Atps and Reflection

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Observations: What are the common observable behaviors they elicit

Economic Players of During this transition to the new normal?

the philippines

It is the panic and bulk-buying health essential products. Consumers’

Grocery lists are more considerate of securing their health from the risk
Consumer/Buyers Of the Covid-19 variants. And the mode of acquiring these resources
Has become more complaint with the public restrictions of the local
and national government.
The means of how products and services are produced and provided
has become more complaint to the working condition protocols of the
Producers/Sellers local and national government. Many small and medium enterprises
Also emerged, where most of what they sell or provide is related to
health products and services and services all that provide easy access to
basic necessities such as food.
The government started to be very strict with its protocols but started
to consider the working conditions of households and firms in their
Government implementations. As a result, the present protocols now are tolerably
Friendly, given the health risk is still rising.

A lot packages have been offered by the financial sector. Their services
also became friendly and complaint to their customers and the health
Financial Sector protocols, repectively.

Trading with foreign countries allowed to the country to supply produts

Foreign Trade Sector that the Philippines cannot provide as the moment. The availability of
vaccines is an example of how foreign trading through medical products
produced by the other countries is self-securing for Filipinos.
My claim…

For an economic player to effectively contribute to the growth and development of 5he country, they
should…Secure the production of local industries where the government considers health protocols that
are friendly

My evidence

When the abovementioned roles and contribution are effective, it will result to allowing firms and
households to thrive in their living and working conditions even during this pandemic.

My reasoning

I can therefore say that…

Securing the consistency of the purpose and goals of the consumers and producers toward sustainability
of living and working conditions will bring growth and development to the economy after it can recover
from the health crisis.

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