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September 1, 2023

7:00-7:30 AM


Grade V – Quarter 1: Week 1

At the end of this lesson, the
student should be able to:
a. Identify different life
challenges commonly
encountered by teenagers;
b. Determine the relevance of
school and community
experiences in achieving
c. Appreciate the importance of
the lesson learned from school
and community in
overcoming life’s challenges;
d. Share ways on how to make
the best out of the acquired
knowledge from school and
community in daily living
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Identify your uniqueness from others
 Enumerate the changes as you age
 Demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in valuing yourself.
A. Topic: “I” IS FOR IDEAL
B. Reference: Department of Education. Homeroom Guidance Grade 5 Self-
learning Module 1:“I” IS FOR IDEAL Manila: Department of Education Central
Office, 2020.
C. Paper & Ballpen
A. Preliminary
A. Have you noticed the changes in your body? What are those changes?
B. Did you compare yourself from others?

 Self-awareness will help you recognize your personal uniqueness. It will also help
you value yourself and manifest positive behaviors. When you were in Grade 4 or
even in earlier grade levels, you might have identified already some of your
personal strengths. You might also have started to cope with your weaknesses.
Self-awareness is expected to deepen as you age.
 You are surely unique even among the members of your family. Notice your
similarities and differences as you go along.
Activity no. 1
For this first activity, ask one of your classmates/friends to share about his/her likes,
interests, talents, skills and values. List down his/her responses. List down yours, too!
Look at the example below:
My classmates/friends My personal

Likes _____________ Likes _____________

Interests ________________ Interests ________________

Talents __________________ Talents __________________

Skills ____________________ Skills ____________________

Values ___________________ Values ___________________

B. Analysis
 Based on the data you gathered, what have you observed?
 Do you have the same likes, interest, skills, and values?
 What do you differ?
C. Abstraction
Being unique makes it easier for you to stand out from the crowd and show your true
self. You can feel good about yourself because you know what it is that makes you
unique and embrace this. Once the uniqueness is embraced, other people are drawn to
it and want to be part of it.
Embracing our uniqueness means accepting our flaws and imperfections, as well as our
strengths and talents. It means recognizing that we don't have to be like everyone else
to be accepted or successful. In fact, our differences are what make us stand out and
bring value to the world.
D. Application
1. Try to draw yourself on a piece of paper.
2. Below your drawing, write down specific changes in your body, skills, and interest
that you are happy to have.
3. Color you’re drawing and share your work to your classmates. Tell them what it is
Direction: On a piece of paper, write your answers to the following questions on a clean
sheet of paper. Sample responses have been provided as your guide.
1. What do you have in common with a family member?
Sample response: Both my father and I enjoy cooking, like chicken adobo and
lumpiang gulay.
2. How are you different from your family member?
Sample response: My father and I differ in values; I follow my planned schedule
in studying while he changes his calendared activities.
3. How do you feel about it?
Sample response: I’m happy because I am unique.

September 8, 2023
7:00-7:30 AM


Grade V – Quarter 1: Week 2

At the end of this lesson, the
student should be able to:
a. Identify different life
challenges commonly
encountered by teenagers;
b. Determine the relevance of
school and community
experiences in achieving
c. Appreciate the importance of
the lesson learned from school
and community in
overcoming life’s challenges;
d. Share ways on how to make
the best out of the acquired
knowledge from school and
community in daily living
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Identify your uniqueness from others
 Enumerate the changes as you age
 Demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in valuing yourself.
A. Topic: “I” IS FOR IDEAL
B. Reference: Department of Education. Homeroom Guidance Grade 5 Self-
learning Module 1:“I” IS FOR IDEAL Manila: Department of Education Central
Office, 2020.
C. Paper & Ballpen
A. Preliminary
1. What are your hobbies?
2. Do you prefer watching TV from reading books?
Activity no. 1
The next activity will allow you to discover further your uniqueness from others in terms
of feelings, actions, and thoughts/ beliefs.

