Height and Weight - WW

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Personal Health Issues and Concerns

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Lesson 1: Height and Weight 5

Learning Targets 5
Health Check 6
Learn about It! 7
Check Your Understanding 11
Health Care 12

Lesson 2: Hearing and Vision 14

Learning Targets 14
Health Check 15
Learn about It! 15
Check Your Understanding 22
Health Care 24

Lesson 3: Skin, Hair and Nails 25

Learning Targets 25
Health Check 25
Learn about It! 26
Check Your Understanding 30
Health Care 31

Lesson 4: Posture and Spine Disorders 33

Learning Targets 33
Health Check 33
Learn about It! 34

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Check Your Understanding 39
Health Care 40

Lesson 5: Oral and Dental Problems 41

Learning Targets 41
Health Check 41
Learn about It! 42
Check Your Understanding 47
Health Care 48

Pro-health Challenge 49

Self-Check 51

Bibliography 53

Glossary 54

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Personal Health - Issues and Concerns

Fig. 1​. Maintain a clean and healthy body, make it a habit and a routine.

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As we get older, we learn to perform and practice complex activities in our daily lives.
Washing the dishes, putting on clothes and shoes and also cleaning our room are excellent
examples of complicated tasks that we learn every day. But there is a more important
activity in life that we need to learn, ​Personal Health​. ​This concept is one of the most
beneficial ​knowledge that everybody should acquire to improve the quality of life. Personal
Health will not only lead you to understanding your body demands but also to your family
and loved ones.

Optimum ​health should be maintained on a personal level because it is not every time that
we can easily reach out to our parents or doctors in the hospital to check us and help us. If
we have concrete personal health ​routine ​wherever we are, we can be at ease and
confident that we can prevent the occurrence of diseases on our own.

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Lesson 1: Height and Weight

​Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● identify the difference between stunted growth, underweight, overweight and
● demonstrate an understanding of proper self-weight management; and
● describe personal weight and height issue.

Health Check
Baseline Data

● Pen
● Writing Paper
● Tape measure
● Weighing scale


1. Draw the tables below on a writing paper.

2. Answer only the second column under ​“As you remember it.”
3. Put the height and weight measurements you took the last time or as what your
parents or caregivers have told you.
4. Then after the end of this lesson, we will go back to this activity and check your
current height and weight using proper equipment - tape measure and weighing

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Age: Gender: Grade:

As you remember it Accurate measurement

Height in ​Feet

Weight in K
​ ilograms

Guide Questions:

1. What is the importance of knowing your height and weight?

2. Why should the height be proportion to your weight?
3. How can you maintain your weight or achieve your ideal weight?

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Learn about It!
As early as ten years of age, children will start gaining
weight and increase their height referred to as the
growth spurt​. It is because of the high level of growth
hormone ​activity as the child reaches his or her ​puberty

From body shapes, curves, body hair, and also vocal quality, this might be a very
uncomfortable ​milestone ​to a growing child. It is why they should receive proper attention
from parents and guardians since a high demand in ​dietary nutrition is needed as part of
the growth process.

Here are some examples that girls and boys experience as their body changes:

Girls Boys

Fig 2​. Girl body changes Fig. 3. ​Boy body changes

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Aside from changes in their physical appearance, there is also a significant growth in height
and weight which can be used as an indication in determining their health practices and
other contributing factors.

Health Issues during Puberty

Stunted Growth

Stunting or stunted growth is a condition that mainly children

experiences as a result of ​malnutrition​, frequent infection and
poor psychosocial stimulation. The condition is characterized
by slow physical growth and can be observed usually when a
child is shorter than the standard height for his or her age.

Malnutrition ​is the most common cause of stunted growth in

the Philippines in a research conducted by the WHO (World
Health Organization) this usually happens in children coming
from families in poverty due to their ​inadequate ​nutrition
from the food that they eat.

Fig. 4. S
​ tunted man and tall man.

Just like stunting, underweight is also a nutritional inadequacy, since a growing child needs
more calories to build up its body and satisfy the demands of puberty stage. When a child
does not receive proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet, he or she will weigh less and not
proportionate to his or her height and age.

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In contrast to underweight, there is also a condition of being overweight. An adolescent’s
body has more fatty deposits than an adult as a result of excessive eating habit due to
hormonal changes. In addition to this, having a ​sedentary ​lifestyle will most likely contribute
to depositing more fats to the adolescent leading to a more severe condition.

