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1) Choisir le bon article indéfini a/an (un/une)


.............universal key

............. elephant

............. machine

............. table

............. apostrophe

............. unit

............. intelligent boy

............. yoghurt

............. woman

2) Conjuguer l'auxiliaire BE
I ..................... happy.

We ................ in France.

John and Mike ...................... watching a film.

The cat .............. on the table.

Sandra and I ................. tall.

You ............... intelligent!

3) Construire une phrase simple

Consigne : mettez les éléments dans le bon ordre, pour reconstituer une phrase correcte.

am / I / a / boy ......................................................................................................................................

husband / in / Gladys / are / her / and / house / their ..........................................................................


intelligent / a / very / is / student / Mike ...............................................................................................


is / young/ woman / Sandra / a ............................................................................................................

4) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent en BE + ING:

Rappel : on utilise le présent en -ING pour une action en cours.

We ................................................................................. (play) football.

I ...................................................................................... (write) a letter.

She................................................................................. (put) her shirt on.

Sandra ........................................................................... (smile).

Peter .............................................................................. (sit) on his chair.

Mike ............................................................................... (read) a book.

5) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple :

Rappel : on utilise le présent simple pour une action habituelle, répétitive.

Every day, I .................................................................... (wake up) at 7 am.

My sister ........................................................................ (brush) her teeth.

Then, she ....................................................................... (go) to her primary school.

She ................................................................................ (like) maths.

6) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple ou au présent en BE + ING:

Listen! Sandra ................................................................ (play) music!

On Sundays, I always .................................................... (play) football with my friends.

I ...................................................................................... (not/like) carrots.

She ................................................................................ (hate) westerns.

Can you help Peter? He .............................................................. (do) his homework.

What .............................................................................. (you/watch) now on TV? Is it interesting?

When I ........................................................................... (go) back home, I will phone my girlfriend.

We usually ..................................................................... (take) a taxi to go to work.

They ............................................................................... (not/travel) a lot.

She ................................................................................ (not/come). She is looking after her little sister.

7) Employer les chiffres et nombres de 1 à 100 :

Consigne: écrire en toutes lettres les chiffres et nombres suivants:

32 ...................................................................................

11 ...................................................................................

23 ...................................................................................

56 ...................................................................................

61 ...................................................................................

6 .....................................................................................

99 ...................................................................................

13 ...................................................................................

19 ...................................................................................

40 ...................................................................................

8) Donner l'heure

Consigne: écrivez en toutes lettres les heures indiquées ci-dessous (n'utilisez pas MINUTES,)

03.30 = it's ...............................................................................................................

05.50 = it's ...............................................................................................................

08.20 = it's ...............................................................................................................

06.15 = it's a ............................................................................................................

05.45 = it's a ............................................................................................................

9) Comparer 2 choses ou 2 personnes

Regardez attentivement ce tableau:

Consigne: comparez ces 2 appartements. Construisez 5 phrases complètes en utilisant les adjectifs de
la 4e colonne. Les phrases doivent être des phrases affirmatives.

a) The flat 2 is ................................................................ (expensive) the flat 1.

b) The flat 2 is ................................................................ (large) the flat 1.

c) The flat 2 is ................................................................ (comfortable) the flat 1.

d) The flat 1 is ................................................................ (clean) the flat 2.

e) The flat 1 is ................................................................ (good) the flat 2.

10) Situer une personne ou un objet dans un grand groupe : le superlatif.

Complétez ces phrases avec l'adjectif entre parenthèses au superlatif.

She's .............................................................................. (famous) girl I have ever seen.

It's .................................................................................. (interesting) city you can visit.

It's .................................................................................. (fast) car I can drive.

It's .................................................................................. (bad) match they have ever played.

It's .................................................................................. (good) book I have ever read.

11) Utiliser les adjectifs possessifs.

Debby and Mark's house > ......................... house

John's car > ................................................. car

The Johnsons' dog > ................................... dog

My cat's chair > ........................................... chair

Sandra's boat > ........................................... boat

12) Comparatif et superlatif

Phrases 1 à 6 : METTRE AU COMPARATIF (+ pour le comparatif de supériorité, = pour le comparatif

d'égalité, - pour le comparatif d'infériorité).
Phrases 7 et 8 : METTRE AU SUPERLATIF (+ pour le superlatif de supériorité, - pour le superlatif
1. Sandra is .................................................................... (+ pretty) Sophia.

2. This song is ................................................................ (+ good) the previous one.

3. My boat is .................................................................. (= expensive) your boat.

4. This book is ................................................................ (= bad) that one.

5. Jurassic Park is .......................................................... (- frightening) Star Wars.

6. The Lost World is ....................................................... (- good) Jurassic Park I.

7. Peter is ....................................................................... (+ intelligent) student in the school!

8. This museum is .......................................................... (- interesting) place of the town.

13) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple ou au présent en BE + ING:

1. The train always ......................................................... (leave) on time.

2. 'What's the matter? Why ...................................................................(cry/you)?'