Activity on. 2
After learning that you are unique and special along with some changes in your body,
feelings, actions, and beliefs, you came to understand that there are appropriate
behaviors or actions to do in valuing yourself.
The next activity will ask you to write and express your commitment to do three
appropriate actions.
1. Think of three (3) appropriate actions you really want to do because you value
yourself. 2. Find a good space, then stand still.
3. Hug yourself by touching your left shoulder with your right hand. Do the opposite
with your left hand on your right shoulder.
4. Close your eyes and slowly take three deep breaths.
5. Whisper to yourself the statement, “Since I love and value myself, I will
______________, _______________, and _______________.”
6. Repeat the statement. This time, say it out loud. Feel this appropriate act of valuing
B. Analysis
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. What did you find enjoyable in the activity?
2. What changes have you discovered in yourself?
3. What made you feel confident or proud about the changes in yourself? Why?

C. Abstraction
Self-awareness is the key cornerstone to emotional intelligence, as defined in
research by Courtney Ackerman. This self-awareness is the ability to monitor our
emotions and thoughts from moment to moment. It is a key to understanding ourselves
better, being at peace with who we are and proactively managing our thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors. All people are unique from one another.
You have your likes and dislikes. You have things that attract you more than
others. You have your preferences, or things that draw your thoughts and feelings more
than others. You have your own traits; you may behave differently from other children
when faced with the same situation.
You are ideally unique, and you continue to grow and develop into a better
person. Hence, you must also be gentle to yourself in your thoughts and actions. Being
aware of the appropriate and inappropriate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that you hold
about yourself is important in your continuous growth and development. If you value
yourself and the person you are creating, you should take good care of your physical
body. You should also nurture your mind. This can be done by eating a balance diet.
Not only that, but also doing exercise and having the right amount of sleep. Believe in
the good things about you.

D. Application
Access your self if you are aware on your uniqueness.
Strengths Weakness

Write an essay about yourself that highlights your uniqueness.
September 15, 2023
7:00-7:30 AM


Grade V – Quarter 1: Week 3

At the end of this lesson, the
student should be able to:
a. Identify different life
challenges commonly
encountered by teenagers;
b. Determine the relevance of
school and community
experiences in achieving
c. Appreciate the importance of
the lesson learned from school
and community in
overcoming life’s challenges;
d. Share ways on how to make
the best out of the acquired
knowledge from school and
community in daily living
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. enumerate the rights, similarities, and differences of individuals.
2. identify the importance of having others in the family, school, and community.
3. demonstrate respect for individual differences to maintain harmonious
4. share positive experiences because of respecting individual differences
B. Reference: Department of Education. Homeroom Guidance Grade 5 Self-
learning Module 1:“I” IS FOR IDEAL Manila: Department of Education Central
Office, 2020.
C. Paper & Ballpen
A. Preliminary
After knowing yourself, it is now time to get to know the people around you.
Explore how you can relate with one another. Try to appreciate your connections with
them and how these connections can help you build positive relationships. Self-
discovery would be fun, exciting, and full of surprises as you connect yourself to others.
They give us a different view on how we take things and hopefully be mindful with the
people around us.
Activity no. 1
Read the poem below and try to understand the meaning and its message.
We All Need Love
By Diane Penuel L. Duclan
We, children, are all the same,
boy or girl; rich or poor; big or small.
We’re smart in our own way.

Big dreams we have, I say.

Some are born to happy parents.
Some others, from home are away.
We have different colors but the same rights we have.
We want respect and we all need love.
B. Analysis
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. What is the message of the poem?
2. How are we different from others as presented in the poem?
3. How will you treat others who are different from you?

C. Abstraction
Your social ties with family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others
impact your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.
Social connection can lower anxiety and depression, help us regulate our
emotions, lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and improve our immune systems.
By neglecting our need to connect, we put our health at risk.

Here are some examples to connect with others:

1. Be your authentic self. You can't go wrong with being yourself.
2. Respect people's boundaries.
3. Stay focused on the present.
4. Share the conversation.
5. Be genuine with your admiration.
6. Be a good listener.
D. Application
Group activity
Gather your group in a large open space. Ultimate objective is to create one large circle
in which every person is physically linked with two others. Ask one volunteer to stand
with one hand on their hip, and then share one or more statements about themselves
to the group.

