. Machiavelli d. Leeuwenhoek
ANS: A DIF: Factual REF: Archeology, Anthropology, and Political Science

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