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According to Naite (2021), It showed that students with parents who were actively involved in
their education performed better academically and scored higher on tests across the board. The results
suggested that parents should become more aware of the value of supporting and visiting their kids in

Naite, I. (2021). Impact of parental involvement on children’s academic performance at Crescent

International School, Bangkok, Thailand. IOP Conference Series, 690(1), 012064.
https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012064 Retrieved October 9, 2023 from

Parents were advised to take an active part in supporting their children's education both at
home and in school because they are the first mentors of their kids ( Naite, 2021).

Naite, I. (2021). Impact of parental involvement on children’s academic performance at Crescent

International School, Bangkok, Thailand. IOP Conference Series, 690(1), 012064.
https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012064 Retrieved October 9, 2023 from

According to Midori Otani (2019) This study investigates the associations between parental
involvement and academic achievement across three criteria: school level (elementary and middle
school), gender (male and female) and subject (mathematics and science). Additionally, it examines
whether students’ attitudes towards a subject and their academic aspirations mediate this relationship.

Otani, M. (2019). Parental involvement and academic achievement among elementary and middle
school students. Asia Pacific Education Review, 21(1), 1–25. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from

According to Matthew C. Lambert et al., (2021) Parental involvement in school is an

undoubtedly important element of a student’s educational experience and outcomes.

Lambert et al., (2021). The role of parental involvement in narrowing the academic achievement gap for
high school students with elevated emotional and behavioral risks. Journal of Emotional and
Behavioral Disorders, 30(1), 54–66. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://bitly.ws/WIFC

According to Liu et al., (2019) Academic achievement is one of the most important indicators for
assessing students’ performance and educational attainment.

According to Liu et al., (2019) The relation between family socioeconomic status and academic
achievement in China: A Meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 32(1), 49–76. Retrieved
October 9, 2023 from https://bitly.ws/WINt

As stated by (Lara & Saracostti, et al 2019). The findings indicate that children's academic
achievement varies depending on the parental participation profiles, with low involvement parents
having children with lower academic achievement.

Lara, L., & Saracostti, M. (2019b). Effect of parental involvement on children’s academic achievement in
Chile. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://tinyurl.com/52vjxvj7

According to ( Bayu, 2020) The total academic success of children was significantly and favorably
impacted by parental involvement. When parents and schools work together, kids score better and do
better academically.

Bayu, B. M. (2020). Parental involvement and children’s academic achievement: in the case of some
selected government primary schools of Bahirdar City, Ethiopia. CORE. Retrieved October 9,
2023 from https://tinyurl.com/3dp8e6m8
The findings of the current study also show a very substantial positive correlation between
student academic progress and parental participation. The study's findings show that a child's enhanced
academic accomplishment is highly correlated with parental participation potential. ( Bayu, 2020)

Bayu, B. M. (2020). Parental involvement and children’s academic achievement: in the case of some
selected government primary schools of Bahirdar City, Ethiopia. CORE. Retrieved October 9,
2023 from https://tinyurl.com/3dp8e6m8

According to Smokoska (2020) Parental involvement is crucial to the lives of our students. The
level of parental participation that a pupil receives at school and/or at home can influence how
successful they will be in school. Due to parents' involvement in their children's education outside of the
classroom, home-based involvement often results in better levels of academic accomplishment.

Smokoska, L. (2020b). An investigation of parental involvement and student academic achievement in

middle school. CORE. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://tinyurl.com/mw7kx2r6

According to Sengonul (2022), the academic success of children has been positively impacted by
parental involvement both at home and at school, including reading to children at home, encouraging
and supporting learning, maintaining high expectations for their children's education and academic
success, establishing communication, and talking with their kids about school-related issues.

Sengonul (2022). A Review of the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Children’s Academic
Achievement and the Role of Family Socioeconomic Status in this Relationship. Pegem Journal
of Education and Instruction, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2022, 32 -57 Retrieved October 9, 2023 from

As stated by Ates (2021) It was discovered that there were no appreciable differences in the
association between parental participation and academic achievement in terms of subject matters
(mathematics, science, reading, and language abilities). For math and scientific subjects, the effect size
was found to be poor, and for reading comprehension and foreign languages, it was found to be
moderate. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in the average impact sizes
when the association between parental participation and academic achievement was evaluated by
school level.