A much severe condition of fat deposits in an adolescent is obesity. With this, fat deposition
has accumulated heavily all over the adolescent’s body. In the same way as overweighting,
an excessive amount of unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyle add to this condition.
Dangerous health conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, or diabetes, might
precipitate if obesity becomes chronic

How to Manage Health Problems

As a child, you can personally manage your health to avoid these conditions, just remember
to have a well-balanced diet, eat fruits and vegetables and to keep yourself physically active.
You can visit your doctor regularly for ​Health Appraisal​, or you can monitor your height
and weight, and record it using the ​BMI (body mass index) to know if your body is within
normal range.

Body Mass Index

It is a standard equation formula used to measure and interpret weight status. The formula
is the person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square root of the height in meters. There
are also instant BMI calculators readily online and downloadable as mobile applications.
Weight BMI

Normal Weight 18.5 - 24.9

Underweight below 18.5

Overweight 25.0 - 29.9

Obese 30.0 or higher

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All these conditions can be avoided easily if we take full responsibility in taking care of our
growing body. You can achieve this by starting with a healthy diet, having regular exercise,
and maintaining the ideal weight for your age and height. There is a saying that ​'Health is
wealth​,' so to protect our future we need to preserve our present health as well to live in

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Check Your Understanding
A. Write ​T i​ f the statement is True and write ​F i​ f the statement is false.

1. Physical changes occurring in a male is the same as the physical changes

occurring in a female during puberty.
2. BMI stands for Body Mass Indefinite.
3. The most common cause of stunted growth of children in the country is
4. Eating heavy breakfast is enough for the whole day and considered adequate
5. When you eat a well-balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can
become obese.

B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct and draw a frowning face 🙁 if
the statement is wrong.

1. Going to bed early and getting enough sleep can help me grow faster.
2. I eat hotdogs every breakfast, and every night, after dinner, I still eat cup
noodles to help me grow healthy.
3. Skipping breakfast every day will make me grow normal.
4. Joshua is stunted in growth because the magical dwarf cursed him.
5. Children in the slums are underweight because they eat plenty of foods.

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Health Care
Determine your BMI
Using the BMI chart below, determine your current body mass index.

Fig.6​ BMI Chart

Photo from:

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● Pen
● Paper
● BMI chart provided

1. Provide the necessary details below. Use the chart provided as reference for







Guide Questions:
1. What is the importance of understanding BMI?
2. How can BMI knowledge help you in achieving a healthy body?
3. How can you achieve your ideal BMI?

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Lesson 2: Hearing and Vision

​ earning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● identify common health issues on hearing and vision;
● demonstrate an understanding of proper health management concerning hearing
and vision issues; and
● describe personal health issues on eyesight and hearing.

Health Check
Health Management
Write at least three physical activities and three nutritious food that can help you manage
your weight to be healthy.

Nutritious Foods Physical Activities

Guide Questions:
1. How can regular exercise and a healthy diet contribute to weight management?
2. What is the right attitude to practice healthy living?
3. Why is weight monitoring crucial in determining your health status?

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Learn about It!

The sound is a way of communication in almost every

species. A mother checks whether the baby is hungry or
upset when a baby cries. If the baby chuckles, then the
mother knows that the baby is happy and that she had
satisfied the needs of the baby that day.

Life in silence is quite tricky, that is why to maintain the quality of our lives to be healthy, we
have to take care of our ears personally. We are responsible for all of our body parts
because we are the ones who benefit from them.

Fig 7. ​Parts of the Ear

Our ears are not only for ​hearing ​but it also keeps our ​balance ​in place. It is divided into
three parts: the ​outer ear​, the m
​ iddle ear​, and the ​inner ear​.

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● The ​outer ear​, also known as the external ear, is the part of the ear where you can
find the pinna or auricle and the ear canal. The main purpose of these parts is to
collect sound waves.

● The ​middle ear is where the eardrum is located. It contains bony-like structures
called ​ossicles ​that convert vibrations into waves before transferring it to the inner
ear. This part also includes the ​tympanic cavity​, an empty tube just like the ear canal,
and the E​ ustachian tube​, which connects to the nasal cavity.

● Inner Ear​, also known as internal ear, is the deepest part of the ear which is
responsible for detecting sounds. The structures found here are the ​bony labyrinth
and ​temporal bone​, which is a part of the skull that contains the cochlea. The
cochlea ​is responsible for converting sound waves into electrical impulses sent to the
brain via the ​auditory nerve​. Another part located in the inner ear is the ​vestibular
system​ which is responsible for our balance.

