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EXPRESSIONISM – Subjects in expressionism often include

fantasy, violence, anxiety, and loss of authenticity and spirituality.

The term expressionism was originally used in visual and literary
arts and was first applied to music in 1918. It is considered as a
reaction to impressionism. In this movement, artists created vivid
pictures, distorting colors, and shapes to make unrealistic images
that suggested strong emotions. At the same time, expressionist
composers poured intense emotional expression into their music
and explored the subconscious mind.
Expressionism is a movement that emerged simultaneously in
various cities across Germany as a response to a widespread
anxiety. It took place before World War I and extended to the period
between two major European wars.
Expressionism centered on emotional expression rather than
depicting reality. Expressionist music often features a high level of
dissonance, extreme contrasts of dynamics, constant changing of
textures, distorted melodies, and harmonies.
Anger, rage, sorrow, and depression, these feelings were clearly
reflected on the musical works of expressionist composers.
Expressionism is described as a movement of young people.
Dissonance – the quality of sound that seems unstable.
Atonal – music which lacks a key or tonal center.
Dynamics – loudness or softness of the music
Pianissimo to Fortissimo – very soft to very loud
Fortissimo to Pianissimo – very loud to very soft
Texture – determines the overall quality of the sound in a piece

Arnold Schoenberg - Arnold Schoenberg was born on September
13, 1874, in a working-class suburb of Vienna, Austria. He taught
himself music theory but took lessons in counterpoint. Schoenberg’s
style in music changed from time to time his tonal preference
gradually evolved to something dissonant and atonal as he explored
the use of chromatic harmonies. He was responsible for the
establishment of the 12 Tone System. The 12 Tone System is a
method of writing music as a means of ensuring that all 12 notes of
the chromatic scale sounded as equally with one another while
preventing the emphasis of any one note. He died on July 13, 1951
in Los Angeles, California, USA where he had settled since 1934.
His works:
 Pierrot Lunaire
 Three Pieces for Piano, Op. 11
 Violin Concerto
Igor Stravinsky – Born in Russia on June 17, 1882. IN his first
notable composition, the Firebird Suite, his skillful handling of
material and rhythmic inventiveness went beyond anything written
by his Russian predecessors. He added a new ingredient to his
nationalistic musical style. He died in New York City on April 6,
Stravinsky wrote approximately 127 pieces including:
 Concerti
 Orchestral music
 Opera
 Ballets
 Solo vocal
 Choral music

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