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‫َأ‬ ‫َأ َأ‬ ‫َأْل‬ ‫َأ‬

‫ْع َمُل َع َلى ِإْب اَل ِغ ا ْطَباِء ِبَتَفاِص يِل َهَذا اْل َم ْش ُر وِع َو َت َّكُد َكَذِلَك ِمْن َّن اْل َمْر َض ى َح َص ُلوا َع َلى َتْع ِو يٍض َماِلٍّي‬

‫َأ َأ‬ ‫َأل‬

‫ ْد ِو َيِتِهْم َو ْس ُلُهْم َع ن ِنْسَبِة ِر َض اُهم ِمْن َهَذا اْل َم ْش ُر وِع‬.

I work on informing the doctors about the details of this project and ensure that the patients
have received financial compensation for their medications. I also ask them about their
satisfaction rate with this project

‫ َو َهَذا اْل َم َلُف َيَساِع ُدُهْم ِفي اْل ُح ُص وِل‬.‫نَساِع ُد اْل َمْر َض ى ِفي َتِض يِر اْل َم َلِف ِلَك ي َيْق ِدُم وُه ِللَّتْأ ِم يِن الَّص ِّح ِّي‬

‫َع َلى َتْع ِو يٍض َماِلٍّي اْسِثَناِئٍّي َبَداًل َع ْن َدَو اِئِهْم‬.

I assist the patients in preparing the file to submit it to health insurance. This file helps
them in obtaining exceptional financial compensation instead of their medications

‫َأَنا َمْس ُؤ وٌل َع ْن َتْح ِض يِر اْل َم َلِف اَّلِذ ي َسُيَقَّدُم ِلْل ُح ُص وِل َع َلى َتْع ِو يٍض َو َطِنٍّي ِلَج ِم يِع اْل َمْر َض ى ِبُدوِن اْسِتْث َناٍء‬.

I am responsible for preparing the file that will be submitted to obtain national
reimbursement for all patients without an exception.

1. ‫ = كاَنوا‬they were
2. ‫ = َخ اِئَفة‬afraid
3. ‫ = اَأْلن‬now
4. ‫ = اَل ِح ًقا‬later
5. ‫ = َقِلياًل‬a little
6. ‫ = َك ِثيًر ا‬a lot
7. ‫ = َسِع يَدة‬happy
8. ‫ = َز ِم يل‬colleague
9. ‫ = ِإْج ِتَماع‬meeting
10. ‫ = ِم ْش ُر وع‬project
11. ‫ = َمَشاِر يع‬projects
12. ‫ = َمْر َض ى‬patients
13. ‫ = َتْأ ِم ين‬insurance
14. ‫ = َتْأ ِم ين ِص ِّحٌّي‬health insurance
15. ‫ = َخ اص‬private
16. ‫ = َع ام‬public
17. ‫ = ِو َز اَر ة الِّص َّح ِة‬ministry of health
18. ‫ = َو ِز ير الِّص َّح ِة‬health minister
19. ‫ = ِم ْل ف‬file
20. ‫ = ِم َلَفاٌت‬files
21. ‫ = ِمْل ٌء‬to fill
22. ‫ = َدْو ِر ٌّي‬my role
23. ‫ = اْل ُح ُص وُل‬getting
24. ‫ = ِبَش ْك ِل َأْسَر َع‬in a faster way
25. ‫ = َتْعَمُل َع َلى‬works on
26. ‫ = َنْسَعى ل‬we aim
27. ‫ = َأْسَعى‬I aim
28. ‫ = َيِج ُب َأن‬should
29. ‫ = اْل َمْر َض ى َيِج ُب َأن يْح ضُر وا ِم َلَفاِتِهم‬patients should prepare their files
30. ‫ = ِإْستِثَناء‬exception
31. ‫ = َماِلٌّي‬financial
32. ‫ = َتْح ِض يٌر‬preparation
33. ‫ = ِبَثَم ٍن َمْع ُقوٍل‬affordable
34. ‫ = َنْفس الِّس ْع ِر ِلْل َج ِم يِع ِبُدوِن ِإْستِثَناٍء‬same price for everyone without an exception

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