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Ladies and Gentlemen Assalam o alaikum.

The galaxy of intellectuals, your Excellency, invited guests, teachers and my dear
friends On behalf of entire computer society I bid a warm welcome to closing ceremony
of passionately fiery event, “THE IGNITE TECH FEST”.
The objective of the fest was to bring the students of various streams from
different departments on a common platform where they were encouraged to
share knowledge and innovative ideas. It also aimed to exhibit the talents and
skills of the aspiring engineers and to expose them to the current trends in the
technical and professional fields.
We are honored to present a hearty greeting to the chief guest and faculty members,
who have generously accepted our invitation. Your presence adds luster to the event
and makes it even more special.
Now we would like to call upon ……………………. to recite few versus from the
Few days back all of you headed with excitement and sense of competition. I'm sure
you will agree with me that it has truly be an honor to meet and learn from so many
bright minds from all over the departments.
Let’s Unveil the post-event analytics! Presenting you the stats for one of the
biggest tech fest organized by the computer society. Behind recovering this vigour
and vibrancy of computer society, were the hours of organizers and supervisors spent in
planning, the dedication of module heads, and YES, the passion of players to make this
all happen!
This time we had more than 20 modules, more than 60 organizers, more than 200
Now, let’s move to the award distribution ceremony.
We would like to congratulate all winners on their achievement, so pleased for you on
your well-earned success and for others we say that never give up, never give in and
when the upper hand is ours may we have the ability to handle the win with the same
dignity as we absorbed the loss.
Now, we would request Sir……………….to distribute the prices among the winners

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