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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First and foremost, let us give thanks to the One who has created the dualism of the world. Which he would
never have one if there were not two. So that the heavens and the earth, the moon and stars, the seas and the
land, the beauty and the beast were created, so that life in this universe was perfect.
Second time, prayers and greetings, hopefully they will always flow freely to the apostle, leader of the people.
That drags criminals and immorality. Who orbits the light of salvation, who is able to intercede for the people,
tomorrow on the Day of Judgment. He is the great prophet, Rosulullah Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Honorable The jury with pens of justice flowing ink to paint the score notes, determine the winner, and the
audience are happy.
Happy audience
Indonesia is a unitary country full of diversity. Consists of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. On the one
hand, this diversity makes Indonesia a unique and interesting country. Meanwhile, on the other hand, if it is not
maintained and managed well. It can be a potential source of conflict, the emergence of blind fanaticism,
unhealthy competition, disputes, even clashes that can undermine the country's philosophy, Unity in Diversity.
In many countries there are people who cannot appreciate differences, so racism often occurs in these countries.
We are grateful that we live in Indonesia, where people live side by side and often embrace each other even
though they have many differences
Happy audience
before we talk about moderation. Of course, we must first know what moderation means. Moderation is a middle
way between two things that experience social inequality or social friction. So what does religious moderation
mean? Religious moderation is how we act, view, behave, through a middle way in religion, so that we are not
excessive or extreme in carrying out.
So how can we achieve religious moderation? The answer is twofold. The first is that we must be a wasatiyah
people, namely people who are in the middle, people who are moderate and not excessive.
In the Al-Qur’an, surah al-baqarah verse 143 explains.

Wa każālika ja'alnākum ummataw wasaṭal litakụnụ syuhadā`a 'alan-nāsi wa yakụnar-rasụlu 'alaikum


“And similarly, We have made you Muslims, the people of the Middle Ages, so that you may be witnesses to the
deeds of mankind. And so that the Prophet Muhammad will be a witness to your deeds”

Then the second way to achieve religious moderation is to have an attitude of tasamuh or tolerance. That is
mutual respect and respect for each other. More specifically, religious differences. So where is the limit point for
tolerance according to religion? The answer is in the Koran surah al-kafirun verses 4 to 6.
“And I was never a devotee, what you worship. And you have never been a worshiper of what I worship. For
you your religion and for me my religion”
That is the principle of tolerance that God directly mentions, but friends are unique. In Indonesia, there are many
people who interpret tolerance. There was a student who asked his teacher, Mr. Romadhon teacher yesterday, my
Christian friend brought me a cake. He said to me, happy fasting. The question is: Is that how tolerance is
predicted? Then where is the point of tolerance if it's like that.
Happy audience
This is not tolerance, because Allah has clearly mentioned your religion to you and mine to me. Tolerance is
mutual respect and respect for each other, but it is not a matter of faith and belief. We as students will play a
very big role in achieving the unity of the people. Through religious moderation.
That's the short speech I can deliver, as a conclusion. We as Muslims must implement two principles of religious
moderation, namely the first. We must be a Wasatiyah Ummah, namely a middle Ummah, a Moderate Ummah
and not excessive
Secondly, we must be tolerant, wherever, whenever and to anyone as long as it is not a matter of faith and belief
in order to create a peaceful country baldatun toyyibatun warobbun Ghofur.
Before I close this speech, allow me to present a rhyme. Muslims celebrate Eid, Christians celebrated Christmas
yesterday. We carry out religious moderation, so that this Mother Earth is peaceful. The durian fruit is white,
that's all and thank you. More or less sorry.

wallahul muwaffiq ila aqwamith thariq Wasslamu’allaikum wr wb


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