Science 10 Quarter 1 Lesson 9

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Lithospheric plates or the solid part of the Earth are gradually moving to form different

geologic events such as earthquakes, mountain buildings, and volcanoes.

Scientist learned that as continental and oceanic crusts move, they can form geologic
events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges.
Wegener’s curiosity about the idea of drifting continents started when he noticed the
edges of South America and Africa in a World Map could be fitted like a jigsaw puzzle.
Geological “fit” evidence is the matching of large-scale geological features on different
continents. It has been noted that the coastlines of South America and West Africa
seem to match up, however more particularly, the rock terrains of separate continents
confirm as well.
The existence of coal deposits in Antarctica suggested that it was once located near the
region of the Earth where the climate is enough to support complex life forms such as
plants and trees.
Continental drift theory is being supported by the following evidence: Continental Fit,
matching of rocks, fossils of ancient organisms, coal deposits in Antarctica, ancient
climates, glaciers carvings.

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