GARDON-NSTP 1-Toxic Filipino Values

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National Service Training Program 1

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila
Name: GARDON, Jasmine A. Date: September 20, 2023, 2023
Section: HT209ITM Prof.: Sir Aaron Paul Guevarra

Asynchronous Task:
Reflective Essay on Toxic Filipino Values

Direction: Explain through essay your answers to these following questions.

1. What toxic Filipino Values have you experienced?

2. How did you handle that experience?
3. What advice can you give to our fellow citizens about these toxic Filipino values?


Toxic Filipino Values have been around for decades, and each one of us had at least few
experiences with that, including me. There are four toxic Filipino Values that I experienced, and
these are being shamed because of my skin color, people calling their selfish behavior as
“diskarte”, using the word tomboy as an insult to me because I dress up in a boyish style, and the
last toxic value that gets on my nerves every single time is when my own relatives insult me and
disguising it as an “advice”. Some of these toxic values are still happening at present times even
as time goes by, and some are not.

Handling these toxic values in a rational and respectful way is sometimes difficult, especially when
that person is much older than you and a family member. However, even if it’s difficult I try my
best to convey my thoughts to them, and in order to that I have to calm my self first because when
these toxic Filipino values occur it gets really irritating, and I don’t want to say something that I
might regret later on. Second, I would construct the message that I want to say and choose the
right word for it. Lastly, I would express my thoughts to them on that matter in a respectful and
polite way as possible. I handle situations like this because I am a family person and at the end
of the day those people are still older than me and are still part of my family therefore, I must show
them respect.

These toxic Filipino Values have been here for decades; therefore, it is something that we cannot
stop immediately. However, it is not impossible to do. We can slowly stop this cycle by being
cautious of what we are going to say and do, in short, we must think twice before we speak and
think thrice before we act. This might be a simple thing to do, but it really is helpful. These toxic
values have affected many of the people’s mental health, confidence, financial, and others. That
is we must put an end to this cycle even if it’s not immediate.

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