Health Issues of the Ear

Otitis media - ​Known as the middle ear infection. A condition where the ear gets infected by
a virus or a bacteria causing inflammation to the middle ear and produces purulent
discharges blocking the ear canal. This health issue is common among children with chronic
flu and poor hygiene.

● Physician consultation
● Ear drop medication
● Antibiotic therapy
● Proper hygiene

Impacted cerumen - is the rapid aggregation and build up of earwax resulting in

obstruction on the ear cavity. It is sometimes caused by foreign objects like insects, dust,
and other tiny materials. When these objects get trapped inside the ear, the natural
response of the body is to produce more wax for protection; thus, blockage, and difficulty of
hearing is the typical result.

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● Physician consultation
● Ear drop medication
● Proper hygiene
● Proper procedure in removing earwax

Swimmer’s ear - is a condition that affects most of the swimmers due to the water that
remains inside the ear after swimming. These drops of water inside the ear creates a moist
environment that helps bacteria multiply rapidly and in the process infecting the ear canal.

● Physician consultation
● Ear drop medication
● Antibiotic therapy
● Proper hygiene after swimming

However, it is always best to consult a physician before taking any medication, or giving
yourself home remedies that may damage more to your hearing.

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When your teacher asks you to describe a basketball, you would probably say it's red, round,
and made of rubber. All of your descriptions are correct because, for you to describe one,
you need to see it first. With this, we used our sense of sight to see colors, lights, and
shapes. All our common knowledge were primarily acquired using our sense of sight. We
read, watch tv, and appreciate the beauty of nature by using our eyes.

Fig. 8​. Parts of the eye

The eye is a sensory organ used for seeing. A group of muscles control its movement and
connect it to the socket of the skull. It captures images by refracting light through its lens
and sends a signal to the brain via the optic nerve.

The human eye is unique among other mammals. The retina can see colors where the light
strikes because of its ​rods ​and ​cones ​that process it​. ​At the center of the eye, you can find
the ​Iris​. ​It is where the light passes before it reaches the retina. It also controls a smaller
part of the eye called the ​pupil​. The pupil constricts and dilates as a response to light.

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Health Issues Concerning the Eyes

Astigmatism is a condition of the eye that causes blurred vision due to an abnormal or
irregular shaped cornea. This condition may be secondary to trauma or accident while for
others it is an inborn condition.

● Optometrist/Ophthalmologist check-up
● Correctional glasses
● Proper hygiene
● Eye drops

Myopia, ​also known as nearsightedness, is a condition where the eye can see near objects
but is having a hard time to focus on a distant object. This condition is due to a refractive
error where the eye can not refract light to a single focus.

● Optometrist/Ophthalmologist check-up
● Correctional glasses
● Proper hygiene
● Eye drops
● Eye exercise

Hyperopia, ​also known as farsightedness, is the opposite of myopia. It is one of the most
common vision problems affecting a large group of the population. In this condition, distant
objects are identified easily while close objects are blurred.

● Optometrist/Ophthalmologist check-up
● Correctional glasses
● Proper hygiene
● Eye drops
● Eye exercise

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Xerophthalmia ​is an eye condition related to Vitamin A deficiency causing the ​conjunctiva
(tear ducts) of the eye abnormally dry. It can heavily damage the cornea leading to night

● Optometrist/Ophthalmologist check-up
● Proper hygiene
● Nutritional Vitamin A supplement
● Eye drops (artificial tears)

Strabismus​, ​also known as crossed eyed or wall-eyed, is a condition where the view of one
eye misaligns due to weak eye muscle to the affected eye. The affected eye cannot usually
follow the visual direction of the normal eye due to its uncontrollable weak or damaged eye

● Optometrist/Ophthalmologist check-up
● Medical surgery
● Correctional glasses
● Vision exercise

Always consult an optometrist or ophthalmologist before taking any medication to avoid

making the condition worse.

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Check Your Understanding
A. Write ​T i​ f the statement is True and write ​F i​ f the statement is false.

1. Otitis media is a condition affecting the retina of the eye.

2. The auricle or the pinna is a prominent part of the outer ear that captures
3. Bambi, the captain of the school diving team, is complaining that he is deaf
sometimes. He could be suffering from swimmer’s ear.
4. Eating food rich in Vitamin D can help us prevent Xerophthalmia.
5. When you blow your nose while pinching it, you feel the fullness in your ear
because the ear canal is connected to the nasal cavity via the Eustachian tube.

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B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct and draw a frowning face 🙁 if
the statement is wrong.