Ates (2021). The Relationship Between Parental Involvement in Education and Academic Achievement:
A Meta-analysis Study. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2021, 50-66
Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://tinyurl.com/32sjuemc

According to Erdem and Kaya (2020) Regarding the effect of parental involvement types, it is
revealed in the current study that school- based parental involvement has a positive and weak effect on
students’ academic achievement. School-based involvement has a greater effect on academic
achievement than home-based involvement in this study.

Erdem, C., & Kaya, M. (2020). A meta-analysis of the effect of parental involvement on students’
academic achievement. Journal of Learning for Development, 7(3), 39,67-383. Retrieved
October 9, 2023 from https://tinyurl.com/ypr2rs8j

Increased parental involvement and school involvement improve teenagers' academic

performance both directly and indirectly by having a favorable impact on children's social skills (Brajsa‐
Zganec et al., 2019)..

Brajsa‐Zganec et al., (2019). The relations of parental supervision, parental school involvement, and
child’s social competence with school achievement in primary school. Psychology in the
Schools, 56(8), 1246–1258. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22273 Retrieved October 9, 2023 from
According to Assefa (2019), Parental participation and students' academic achievement have a
beneficial association. Therefore, it is advised that parents focus their time, resources, and efforts on
their kids' education in order to boost their academic accomplishment. They should also sincerely
encourage their kids' academic progress.

Assefa, A. (2019). Relationship between Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement in
Model Primary and Secondary School of Haramaya University, East Hararghe Zone, Oromia
Regional State, Ethiopia. https://eric.ed.gov/?
Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://bitly.ws/WPpk

Academic achievement and parental involvement in their children's education have a strong
correlation. Academic attainment is higher when parents are more involved in their children's education
(Assefa, 2019).

Assefa, A. (2019). Relationship between Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement in
Model Primary and Secondary School of Haramaya University, East Hararghe Zone, Oromia
Regional State, Ethiopia. https://eric.ed.gov/?
Retrieved October 9, 2023 from https://bitly.ws/WPpk

According to Thartori (2019) children's educational engagement and success during their
educational years are greatly influenced by parents' involvement. This concept served as the study's
foundation as it looked at how actively involved parents were in their children's schooling.

View of parental involvement in education among Albanian parents. (2019).

https://journals.iium.edu.my/ijes/index.php/iejs/article/view/213/106 Retrieved October 9,
2023 from https://bitly.ws/WPXV

According to Pusztai et al., (2023) studies on the benefits of education and schools have
emphasized the significance of schools' capacity to involve parents in the upbringing of their children.
Families' choice of schools, with the intention that the child should go to a "good school" in some sense,
is just a reasonable, goal-oriented behavior that is taken for granted by the affluent.

Pusztai, G., Róbert, P., & Fényes, H. (2023). Parental involvement and school choice in
Hungarian primary schools. Journal of School Choice, 17(1), 118–135.
https://doi.org/10.1080/15582159.2023.2169812 Retrieved October 10, 2023 from

As stated by Hurley et al., (2018) The participation of parents in their children's education
is one strategy that helps to improve academic results.

Hurley, K. L. D., Lambert, M. C., & D’Angelo, J. N. H. (2018). Comparing a framework for
conceptualizing parental involvement in education between students at risk of emotional
and behavioral issues and students without disabilities. Journal of Emotional and
Behavioral Disorders, 27(2), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.1177/1063426618763112
Retrieved October 10, 2023 from https://bitly.ws/WUSj
According to Khumalo (2023), one of the elements that contributes to students' success in
school is the parents' involvement in their children's education. In addition, the corpus on school
reform has adequately addressed the nature of parental engagement and its advantages.

Khumalo, J. (2023). School management support for parental involvement in education. ResearchGate.
_sg=wFGDN2xQ9Ymp_nXiU2GQRmEPHtTTrYZW8rWgR3ecVka5MA55uVr2X October 10,
2023 from https://bitly.ws/WUVw

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