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Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology A Canadian Focus, 10th Edition: Hewitt

Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology A Canadian

Focus, 10th Edition: Hewitt

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Chapter 8 Race and Ethnic Relations
Introduction to Sociology, 10e (Hewitt/White/Teevan)

1) A social system of co-existing ethnic groups is called a/an ________ society.

Answer: pluralistic
Diff: 2

2) In referring to Canada as a vertical mosaic, Porter called attention to the fact that ________ is
a major source of inequality.
Answer: ethnicity
Diff: 1

3) Ethnicity is a/an ________ status.

Answer: ascribed
Diff: 2

4) The degree to which an ethnic population develops a self-sufficient range of ethnic

institutions paralleling those of the larger society is known as ________.
Answer: Institutional completeness
Diff: 2

5) A/an ________ group is a highly variable and complex social entity that has assumed various
forms in different societies and historical eras.
Answer: ethnic
Diff: 1

6) Racism is a/an ________ that regards racial or ethnic categories as natural genetic groupings,
and that attributes behavioural and psychological differences to the genetic nature of these
Answer: ideology
Diff: 2

7) A/an ________ group is a social category that occupies a subordinate rank in a social
Answer: minority
Diff: 1

8) The 2006 Census found the about of the visible minority population was
born in Canada.
Answer: one-third
Diff: 2

9) The prevalence of across ethnic and racial boundaries is increasing, and over 41
percent of Canadians today report multiple ethnic ancestries.
Answer: marriage
Diff: 1

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 1

10) ________ or institutionalized discrimination consists of institutional practices that perpetuate
majority-group privilege and create disadvantage for minorities simply by conducting
"business as usual".
Answer: Systemic
Diff: 3

11) The term "race" refers to arbitrary categories that reflect a social process of labeling and
classification that has been called ________.
Answer: racialization
Diff: 2

12) Intergroup relationships in Canada in this century have been shaped by the historical
process of ________.
Answer: colonialism
Diff: 3

13) Since Confederation, the affairs of status Indians have been managed by various branches
and departments of the ________.
Answer: federal government
Diff: 1

14) The only officially bilingual province in Canada is ________.

Answer: New Brunswick
Diff: 2

15) In the 1990s, immigrants from ________ contributed 58 percent of total immigration to
Answer: Asia
Diff: 3

16) Assimilationism is the view that ethnic diversity gradually and inevitably ________.
Answer: declines
Diff: 2

17) Many ________ theorists are more concerned with understanding what lies behind dominant
assumptions and social conventions than with developing theories to explain and predict
behaviour, solving social problems or prompting social change.
Answer: postmodern
Diff: 3

18) Canada has a larger percentage of immigrants in its population than any other country
except for ________.
A) the United States
B) Britain
C) France
D) Australia
E) Italy
Answer: D
Diff: 2

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 2

19) In referring to Canadian society as a ________, Porter called attention to the fact that
ethnicity is a major source of inequality in Canada.
A) melting pot
B) pluralistic democracy
C) vertical mosaic
D) former colony of Britain
E) horizontal mosaic
Answer: C
Diff: 1

20) A sequential movement of persons from a common place of origin to a common destination,
with the assistance of relative or compatriots already settled in the new location, is known
A) sponsored immigration
B) chain migration
C) quota migration
D) family class entry
E) institutional completeness
Answer: B
Diff: 2

21) In 2001, about ________ percent of immigrants admitted were refugees.

A) 5
B) 11
C) 16
D) 27
E) 61
Answer: B
Diff: 3

22) The Canadian city with the largest proportion of visible minorities is:
A) Halifax
B) Montreal
C) Winnipeg
D) Vancouver
E) Toronto
Answer: D
Diff: 2

23) The term "Racialization" refers to the idea that race:

A) reflects a real social grouping
B) is a socially constructed category
C) represents group membership that can be specified objectively
D) has remained constant throughout human history
E) doesn't matter
Answer: B
Diff: 3

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 3

24) The development of a wide array of formal organizations within an ethnic community, such
as separate schools, social and sports clubs, churches, businesses and political groups may
be termed:
A) segregation
B) institutional completeness
C) separatism
D) pluralism
E) colonialism
Answer: B
Diff: 1

25) ________ specialization may be the result of immigrants seeking specific employment goals
or discrimination and limited opportunities in the local economy.
A) marginal
B) occupational
C) culturally deprived
D) minority group
E) pluralist
Answer: B
Diff: 2

26) A critical factor in the acquisition of ethnic identity is:

A) race
B) socialization
C) gender
D) homeland
E) education
Answer: B
Diff: 2

27) Marriage within an ethnic group is referred to as ethnic ________.

