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10 November 2022 20:56



---------- Table of Content ----------

 Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO)

 Concept of Zeroes and Poles
 Characteristic Equation (CE)
 Conditions for stable, Unstable & Marginally Stable
 Procedure
□ Trick for Cubic Polynomial
 Limitation Of Routh Array Method


 In stability analysis there are 5 parts :

(1) Bounded input and Bounded output method
(2) Routh Array method
(3) Bode Stability criteria
(4) Root Locus Stability Criteria
(5) Nyquist method.

Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO)

- This method is used to define the stability of the system.

- Bounded => Finite Value Theorem(FVT) => System Bounded

- Inputs : step input, Pulse input, Sine input.

- Statement : Bounded input & Bounded output for any system called stable system.

- Best example of bounded system is first order system with step input.

 Concept of Zeroes and Poles : ---------

(S−z1 )(S−Z2 )
- Let take an example : Transfer function =
(S−P1 )(S−P2 )

Roots of the Numerator is called Zeroes

- Here in our example z1 & z2 are zeroes.

Roots of the Denominator is called Poles

- Here in our example P1 & P2 are poles.

- Poles can be imaginary.

 Example : G(S) =
S2 (S+5)

- Zeros : z1 = [S-2 = 0] = 2

- Poles : P = [S2 (S + 5) = 0 ---> S = 0, S = 0, S = -5]

P1 = 0 , P2 = 0 , P3 = -5.

 Conclusion : Number power of S = Number of Poles & Zeroes.

 Characteristic Equation (CE) : ---------

- T.F of Closed loop =
1+ Gopen
Yout Gc Gf Gp
- =
Ysp 1+ Gc Gf Gp GM

Characteristic Equation (CE) = 1 + 𝐆𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐩

 Note : Root of the CE is called poles.

- For stability analysis we talk about poles.

- For check the invers responce we talk about Zeroes.
- For increase the responce at least one zeroes should be positive.

 Example : Transfer Function = 2 , find CE and poles.
(S2 +2)
Solution :
- C.E = (S2 + 2)
- Roots = (S2 + 2) and (S2 + 2)
S2 = -2 and S2 = -2
S = √2 . √−1 = ± √2i and S = √2 . √−1 = ± √2i
- Total 4 poles (± √2i and ± √2i).

 Conditions for stable, Unstable & Marginally Stable : ---------

○ Case 1 : Roots of C.E. Are real and positive.

 Example : G(S) =
Solution :
- S = +5 which is real and positive
- System is unstable.

- G(S) = | inverse laplace of this function is e5t that means graph is exponentially increases and system
become unstable.

○ Case 2 : Roots of C.E. Are real and Negative.

 Example : G(S) =
Solution :
- S = -5 which is real and Negative
- System is stable.
- G(S) = | inverse laplace of this function is e−5t that means graph is exponentially decreases from 5 to 0
which is bounded and system become stable.

○ Case 3 : Roots are complex conjugate with negative real part.

 Example :
S = -2 ± 3i

 Root of C.E :
If −𝛂 ± i𝛃 then the system is stable.
If ± i𝛃 then the system is Marginally stable.
If 𝛂 ± i𝛃 then the system is unstable.

 Example : G(S) = then the system is??
(S2 +2)(S2 +3)
Solution :
- Here roots of C.E is ± √2i and ± √3i

 Note : ---------

QUE : Which one of the following transfer functions, upon a unit step change in disturbance at t=0, will
show a stable time domain responce with a negative initial slope (i.e., slope at t = 0). [GATE : 2015 : IIT
𝟏 𝟐 1 2 1 2 1 2
(A) G(S) = 𝐒+𝟏 - 𝐒+𝟒 (B) G(S) = S+1 + S+4 (C) G(S) = S+1 + S−4 (D) G(S) = S−1 + S−4
Solution :
- From the case 2 : for stable system we get all the roots are positive but
- Here in option (C) and (D) : we get positive root.

1 2
- In option (A) : G(S) = -
S+1 S+4
- G(t) = (1 − e−t ) − (1 − e−4t ) get stable time domain responce.

- Negative initial slope (means slope at t = 0)

- Slope = e−t − 2 e−4t = 1 - 2 = -1 (negative slop)
dt t→0

- Option (A) satisfy our question.