1. Cleaning your ear properly and regularly can prevent impacted cerumen to
2. When your ear is itchy, you can use a match stick to pick it.
3. Reading books in dark places can keep your eyes healthy and active.
4. Listening to loud music with strong vibrations for an extended period can clean
your ear wax.
5. When you have an ear infection, you immediately go to the doctor for proper

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Health Care
Eyes and Ears Health Issues

● Pen
● Printed Table on a Paper

1. Fill the table with health issues concerning the specific body part.

Vision/Eyes Hearing/Ears


Guide Questions:

1. Why is it important to detect early hearing or eyesight problems?

2. How can we take care of our eyes and ears?
3. What is the benefit of having healthy eyes and ears as a student?

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Lesson 3: Skin, Hair and Nails

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● identify common health issues on skin hair and nails;
● demonstrate an understanding of proper health management concerning
integumentary system issues; and
● describe personal health issues on skin, hair, and nails.

Health Check
Vision Appreciation

● Pen
● Paper
● Coloring materials

1. Make an artwork out of the beautiful things you see everyday (e.g. flower, sky, beach,
2. Write a brief explanation why it is beautiful to your eyes.
3. Share and explain your artwork to the class.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the importance of good eyesight to students like me?
2. How is it possible for our eyes to see beautiful color?
3. How can I take care of my eyes?

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Learn about It!
There are parts of our body that we thought are only there
to make us look beautiful, but little did we know that every
part of our body has a purpose. Each body part plays a
significant role in our well being.

Examples of these parts are our skin, nails, and hair. Some
people think that these parts are just there as an accessory, but the truth is our skin, nails,
and hair is our first line of defense against the heat, cold and infection.

Fig 10​. Skin, nails, and hair

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Skin and Hair

Our skin, when detached to our body, is known to be the widest and the heaviest organ we
have. It is the first layer covering our whole body to protect us from the external
environment. Inside the body, the skin is attached to a layer of fats and muscles. Although
the skin is thin, it is still composed of two layers - the ​epidermis a
​ nd ​dermis​.

The ​epidermis ​is the outermost part of the skin where pore and hairs appear. On the other
hand, the ​dermis ​or the inner part is where blood vessels and nerve endings are located.
Nerve endings are part of the dermis that has receptor sites for touch pain that sends
signals to the brain.

Healthy skin is intact and free from cracks and wounds where bacteria cannot penetrate to
cause infection.

From the dermis of the skin, there are follicles found that produces a protein strand that
grows out of the skin protecting us from the cold. Our hair is mostly located on the head
because the brain is a vital organ that needs protection. As a response, our body grows most
of our hair on the head. Our nose, ears, and eyes are also where hair grows to filter dust and
foreign objects.

Health Issues of the Skin and Hair

Sunburn - the skin's integrity decreases when it gets too much radiation from the sun’s
heat. It turns red and becomes hot to touch. The skin gets damaged and becomes
vulnerable to other infection.

● Sunscreen protection when exposed to the sun
● Protective clothing
● Keeping yourself hydrated
● Cool bath and moisturizer
● Pain reliever as prescribed by a physician

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Dandruff ​- ​a skin condition where white/grayish flake formed in the scalp. Usually, dry and
itchy flakes are visible.

● Anti-dandruff shampoo
● Proper hygiene
● Headgear when exposed to dust and sun
● Antifungal cream as prescribed by a physician

Corns and Calluses ​- are skin conditions related to the hardening and thickening of skin
layers usually found on feet where pressure and friction are exerted more often. Corns have
hard centers that can be very painful when pressed while calluses are just mainly thick skin
that can sometimes be larger than the corn with less pain.

● A podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon, can remove it as advised by a physician
● Proper hygiene
● Wearing socks
● Soaking in warm water to promote blood circulation and to soften the thick skin.

Blisters - ​A skin condition that has inflammation creating a sack filled with fluid, usually clear
but in some cases, it contains blood or pus. It is sometimes caused by continuous rubbing of
the skin to a hard surface. When the sack pops, cleaning the wound should be prioritized to
avoid any forms of infection to occur.

● A podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon, can remove it as advised by a physician
● Proper hygiene
● Wearing socks
● Put povidone - is an iodine solution for wound

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Nails are hard protein protecting the top layer of the tips of our toes and fingers. In the
medical field, the color of our nailbeds can indicate if a person has a healthy or poor blood
oxygen circulation. The nail has an inner portion connected to the skin called ​cuticle​.
Checking the cuticles can help determine the moisture of a person’s skin.

Health Issues of the Nails

Ingrown toenails ​- ​also known as onychocryptosis, usually occurs to people wearing

ill-fitting shoes for too long. Frequent walking and running without proper foot protection
can increase pressure to the toes, damaging the skin around the nails resulting in infection
and inflammation.

