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15. What are the interrupts of Intel 8085?

Intel 8085 has five kinds of interrupts.

1 TRAP (Highest Priority).

2 RST 7.5
3 RST 6.5
4. RST 5.5

5. INTR (Lowest Priority). he o

18. What are the functionsof an accumulator?? ) e gins
The Accumulator is the Register Associated with the ALU operations and
to be
sometimes I/O operations. It is an integral part of ALU. It holds one of data
stores the result of the operation
processed by ALU. It also temporarily
performed by the ALU.
8085 Microprocessor and 8051 2.69
19. Mention the purpose of SID
and SOD lines?
SID-Serial Input Data Line:
It is an
input line through which the
microprocessor accepts serial dala.
SOD Serial Output Data Line:
It is an output line through which the microprocessor sends
output serial
/22. Explain the dijference between a JMP instruction and CALL instruction.
A JMP instruction permanently changes the program counter. A CALL
instruction leaves information on the stack so that the original program execution
sequence can be resumed.
26. What is the signal classification of8085?
All the signals of 8085 can be classified into 6 groups.
Address bus. wo oortW2nonoo
2. Data bus. bC OD d z lorg
3 Control and status signals.808 sis
og soas 10126
4. Power Supply and frequency signals.
quoTg 19lanet aeC
5. Externally initiated signals.
6. Serial I/O Ports.
27. What are the operations performed on data in 8085?
quong don
The various operations performed are
nidosM bas 01 o
1. Store 8-bit data.
quosO lo
2. Perform arithmetic and logical operations.
o s h sil.ailes
3 Test for conditions.
4. Sequence the execution of instruction.
defined R/W memory
5. Store data temporarily during the execution in the
locations called the stack.
and 805I M.

is he u s e of ALE?

ALE is used to latch the lower order address so that

The it can be available in T2
and used
T3 and
for identifying
the memory address.
During T1, the ALE goes
h the
the latch
latch is
is transparent i.e., the output changes according to the input data.
he output of
the output
f the latch is the lower order address. When ALE goes low, the
lower order address is latched until the next ALE.
38. What are processor control instructions? Give example.
Machine control instructions are used to control operation of processor.
EL, DI, NOP, HLT, SIM, RIM are the processor control instructions.
45, Name any two 16-bit microcontrollers. [Anna Univ., May 97
MCS 896 family of 16-bit microcontroller includes
and 8051 Microcontroller
R5 Microprocessor
what are the difjerences between internal RAM and ROM?
1. It is used for data storage.
| It is used for program storage.
2 Data of RAM can be changed Data of ROM cannot be changed
during processing. during processing.
3. It is non-volatile memory. It is volatile memory.
59. What is TRAP interrupt and it significance? Anna Univ., May '12
TRAP is a vectored, high priority, non maskable interrupt i.e., it cannot b
disabled by any instruction and it has the highest priority. It requires both t
leading-edge and a high-level in order for 8085 to respond to the interupt.i
order to accept another interrupt on the TRAP ine, the previous TRAP intemu
can be disabled by the falling edge.
60. Define the function of parityflag and zero flag in 8085.[Anna Univ., May '12
Parity flag (P) After an arithmetic or logical operation, if the result has an even

number of 1s, the flag is set. Ifit has an odd number of 1s, the flag is reset.
Microprocescessor ana 8051
Microcontroller 2.77
Zeroflag(2)- The zero flag is set if

the ALU eration results in 0 and the flag

reset if
if the
the result
result is not 0. operation
This flag is modified rest
mulator as well as in the other by the results in the
6 List the control and status signals of 8085 microprocessor and mention us
Toprocessor and mention is

Anna Uni., Nov' 12]

cantrol and status signals include two control
signals (RD and WR), these status
ignals (1O/M, S, and S) used to identify the nature of
ionals (1O/
the operation and one

special signal (ALE) to indicate the beginning of the

Hhat is a stack in an 8085
microcomputer system? Anna Univ, Nov' 12
Stack is a set of memory locations in the R/W memory specified by the
nrogrammer in a main program. The stack is shared by the programmer and the

microprocessor. Ihe programmer can store and retrieve the contents of a register
pair by using PUSH and POP instructions.

63. What is indexing? JAnna Univ., Nov' 12

Indexing means Pointing or Referencing Objects with sequential numbers. In a
library, books are aranged according to numbers and they are referred to or
sorted by numbers. This is called Indexing.

64. What is the function ofprogram counter in 8085 microprocessor?

Anna Univ, May '13
Program Counter is a 16-bit register sequencing the execution of operations. Itis
also called Memory Pointer. The function ofthis register is to hold the address of
the instruction which is to be executed next.

What is the diferent control machine instruction used in 8085

microprocessor? [Anna Univ, May '13
SIM Set Interrupt Mask
RIM Read Interrupt Mask
NOP No Operation
HLT Haltthe Processor.
EI Enable Interrupt
DI Disable Interrupt

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