 Why we study ??
 To find out closed loop stability.
 To find out number of poles in left half and right half of X- planes.
 To find out range of K for stable system.
 To find out the value of k for system become marginally stable.
 To find out natural frequency of oscillation.

 Procedure :
- To find out C.E
- C.E. = 1 + GOpen Loop
a1 a2 −a0 a3 a1 a4 −a0 a5 0−0
- B1 = | B2 = | B3 = = 0
a1 a1 a1

B1 a3 −a1 B2 B1 a5 −0
- C1 = | C2 = = a5
B1 B1

○ Note 1: For stable system first column of Routh Array will be positive with non zero.

○ Note 2 : Number of sign change in first column of Routh Array will show number of roots right half of
the x-plane.

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QUE : Given the characteristic equation below, select the number of roots which will be located to the right
of the imaginary axis S4 + 5x3 − S2 - 17S + 12 =0 [GATE 2005 : IIT Bombay]
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Zero
Solution :
- Here two times sign changes.

a1 a2 −a0 a3 5×(−1)−(1)(−17) 12
- B1 = = =
a1 5 5

a1 a4 −a0 a5 5×12−(1)(0)
- B2 = = = 12
a1 5

- B3 = = 0

B1 a3 −a1 B2 ×(−17) − (5)(12)
- C1 = = 5
12 = - 42
B1 ( )

( )(0)−0
- C2 = 5
12 = 0
( )

C1 B2 −C2 B1 −42 ×(12) − (0)( )
- D1 = = 5
= 12
C1 (−42)

○ Note 3 : If all the coefficient of characteristic equation are positive; the system may be stable may
C.E = a0 Sn + a1 Sn−1 + a2 Sn−2 +.... [a0 , a1 , a2 = positive]

○ Note 4 : If any coefficient are negative of C.E.

C.E = a0 Sn - a1 Sn−1 + a2 Sn−2 +.... Then the system is Unstable.

 Example : 3S2 − 2S + 1
Solution :
2 ± 4−(4×3×1) 2±√−8 2
- S= = = ± i (α ± iβ means system is unstable)
2×3 6 6 6

 Trick for Cubic Polynomial : ---------

- C.E = aS3 + bS3 + cS + d = 0
(1) stable system : b× 𝐜 > a× 𝐝

(2) Unstable system : b× 𝐜 < a× 𝐝

(3) Marginally(Critical) Stable : b× 𝐜 = a× 𝐝

QUE : The characteristic equation of closed loop system is 6S3 + 22S3 + 6S + (1 + K) = 0 where K>0 . The
value of K beyond which the system fast become unstable rounded to nearest integer is [GATE 2017 : IIT
Solution :

- Root from first column : <0
10 < K

QUE : A PI controller with integral time constant of 0.1 min is to be designed to control a process with
transfer function
Gp (S) =
S2 +2S+100
Assume the transfer function of the measuring element and the final control element are both unity (Gm =
1, Gf = 1).
The gain (rounded off to the first to the first decimal place) of the controller that will constitute the critical
condition for stability of the PI feedback control system is ________ [GATE 2016 : IISc Bangalore]
Solution :
(S+10) 10
- C.E = 1 + Gopen loop = 1 + Gc Gp Gf Gm = 1 + Kc × 2
S S +2S+100

- C.E = 0 = S3 + 2S2 + 100S + 10Kc (S+10)

- C.E = S3 + 2S2 + (100 + 10Kc )S + 100Kc = 0

- Here critical condition means : Marginally stable system.

QUE : The first two rows of Routh's tabulation of a third order equation are ---------
S3 2 2
S2 4 4
Select the correct answer from the following choices.
(A) The equation has root in the right half S-plane.
(B) The equation has two root on the left j-axis at S=j and -j. The third root is in the left half plane.
(C) The equation has two root on the left j-axis at S=2j and -2j. The third root is in the left half plane.
(D) The equation has two root on the left j-axis at S=2j and -2j. The third root is in the right half plane.
Solution :
S3 2 2
S 4 4

- C.E = 2S3 + 4S2 + 2S + 4 = 0

2S2 (S+2) + 2(S+2) = 0
(2S2 +2) + (S+2) = 0
S = -2
2S2 S = -2

 Limitation Of Routh Array Method : ---------

- The criterion can be applied only if the characteristic equation has constant coefficients and cannot be
applied if they are not real or contain exponential tearms as in the case of system with dead time.
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