● A podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon, can remove it as advised by a physician
● Proper hygiene
● Wearing socks
● Antibacterial cream or drug as prescribed by a physician

Maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails through a balanced diet and proper hygiene can
optimize their functions in protecting us from harmful environments because prevention is
always better than cure.

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Check Your Understanding

A. Write ​T i​ f the statement is True and write ​F i​ f the statement is false.

1. Our skin, hair, and nails can protect us from heat, cold and infection.
2. Applying sunblock to protect our skin from UV rays is very important.
3. Drinking plenty of water during summer can help moisturize and hydrate our
4. Blisters can mostly occur when you wear comfortable socks and well-fitted
5. Ingrown usually occurs on the big toe.

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B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct about the lesson and draw a
frowning face 🙁 if the statement is wrong about the lesson that you've

1. When under the sun, all I need to protect are my eyes.

2. Not wearing socks while on a hike is safe for my feet.
3. Proper hygiene and using anti-dandruff shampoo can help eliminate
4. I can avoid calluses if I wear comfortable socks and well-fitted shoes.
5. My family doesn’t have a history of skin cancer, so I don’t need to protect my
skin from the sun’s UV radiation.

Health Care
Health Management

● Pen
● Printed table on a paper


1. Write at least 2 ways to manage the following health issues.

2. Write your answers on the table below.

Dandruff Sunburn Calluses


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Guide Questions:

1. Why is it important to know how to manage common problems of the skin?

2. How can you maintain a healthy skin?
3. What are the advantages of having a healthy skin?

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Lesson 4: Posture and Spine Disorders

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● identify common health issues on spine and posture;
● demonstrate an understanding of proper health management concerning spine
disorders; and
● describe personal health issues on the spine and posture.

Health Check
Personal Health Practice

● Pen
● Paper

1. Choose between skin, hair, or nails.
2. On a piece of paper, list down at least 5 practices you do to take care of them.
3. Pair up with a classmate and share your answers. Compare if there are any similar
practices that you do.

Guide Questions:
1. Why do you need to learn how to manage your skin problems?
2. What are the ways to maintain a healthy skin?

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Learn about It!
In every structure, whether living or nonliving thing,
there is always a concrete foundation that supports it.
We figuratively call it as the backbone. Like pillars for
buildings and frameworks for houses, there is no
sturdier foundation than the ​spine ​among human
species. It is the center of the human movement. It is
the pathway of electrical messages, and it is the support of every organ system.


The ​vertebral column or commonly known as the spine is

composed of thirty-three ​vertebrae ​connected by a
ligament​. It contains a gel-like substance to absorb shock,
preventing each vertebra to rub one another and create
painful neural friction.

The vertebrae is divided into 5 parts. Each part play a very

crucial role in the nervous system and nevertheless a
framework of the body.

● the ​cervical spine​ found in the neck;

● the ​thoracic spine​ on the upper chest cavity;
● the​ l​ umbar spine​ found in the lower back portion;
● the ​sacral spine​ at the buttocks; and
● at the tip is the ​coccygeal spine​.

Fig. 13​. The Human Spine.

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Fig. 14.​ Parts of the Spine

The spine is responsible for our body postures, like ballerinas and dancers who have a
remarkable curvature of the spine as part of their training and proper nutrition.

The normal spine curvature is an ​S-shape ​when viewed from the side. This ​curvature
maintains the balance of the body in relation to the center of gravity. But certain medical
conditions disrupts this balance in finding the center of gravity due to their different shape
and condition.

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Fig. 15.​ Different Spine conditions.

Health Issues of the Spine

Scoliosis ​is one of the most common problems of the spine. An S- or C-shaped backbone
characterize it if you view it from the back. This abnormal curvature of the spin can hinder
patients with their movements, with the amount of weight they can carry and sometimes
can affect even breathing patterns. This issue can be confirmed through an X-ray. Up to now,
there is no specific cause for this condition, but physicians include low calcium diet,
hormonal changes (menopausal), sustained heavy lifting, and improper posture as
contributing factors.

● Surgical treatment is needed for severe cases.
● As for mild cases, proper posture, exercise, and nutritional supplements are required.
● Visit a physician should always be considered to get an X-ray and receive proper

Lordosis is a posture that shows an excessive inward arc in the lumbar area. Lordosis
usually happens as a response to a pre-existing condition like inflammation of the spaces of

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the vertebra and calcium demineralization. Sometimes it is due to heavy weight-lifting and
obesity, wherein the mechanism of the body is to cope with this primary condition by
shifting and adjusting your spinal posture. In some cases, there are neurological pain and
bladder discomfort due to the excessive curve in the lumbar area.

