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National Service Training Program 1

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila
Name: GARDON, Jasmine A. Date: September 1, 2023
Section: HT209ITM Prof.: Sir Aaron Paul Guevarra

Asynchronous Activity:
Reflective Essay on NSTP Core Value

Direction: Explain your answers to the following questions.

1. Choose 3 NSTP Core Values that you believe in. Share their importance to your life.
2. Share a story about when you applied those core values in your life.
3. How can you integrate these core values into your life?


Out of the 13 NSTP core values that were discussed I chose Human Dignity, Discipline and
Respect. These 3 are very important to me since these are the teachings that I have gained
throughout my 19 years of existence from my parents, friends and from the situation. Also, these
3 have been one of my guides in making choices and acting on it.

These 3 core values have been applied to my life in various ways, and sometimes I am not aware
of it. However, after some reflections I realize that I have applied it. The first core values that I
have applied in my life is respect. This core value has been taught to me by my parents since I
was a kid, and up until now even with many years have passed, I still apply it to my daily life. It
can be through respecting someone’s point of view, respecting someone’s who’s way older than
you, etc. Another core value is Discipline. This core value once again has already been taught to
us by our parents from the start. Being disciplined is one of the basic attitude or character traits
that most people tend to forget. Being disciplined will help you to have control over your life
efficiently and effectively. An example of this is when prelim exams are coming up during my first
year as a college student and my classmates wants to go to a bar top to chill and have fun. Despite
me having the urge to come with them I told myself that “Exams are much more important; you
can have fun once exams are over”. That’s how I disciplined myself during that time. The last core
value that I have applied in my life is human dignity. This core value has taught me how to see a
situation from a different perspective and to let others live their rights as a human. An example of
this is when I was a kid, and never really knew what lgbt++ is and as child who grew in very
traditional, old fashioned, religious family I tend to hear that they are the child of Satan, and I don’t
really get why however I never saw them that way. I saw them as a human who’s just expressing
who they really are and that is a part of their human rights.

Having these 3 chosen core values is meaningful to me, and I can integrate this to my life by
practicing these core values by body, heart, mind, soul, and to continue to improve and develop
this habits.
National Service Training Program 1
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila

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