Alfred Adler-Individual Psychology Notes

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PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORIES Inferiority Feelings; The Source of Human Striving:

II. Alfred Adler: Individual Psychology -Inferiority feelings are common to all and it
is not just for people who have struggles in
The Life of Alfred Adler - Childhood:
the intrapersonal level
-he had an illness called rickets and
-when we have interiority feelings, we tend
pneumonia, he became jealous of others
to compensate
that were able to play due to physical
limitations Compensation- the motivation to
overcome inferiority and to strive
-he forced himself to join in games
for higher levels of development
and sports
-and when we compensate, we then strive
-He experienced the death of his brother
for superiority or perfection
and his own near-death experience
-however, if we are unable to compensate,
-with this he decided to be a doctor
we then developed an inferiority complex
-he was quite mediocre in school, and he (comes in three forms)
was supposed to be trained to become a
-Organic Inferiority- includes
defective organs or body parts that
-however, he topped his class shape our personality (but Adler
because of his hard work states that this should only lead us
to compensate)
The Life of Alfred Adler - Adulthood:
-Spoiling- it's the way that people
-He studied medicine at the university of get what they want, when they
Vienna want it (ex: family, friends, other
-he went into private practice as an people spoiling a person)
ophthalmologist (but this has very little -Neglecting- it stems from the
influence) neglect of our parents or the lack of
-he then shifted to General Medicine and love and security
specialized in Neurology and Psychiatry -and then we develop inferiority complex
The Life of Alfred Adler – Relationship with Freud: through the three forms, we tend to
-they met once a week to discuss about
psychoanalysis, but Adler was never a Overcompensation- it is superiority
student of Freud complex that is developed that is
not striving for perfection
-Adler became president of the Vienna
Psychoanalytical Society and a coeditor of -Superiority complex- describe as boasting,
the journal vanity, and self-centeredness

-he then developed a negative relationship

with Freud

The Life of Alfred Adler - Becoming a Celebrity in


-America's first popular psychologist

-he founded the Society of individual

psychology in 1912

-he organized child counseling clinics in Striving for Superiority/Perfection:

-striving for superiority or perfection should
-he also introduced group therapy be the ideal according to Adler
techniques and made several visits in the US
-perfection comes from the Latin word that
in 1926
means “to complete/to finish”
-he moved to New York in 1929
-said that while inferiority is the general
-he died in 1937 because of a heart attack when he feeling of weakness or of femininity we can
was doing a lecture tour (56 lecture series) in Europe still work through our masculine protest
masculine protest- it is a will or Socially Useful Type- if is someone who
drive toward power knows how to cooperate with other people
and is sensitive to other people’s needs
-He tells us that human motivation is based
on our view of the future and not on Social Interest:
causality because of striving for superiority
-it is the individuals innate potential to
and fictional Finalism
cooperate with other people in order to
Fictional Finalism: achieve personal and social goals

-it states that there is an imagined or -“gemeinschaftsgefuhl” - the community

potential goal that guides our behavior feeling; the potential for social interest

-it requires great expenditures of energy -it is biological and is developed socially
and effort
Safeguarding Tendencies:
-and it is manifested both by the individual
-almost similar to the defense mechanisms
and the society as a whole
-but different from defense mechanisms, in
Style of Life:
a way that it pushes anxiety to the
-it does unique pattern of characteristics, unconscious, safeguarding tendencies also
behaviors, and habit deal with the conscious

-it is like conflict with between Determinism -it protects our self-image, and inflated self-
vs. Free Will image from public display

-while all of us has a style of life Excuses- it protects a weak, but artificially
(determinism) but we still have that inflated, sense of self-worth and deceive
creative power (free will) people into believing that they are more
superior than they really are
Creative Power- the ability to
create an appropriate style of life Aggression- it safeguards a person’s
exaggerated superiority complex, and
-the style of life is developed in children at
fragile self-esteem
an early age (4-5 yrs. old)
Depreciation- it is to undervalue
-the style of life is developed in us, and we
others achievement
are also able to influence it
Accusation- blaming others for
Three Categories of Universal Problems:
one's failure
-problems involving our behavior towards
Self-Accusation- it is when people
devalue themselves in order to
-problems of occupation inflict suffering on others while
protecting their own magnified
-problems of love feelings of self-esteem
Four Basic Styles of Life: Withdrawal- it is running away from
Dominant Type- more of the ruling type in difficulties
which they have little social awareness and Psychologically Moving Backwards-
regard of others it is when we psychologically revert
(ex: personality for sociopaths, to a more secure period of life to
sadists, delinquents, etc.) elicit sympathy

Getting Type- it is the most common and it Standing Still- it is to avoid all
believes that our satisfaction will come responsibility by insuring
from other people themselves against any threat of
-like to get from other people and
become dependent on them Hesitating- it is vacillated when
faced with difficult problems like
Avoiding Type- it has no attempts to face procrastination
Constructing Obstacles- constructing
-they like to avoid all possibilities of our own obstacles and overcoming it
failure thus protecting our self-esteem
Organ Dialect- it is not a safeguarding Purpose- to discover the patient’s style of
tendency but is a concept of Adler and life and its appropriateness
states that whenever our bodies feel
Assessment- Other Types:
stressed out or has an internal conflict, it
comes out as a body manifestation (ex: Early Recollections- it is the recollection of
butterflies in the stomach, headache, etc.) earliest memories, whether real events or
fantasies are assumed to reveal the primary
interest of our life

-ex: What people remember from


-images that confirm and

support their current views
of themselves in the world

-memories that support

their direction of striving for
significance and security

Dream Analysis- Adler believes it involves

our feelings about the current problem and
what we intend to do about it

Birth Order:

-Adler tells us that our birth order

influences our personality

-he says that our different birth order

(oldest-youngest) will influence different
parental attitudes (parenting styles for
different birth order) Measures of Social Interest- it supports the
use of memory and intelligence tests but
-these will then influence different criticizes the use of personality tests
childhood conditions, and thus will lead
different kinds of personalities Social Interest Scale

Social Interest Index

Basic Adlerian Scales for

Interpersonal Success

Research on Adler's theory:

-it is primarily through case studies

-it cannot be repeated or duplicated

Human Nature: -it is not conducted in a controlled and
-it is influenced by the innate aspects of systematic fashion
human nature and childhood experience -it has no interest in applying experimental
-it is more on Optimism, Free Will, and method
Uniqueness The Contributions of Adler's Theory:
Assessment in Adler’s Theory- How is it Done: -his theories are one of the most enduring
What- verbalization and behavior -Cognitive and Social emphases are more
Where- room with comfortable chairs comparable with trends in Psychology today
facing each other -his insights are seen in theories of Karen
How- it is like chats between friends, Horney, Gordon Allport, Abraham Maslow,
including sense of humor and Julian Rotter

-aggressive drive is also contributed by him

-women's inferiority due to social
conditioning and sexual stereotyping;
equality for the sexes

-Organic Inferiority, Inferiority Complex,

Compensation, Order of Birth

-forerunner of Social Psychology and Group



-his theories were oversimplified

-it relies heavily on common sense

-it is inconsistent and unsystematic

-it has issues between Determinism vs. Free


Later Recognition and Influence:

-his public recognition declined after his


-there was a string quartet named after him

-he introduced Individual Psychology: The

Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and

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