● This condition doesn’t require treatment, but if the condition is fixed, a physician
should be consulted.
● Proper posture, exercise and nutritional supplements may also help.

Kyphosis ​is a condition where there is an excessive convex curvature in the thoracic and
sacral areas of the backbones. It is also commonly called as turtle back, a hunchback or
sometimes round back. Just like Lordosis, this disease can be a result of a primary condition
like osteoporosis, Scheuermann’s disease, vertebral fractures, and tumor growth in the area.
In mild cases, it does not require any special attention. However, severe cases can be very
discomforting to the patient because it can disrupt movement, digestion and even

● This condition doesn’t require treatment, but if the condition is fixed or getting worse,
a physician should be consulted.
● Surgical operation for severe cases.
● Body braces accompanied by physical therapy.
● Proper posture, exercise and nutritional supplements like taking of calcium.

The spine is a critical and delicate part of our body. A ​fracture ​or injury to the spinal area
could mean paralysis and sometimes death. The best that we can do to protect our spine
and keeping it strong and healthy is to practice proper posture while doing daily activities.
Nutritional intake of food and supplements good for the bones and muscles should also be
considered. And most of all, body weight should be maintained.

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Check Your Understanding
A. Write ​T i​ f the statement is True and write ​F i​ f the statement is false.

1. When you see the back of a person, and you notice the spine is showing an
S-shape from behind, the person has scoliosis.
2. The character from the hunchback of Notre Dame has Kyphosis.
3. Lordosis only affects animals and not humans.
4. Severe Kyphosis patient should see a doctor to get his back on a brace.
5. Drinking beer can help the spine grow stronger.

B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct and draw a frowning face 🙁 if
the statement is wrong about the lesson that you’ve learned.

1. It is ok to carry a heavy backpack even if it's painful for your back.

2. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, proper posture should be practiced.
3. Regular exercise with a balanced diet can help strengthen the spine.
4. You can stop drinking milk when you are an adult because you don't need
calcium anymore.
5. Even while sleeping, proper posture should be practiced to avoid back pain
in the morning.

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Health Care
Spine Management

● Pen
● Paper


1. Based on what you have learned from the lesson, complete the given table below.
2. Give at least two management for each spinal health issue.
3. Share and compare your answers with a classmate.

Scoliosis Lordosis Kyphosis


Guide Questions:
1. Why is the health of the human spine very important to our body?
2. What are the ways you can show proper care to your spine?
3. What are the advantages of a strong, healthy spine?

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Lesson 5: Oral and Dental Problems

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● identify common health issues on dental or oral;
● demonstrate an understanding of proper health management concerning dental
problems; and
● describe personal health issues on dental or oral care.

Health Check
Spinal Issue Visualization


● Pen
● Paper


1. Choose a type of scoliosis you have learned from the previous lesson.
2. Illustrate it in a piece of paper. Write a brief description of your chosen type.
3. Share your work to the class when done.

Guide Questions:

1. What possible preventive measure can you do to prevent this kind of spine condition?
2. If you will experience this condition, what would be the best possible health
management you should do?

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​ earn about It!

How many times do you brush your teeth every day? Do

you visit your dentist regularly? Dental care and oral
hygiene is part of a healthy lifestyle that we shouldn’t
forget even in the busiest of days. Imagine you are
studying for an exam, but you have a toothache. It’s hard,

Brushing our teeth should be done at least three times a day or every time after we eat. This
way, bacteria and cavities won't be able to start building up. In brushing your teeth,
everything should be covered from the outer surface to the inner surface, including the
tongue. Do this for at least 2 minutes to make sure that every remnant of the food you ate
are removed.

Fig. 17.​ Good hygiene starts with the family.

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The Teeth

The primary function of the teeth is chewing food for easy

digestion. Our teeth contain ​enamel ​which is the hardest
substance in our body that helps us even chew peanuts,
crackers, and other hard solid foods.

An adult has 32 permanent teeth all in all, not including the

wisdom tooth that appears in the adolescent stage.

● Incisors -​ 8, found in the center;

● Canines ​- 4, sharp and beside the incisors;
● Premolars ​- 8, found in the middle of molars and
● Molars -​ 8, flat teeth, best for grinding food;
● Third Molars​ - 4, deep within the mouth.