Directions: Find the words that will complete the sentences regarding the roles of the
family, school and community. Use the puzzle below to find them.

1. The members of the family teach children to _____ others.

2. The church teaches us to ________ to God for our welfare.
3. The school _____ learners the needed knowledge and skills in life.
4. A good person ______ others in need.
5.The barangay _____ its people to ensure their health and safety.
Processing Questions:
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. Based on the activity, what are the different roles of people in the community
(school, church, barangay)?
2. Why are other people in the community important to you?
3. How will you show the people in the community that you value them?

September 22, 2023

7:00-7:30 AM
Grade V – Quarter 1: Week 4

At the end of this lesson, the
student should be able to:
a. Identify different life
challenges commonly
encountered by teenagers;
b. Determine the relevance of
school and community
experiences in achieving
c. Appreciate the importance of
the lesson learned from school
and community in
overcoming life’s challenges;
d. Share ways on how to make
the best out of the acquired
knowledge from school and
community in daily living
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. enumerate the rights, similarities, and differences of individuals.
2. identify the importance of having others in the family, school, and community.
3. demonstrate respect for individual differences to maintain harmonious
4. share positive experiences because of respecting individual differences
B. Reference: Department of Education. Homeroom Guidance Grade 5 Self-learning
Module 1:“I” IS FOR IDEAL Manila: Department of Education Central Office, 2020.
C. Paper & Ballpen
A. Preliminary
After recognizing the roles of the family, school and community from the puzzle,
let’s try to deepen your understanding on these roles. Read the situations given below
and choose the role being described. Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

Activity no. 1

B. Analysis
Activity no.1

Make a list of your roles in your family, school, and community.

C. Abstraction
You are part of the society, and you share equal human rights with other people.
United Nations declared that everyone is entitled to all the rights and privileges. It
doesn’t matter if you’re different in color, gender, language, and religion. All have equal
rights. However, you need to be responsible, as well.

D. Application: Shared Interest Scavenger Hunt

Group ActivityCreate a group with 5 members

Directions: You, together with other people, should cooperate to enjoy your rights. Site
your roles, duties and responsibilities of the community.
1. As a person
2. As a member of the family
September 29, 2023
7:00-7:30 AM


Grade V – Quarter 1: Week 5

At the end of this lesson, the
student should be able to:
a. Identify different life
challenges commonly
encountered by teenagers;
b. Determine the relevance of
school and community
experiences in achieving
c. Appreciate the importance of
the lesson learned from school
and community in
overcoming life’s challenges;
d. Share ways on how to make
the best out of the acquired
knowledge from school and
community in daily living
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. enumerate the rights, similarities, and differences of individuals.
2. identify the importance of having others in the family, school, and community.
3. demonstrate respect for individual differences to maintain harmonious
4. share positive experiences because of respecting individual differences
B.Reference: Department of Education. Homeroom Guidance Grade 5 Self-learning
Module 1:“I” IS FOR IDEAL Manila: Department of Education Central Office, 2020.
C. Paper & Ballpen
A. Preliminary
Activity no. 2
Recall a positive experience with your family, friends, classmates, neighbors or
community member which shows respect to others.
Example: When you gave way to elders in line. Write this experience briefly on a clean
sheet of paper and answer the following processing questions below:
B. Analysis
Processing Questions:
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. How do you show respect to others? Give at least three.
2. As a Grade 5 learner, how can you promote respect to others?

C. Abstraction
The importance of having others in the family, school and community, is that it
helps us to communicate better, gain trust, and apply teamwork. They are there so that
we can solve our problems that we can't take alone easily.
D. Application
Complete the following sentences.
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
1. In this module, I learn about ________________, ___________, ______________
and _______________.
2. I learned that rights are ______________________________________________.
3. I can do my responsibilities like _________________, ___________, and
4. I show respect for others by________________________________.
5. I feel ______________to learn about rights, responsibilities and respect for others.
Direction: On a clean sheet of paper, list down five ways on how you will show respect
to other people. Show the list to one of your family members and let him/her sign it.Try
to do these for the whole week.

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