3. That's strange. They...................................................(not/watch) TV.

4. He .............................................................................. (not/speak) very good English.

5. Please be quiet! I ............................................................ (do) my homework.

6. Where ........................................................................ (live/they)?

7. Listen! John ............................................................... music! (play)

8. I never ........................................................................ (go) to the swimming pool.

9. Harold Black's a famous pianist. He ........................................ (give) two or three concerts every week.

10. He ............................................................................ (travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.

11. Today he .................................................................. (stay) at an expensive hotel.

12. He's at his hotel now. He .................................................. (have) breakfast in the dining-room.

13. He ............................................................................ (drink) a cup of coffee

14. and he ...................................................................... (read) a newspaper.

15. Harold's always very busy. He ................................................... (play) the piano regularly.

16. He ............................................................................ (practice) for four hours every day.

17. He ............................................................................ (go) to bed late

18. and he always ..........................................................get up) early.

19. But he sometimes .................................................... (get dressed) too quickly,

20. and this morning he ................................................. (wear) one blue sock and one red sock!

1) Choisir le bon article indéfini a/an (un/une)

a potato, a universal key, an elephant, a machine, a table, an apostrophe, a unit, an intelligent boy, a
yoghurt, a woman

2) Conjuguer l'auxiliaire BE

I am happy. We are in France. John and Mike are watching a film. The cat is on the table. Sandra and I
are tall. You are intelligent!

3) Construire une phrase simple

I am a boy. Gladys and her husband are in their house. Mike is a very intelligent student. Sandra is a
young woman.

4) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent en -ING:

We are playing (play) football. I am writing (write) a letter. She is putting (put) her shirt on. Sandra is
smiling (smile). Peter is sitting (sit) on his chair. Mike is reading (read) a book.

5) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple:

Every day, I wake up (wake up) at 7 am. My sister brushes (brush) her teeth. Then, she goes (go) to
her primary school. She likes (like) maths.

6) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple ou au présent en BE + ING:

Listen! Sandra is playing (play) music! On Sundays, I always play (play) football with my friends. I don't
like (not/like) carrots. She hates (hate) westerns. Can you help Peter? He is doing (do) his homework.
What are you watching (you/watch) now on TV? Is it interesting? When I go (go) back home, I will
phone my girlfriend. We usually take (take) a taxi to go to work. They don't travel (not/travel) a lot. She
isn't coming (not/come). She is looking after her little sister.

7) Employer les chiffres et nombres de 1 à 100 :

32 thirty-two. 11 eleven. 23 twenty-three. 56 fifty-six. 61 sixty-one. 6 six. 99 ninety-nine. 13 thirteen. 19

nineteen. 40 forty.

8) Donner l'heure

03.30 = it's half past three 05.50 = it's ten to six 08.20 = it's twenty past eight 06.15 = it's a quarter past
six 05.45 = it's a quarter to six.

9) Comparer 2 choses ou 2 personnes

The flat 2 is more expensive than (expensive) the flat 1. The flat 2 is larger than (large) the flat 1. The flat
2 is less comfortable than (comfortable) the flat 1. The flat 1 is as clean as (clean) the flat 2. The flat 1 is
better than (good) the flat 2.

10) Situer une personne ou un objet dans un grand groupe : le superlatif.

She's the most famous (famous) girl I have ever seen. It's the most interesting (interesting) city you can
visit. It's the fastest (fast) car I can drive. It's the worst (bad) match they have ever played. It's the best
(good) book I have ever read.

11) Utiliser les adjectifs possessifs.

Debby and Mark's house > their house John's car > his car The Johnsons' dog > their dog My cat's chair
> its chair Sandra's boat > her boat

12) Comparatif et superlatif

1. Sandra is prettier than (+ pretty) Sophia. 2. This song is better than (+ good) the previous one. 3. My
boat is as expensive as (= expensive) your boat. 4. This book is as bad as (= bad) that one. 5. Jurassic
Park is less frightening than (- frightening) Star Wars. 6. The Lost World is less good than (- good)
Jurassic Park I. 7. Peter is the most intelligent (+ intelligent) student in the school! 8. This museum is the
least interesting (- interesting) place of the town.

13) Construire une phrase avec un verbe conjugué au présent simple ou au présent en BE + ING:

1. The train always leaves (leave) on time. 2. 'What's the matter? Why are you crying (cry/you)?'

3. That's strange. They are not watching (not/watch) TV. 4. He does not speak (not/speak) very good
English. 5. Please be quiet! I am doing (do) my homework. 6. Where do they live (live/they)?

7. Listen! John is playing music! (play) 8. I never go (go) to the swimming pool. 9. Harold Black's a
famous pianist. He gives (give) two or three concerts every week. 10. He travels (travel) a lot and this
week he's in New York. 11. Today he is staying (stay) at an expensive hotel. 12. He's at his hotel now.
He is having (have) breakfast in the dining-room. 13. He is drinking (drink) a cup of coffee 14. and he is
reading (read) a newspaper. 15. Harold's always very busy. He plays (play) the piano regularly. 16. He
practices (practice) for four hours every day. 17. He goes (go) to bed late 18. and he always gets up (get
up) early. 19. But he sometimes gets dressed (get dressed) too quickly, 20. and this morning he is
wearing (wear) one blue sock and one red sock!

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