Dental and Oral Health Issues

Fig. 19. T
​ ooth Decays

Cavities - ​Also known as tooth decay, are permanent holes in the teeth eroded for a long
time. The erosion caused by bacteria and a mixture of food not removed, thus, forming

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plaque. Some cavities are tiny and unnoticeable, while some grow into bigger holes that will
eventually destroy the whole teeth. It causes troublesome pain if not given further attention.

● Cavities are irreversible, so the best way to prevent it from spreading is by brushing
regularly with fluoride.
● Avoid sweets before bedtime.
● Visit your dentist for a dental check-up, especially if you feel a toothache.

Gingivitis ​- Plaques does not only affect your teeth, but it can also cause inflammation to
your gums because of the bacteria it contains. It is very irritating to the gums and sometimes
making the gum tissue bleed. Another cause of this condition is smoking. It builds up tar in
the teeth and forms plaque. Poor nutrition is another factor that causes this condition and
can weaken your immune system.

● Visit your dentist for a check-up and plaque removal.
● Maintain oral hygiene by brushing teeth and eating nutritious food rich in Vitamin C.
● Avoid eating sweets before bedtime.
● Avoid smoking as it is not good for your teeth or your health.

Periodontitis - ​an inflammation of the gums that stretches deep into the supporting
structures of the teeth. Opportunistic bacteria called periodontal bacteria causes this

● Visit your dentist for a check-up and plaque removal.
● Maintain oral hygiene by brushing teeth and eating nutritious food rich in Vitamin C.
● Avoid eating sweets before bedtime.
● Avoid smoking as it is not good for your teeth or your health.

Malocclusion - A condition where the eruption of teeth is misaligned, and it appears to

overlap one another. Doctors call this crowded teeth. It may be called ​overbite ​or
underbite ​due to the position of the teeth when the upper and lower jaws meet. Common

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causes are thumbsucking, jaw injuries, poor placement of dentures and abnormally shaped
teeth which all usually happens during childhood while the teeth are growing. This condition
can decrease the capacity of our teeth to properly function, that’s why immediate dental
attention should be given.

● Visit a dentist for an assessment regarding the tooth position.
● Braces to align the teeth.
● Reshaping of teeth and tooth extraction in severe cases.

Halitosis - ​also known as bad breath, may result from long term tobacco smoking, the
presence of cavities and gingivitis, drying of mouth, and even a digestive problem like gastric
reflux. Gastric reflux is where gastric acid can go back up to your esophagus and back up to
your mouth. This condition should be immediately treated because it can lower down your
self-esteem while socializing with other people.

● Visit a dentist for a check-up to identify any underlying conditions.
● Oral hygiene should be practiced regularly.
● Drink plenty of water.
● Avoid food that makes the mouth dry.

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Check Your Understanding
A. Write ​T i​ f the statement is True and write ​F i​ f the statement is false.

1. Brushing your teeth once daily is enough to keep cavities away.

2. Gingivitis is commonly known as gum bleeding.
3. Our teeth are harder than our bone because it has enamel.
4. John has a breath that smells like fish every day. He has scoliosis.
5. Drinking beer can help keep cavities away from our teeth.

B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct and draw a frowning face 🙁 if
the statement is wrong about the lesson that you’ve learned.

1. Our teeth are so hard that we can use it as a can opener.

2. We need toothpaste every time we brush our teeth because it has fluoride.
3. Halitosis is the bleeding of gums because of plaques.
4. Johnny already brushed his teeth after dinner, but around midnight, he
decided to watch a show while eating popcorn. Johnny needs to brush his
teeth again before sleeping.
5. Bianca has misaligned teeth, and she decided not to brush them regularly
so that they will be destroyed and replaced with artificial teeth.

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Health Care

Dental Care and Management

● pen
● table printed on paper


1. Based on what you have learned in the lesson, give at least 2 management for each
dental health issue.
2. Fill in the table with your answers.
3. Once done, pair up with a classmate. Discuss and compare your answers with your

Cavities Gingivitis Halitosis


Guide Questions:

1. How can we avoid these kinds of tooth problems?

2. Why is dental health important to students like you?

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Pro-health Challenge
Goal: ​Your task is to interview at least five male and five female members in your
community about their daily routine and ways of taking care of their skin and hair.

Role: You are a student investigating the difference between men and women when it
comes to skin and hair care.

Audience: ​Your clients are all the members of your community. The target audiences are
five males and five females.

Situation: ​You are comparing the habits and routines of men and women when it comes to
skin and hair care.

Product, Performance, and Purpose: ​You list down their answers and make a separate
table for comparison to see if who among them manage their skin and hair properly.

