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Efraim S.

Ordonez Ethics
BSA 2A Sir. Nilo Lardizabal

Preliminary Exam
1. Thanos, the villain in Avengers Infinity War knows that due to widespread neglect and
carelessness, the earth has become polluted and chaotic with war; its natural resources drained
and destroyed. He desired to eliminate half the population for the sake of peace, and ultimately
to save planet earth. Was he truly an evil villain in doing so? And was he justified in his actions?
(Justified means that the action is alright, morally good).
He is evil in doing so because every human being has the right to live, and that right was being
disregarded by him. If he thinks that his actions are just that is only subjective according to his
own opinions or ideals. His purpose maybe good but his actions were wrong for it is not just to
put the lives of another in someone else hands. So, his actions weren’t justified because to
consider something morally good, it need to have a good purpose with a good action. The
“good” that I meant is objectively good not subjectively.

2. A 60-year-old man named Juan had a motor accident and was unconscious. Rushed to the
hospital and about to die, the doctors had nothing to do but to operate on him. But when they
removed his clothes, they saw in his chest a tattooed inscription, “Do Not Save My Life!”. If you
were the doctor, will you honor his request or will you continue the operation to save Juan’s life?
As it was said in the situation that it was an accident, he didn’t really try to take his own life. That
tattoo could also be just a coincidence or a part of his past, but it wasn’t related to his current
situation, so the right thing to do here as a doctor is that I need to do my part, that is to try and
save the life of the old man, the inscription is not related to what I need to do. Also, the old man
is unconscious he cannot give consent so it is already presumed that I need to tend to his
necessary emergency treatment and after that if there is someone who is authorized decision
maker for him, I will do my part accordingly to their decision.

3. President Kyle of Wakanda gave permission for citizens in his country to instantly shoot or kill
any criminal they see. Crimes therein included possession and use of drugs. It so happens that
Neil saw a man carrying a small plastic containing white drugs. With gun in hand, Neil shoots
the man instantly. Was he justified in doing so, knowing that citizens of Wakanda were given the
right to shoot criminals?
No, because they were only given the permission to do so but, the decision was up to them.
According to the situation, Neil’s action was legal, but it isn’t right nor morally good. As I have
said earlier no one has the right to the life of another person even that someone is bad. For it is
not just to put the fate of someone or something that isn’t yours into your hands, so his actions
weren’t justified. It was also said that “he shoots the man instantly” that mean he already
planned to do so even before he could think about the situation as if there is no conscience nor
remorse in his actions.

4. Arnold Zacar and Gabriel Dimaano were the best basketball players in PCU-Philippine
Computer Univ. Before the last and final game against Lysol Univ., they were caught gambling.
Protocol says that they must be suspended. If you were the coach of the team who heard the
news, will you suspend them accordingly? Or perhaps try to find ways to make them play the
final game first? Remember, the school depends on these two.
If I were the coach, I will suspend them accordingly because it is said that they are caught so it
must be true and for them, as a student of PCU, there are rules that are made to be followed
under the institution that they’re in. It is normal to punish them for their actions and I will not
compromise that even they are needed in the finals. It is true that the school is depending on
them for the finals but first, the school depends on them to follow their rules and maintain the
good image of the university as students of it. As an instructor I need to educate them properly
and not compromise just because there is an important situation because helping them to learn
their wrong doings is what matters.

5. A pregnant woman is in danger of dying due to complications brought about by her

pregnancy. Is her right to live greater than the child’s right to live? As an ethical theorist, how
would you counsel the attending doctor?
As an ethical theorist I would tell the doctor that neither the woman nor the child has the greater
right to live for no has the greater right than others. There are outcomes to every decision that
we make and each of them has its pros and cons and that is something that we cannot control.
As a doctor do not base your decision on the benefits or consequences that it will bring. Just do
your part as a doctor, do what is objectively right and morally good. Having more good
outcomes will never always be considered right and having more bad outcomes will never
always be considered wrong.

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