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Internal Assessment 2-Question Bank

GE8074-Human Rights

1. Name any two international agencies that monitor human right violations
2. Write the unique role of amnesty international?
3. What is called Greenpeace?
4. Define internally displaced people.
5. Do we have equal rights in India?
6. List the fundamental rights to an Indian citizen in the Constitution.
7. What role does the SHRC plays?
8. Discuss the relationship between human needs and human rights?
9. What is Constitutional Provision?
10. How does the UN monitor human rights?
11. List the objectives of monitoring.
12. What are the five main bodies of the UN?
13. What is Amnesty International?
14. List the six international human rights treaties monitored by the treaty bodies.
15. Give an example for constitutional provision.
16. Why the right to life is important?
17. State the role of NHRC.
18. What is entitlement?
19. What are the fundamental rights in India?
20. What is the right based theory?

1. Explain the various UN bodies engaged in human rights monitoring and compliance. (OR)
Explain the various UN Agencies to monitor and compliance of Human rights.
2. How do UN agencies monitor compliance of human rights? (OR) Enumerate the importance of UN
agencies in monitoring and compliance.
3. Discuss the perspectives of UN laws on human rights.
4. Discuss the various theories of UN laws in detail.
5. Discuss in detail about the human rights in India.
6. What are the functions of the National Human Rights Commission of India? Elaborate with examples
7. Explain in detail any six fundamental rights of India with suitable examples.
8. What are the Constitutional provisions and Guarantees to safeguard the rights of religious minorities in
9. Explain the various constitutional provisions for making judiciary independent.
10. Explain with example the Constitutional provisions and Constitutional guarantees.
11. How does the Constitution guarantee the protection of the rights of a citizen belonging to Scheduled

1. With a case study, discuss any one human rights violation issue has been addressed and resolved
by UN.
2. Elaborate media coverage on the plight and exodus of the migrant workers during the corona pandemic
lockdown. Discuss the rights to protect the dignity of the migrant worker.
3. Discuss the rights of sexual minorities and elaborate on the recent happenings in the rights pertaining to
4. Discuss the role of NGOs in safeguarding the rights of migrant labours with special reference to the
Covid-19 pandemic.

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