Standards and Criteria for Success:

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 (17-20 points)

(Focus on details/events are
clearly evident; it is clearly
related to the topic.)

(Logical progression of
details/events; clear
transitions between ideas.)


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(spelling, mechanics,
grammar and usage)

Key Guide Question

Why is personal health important to everyone?

Reflective Questions

Guide Questions:
1. How can I keep my height and weight in proportion?
2. Why is skin care critical in fighting against infection?
3. How can I have a sharp hearing and clear eyesight?
4. How can I protect my spine from injury and health issues?
5. What is the importance of having healthy teeth?

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I think I need more I have a minimal I am confident that I
Skills understanding of it. can do this with ease.
time and assistance.

Identify particular
areas in personal
health that requires
Enumerate the
components of
personal health and
its corresponding
Understand and
enumerate personal
health concerns and
identify ways to
prevent and manage
the condition.

​ eflect

I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________.

I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________.
I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________.
I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________.
I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .

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​ rap Up

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Ligaya Bautista G. Quinitio, et al. 2016. ​The 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6, 250-256​ Metro
Manila: Rex Book Store
Vivian R. Lugue, et al. 2014. O
​ ur World of Mapeh. Quezon​ City: Vibal Publishing House
World Health Organization Nutrition. “Stunting in a Nutshell.” Accessed December 28, 2018
CDC Overweight and Obesity. “Defining Childhood Obesity”. Accessed December 28,2018
Teens Health. “Skin, Hair and Nails”. Accessed December 28,2018
Spine Universe. “Spine Conditions from A-Z”. Accessed December 29, 2018
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “ Oral Health”. Accessed December 29, 2018
National Eye Institute. “Information for Healthy Vision”. Accessed December 30, 2018
National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). “ Ear Infections
on Children”. Accessed December 30, 2018

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Auditory Nerve ​refers to the eight cranial nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain and
transmitting impulses related to balance and hearing.
Beneficial ​refers to something that produces good results.
Blood Vessel r​ efers to a small tube that carries blood to different parts of the body.
Body Mass Index ​refers to a measurement that shows the amount of fat in your body
based on your weight and height.
Canine ​refers to a conical pointed tooth.
Carcinogenic Cells ​refers to cells that cause cancer.
Cochlea ​refers to the part of the inner ear that contains nerves that carries information to
the brain.
Constrict ​refers to becoming narrower, smaller or tighter.
Curvature ​refers to the amount of something that is curved.
Cuticles ​refer to the outer covering of the nail near the skin
Dermis ​refers to a thick vascular layer of the skin below the epidermis.
Dietary Nutrition ​refers to a product taken orally that contains a nutritional value.
Dilates r​ efers to something enlarging and expanding.
Electrical Impulses ​refers to a small amount of energy that travels in the nerves going to
the brain.
Enamel ​refers to a hard material that is part of the teeth.
Epidermis ​refers to the outer layer of the skin.
Eustachian Tube ​refers to a bony cartilaginous tube connecting the middle ear to the nasal
Follicles ​refer to a small lymph node.

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Fracture ​refers to the breaking of hard tissue like bones.
Hormone ​refers to substances produced in the body that influences the way the body
Inadequate r​ efers to something that is not enough.
Incisors​ refer to the four front teeth used for cutting food.
Lens ​refers to the clear part of the eye that focuses light to create images.
Ligament r​ efers to tough fibrous tissue in the body that holds bones.
Malnutrition r​ efers to unhealthy condition that results from not eating enough food.
Molars ​refer to large teeth near the back of the jaw used for crushing and grinding food.
Nerve Ending r​ efers to a structure forming the distal end of a nerve.
Obese​ refers to having excessive body fats.
Ophthalmologist ​refers to a doctor that studies and treats diseases of the eye.
Optometrist ​refers to someone who examines people’s eye to find out if they need glasses.
Ossicles ​refer to a small bone or bony structure of the ear.
Plaque r​ efers to an abnormal localized patch that covers the teeth.
Posture ​refers to the position or bearing of the body.
Puberty r​ efers to the stage of maturation of the reproductive system of young adults.
Refract r​ efers to alteration or distortion of light as it passes the eye lens.
Retina ​refers to the sensory membrane that lines the eye.
Scalp ​refers to the skin of the head where hair usually grows.
Sedentary ​refers to not physically active.
Vertebra ​refers to one of the bones that comprises the spinal column.
Vestibular System refers to ​a complex system of the inner ear that functions in mediating
the vestibular sense.
Vibrations ​refer to a quivering and trembling motion.

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