A) diversity
B) exogamy
C) subculture
D) identity
E) endogamy
Answer: E
Diff: 2

28) A race:
A) is a social group
B) is a group of people who share ascribed characteristics
C) is mutually exclusive
D) is a minority group
E) cannot be defined
Answer: B
Diff: 2

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 4

29) Someone who attributes a group's behaviour and psychological differences to that group's
genetic differences is a/an:
A) ethnogenesist
B) a racist
C) sociobiologist
D) ideologist
E) biological psychologist
Answer: B
Diff: 1

30) A minority group:

A) is smaller than other groups in society
B) is inevitably present in pluralistic societies
C) occupies a subordinate rank in a social hierarchy
D) always has a higher birth rate compared to the majority group
E) always has immigrated from a different country as opposed to the majority group
Answer: C
Diff: 2

31) If a restaurant were to refuse to serve an Indigenous person, it would be practicing:

A) prejudice
B) racism
C) discrimination
D) institutional racism
E) systemic racism
Answer: C
Diff: 1

32) The form of social control whereby physical distance is maintained in order to ensure social
distance from groups with whom contact is not wanted is known as:
A) integration
B) assimilation
C) segregation
D) pluralism
E) dualism
Answer: C
Diff: 2

33) The Indian Act withheld the vote from Indigenous Peoples in Canada until ________.
A) 1920
B) 1940
C) 1960
D) 1980
E) 1982
Answer: C
Diff: 3

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 5

34) The contacts between Aboriginal peoples and Canadian society reflect a system of
intergroup relations that grew out of ________.
A) assimilation
B) annihilation
C) colonialism
D) frontierism
E) reserves
Answer: C
Diff: 2

35) Stereotypes about racialized minorities in the mass media:

A) have greatly improved
B) continue to be reinforced and perpetuated
C) are altogether absent
D) always single out members of minority groups as a social problem
E) are irrelevant because media do not have an influence on social attitudes
Answer: B
Diff: 2

36) After the passage of ________ in Quebec, the use of French rapidly increased within business
A) the Charter of Rights
B) the Red Book
C) the Meech Lake Accord
D) Bill 101
E) Bill 171
Answer: D
Diff: 2

37) The Inuit of the Canadian north:

A) legally surrendered their land to the Canadian government during military
installations in the North during World War II
B) have signed many land treaties with the Canadian government
C) like First Nations Peoples, are controlled by the Indian Act
D) do not receive any entitlements under the provisions of the Indian Act
E) receive many benefits as a result of the Indian Act
Answer: D
Diff: 3

38) ________ was the view that ethnic diversity will gradually decline as ethnic group members
are integrated into the general population.
A) Pluralism
B) Systemic discrimination
C) Colonialism
D) Confederation
E) Assimilationism
Answer: E
Diff: 2

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 6

39) The four stages of the race relations cycle are:________,________,________, and ________.
A) structural, racist, assimilation, and theoretical
B) contact, exploration, assimilation and accommodation
C) contact, competition, accommodation, and assimilation
D) contact, competition, acculturation, and assimilation
E) contact, competition, accommodation and annihilation
Answer: C
Diff: 3

40) Gordon maintained that in ________ assimilation individuals may learn the language, values
and customs of the dominant group but it does not mean they will be necessarily assimilated
into the social structure.
A) ethnic
B) structural
C) systemic
D) institutional
E) cultural
Answer: E
Diff: 3

41) The model which explains the successive stages in the relationships between dominant and
minority groups in any society is known as the:
A) race relations cycle
B) human ecology approach
C) assimilationist approach
D) two-category perspective
E) assimilation
Answer: A
Diff: 2

42) Most immigrants coming to Canada:

A) are not well educated compared to the Canadian population
B) are easily employed in this country because they are highly educated
C) are highly educated and underemployed in this country
D) can begin practicing their professions upon arrival in Canada
E) cannot find employment simply because they lack English or French language skills
Answer: C
Diff: 2

43) Explain the term "racialization."

Diff: 2

44) In the modern world, what extreme forms of social control have been applied to subordinate
Diff: 2

45) What are the origins of discrimination against Indigenous Peoples in Canada? In more recent
years, how have Indigenous Peoples worked to retain their rights?
Diff: 3

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 7

46) Describe how racialized minorities are portrayed in the mass media.
Diff: 3

47) What factors explain the erosion of French language and culture outside Quebec since
Diff: 2

48) What are the main differences between assimilation and pluralism?
Diff: 2

49) A social system of co-existing ethnic groups is called a pluralistic society.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1

50) In referring to Canada as a vertical mosaic, Porter called attention to the fact that region is a
major source of inequality.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1

51) The sequential movement of persons from a common place of origin to a common
destination is referred to as "the vertical mosaic."
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3

52) The degree to which an ethnic population develops a self-sufficient range of ethnic
institutions paralleling those of the larger society is known as chain migration.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2

53) An ethnic group is a highly variable and complex social entity that has assumed various
forms in different societies and historical eras.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

54) Racism is an ideology that regards racial or ethnic categories as natural genetic groupings,
and that attributes behavioral and psychological differences to the genetic nature of these
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

55) Racialization refers to assigning people to socially constructed racial categories and
behaving toward them as though these categories were real.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

56) Institutionalized discrimination consists of institutional practices that perpetuate majority-

group privilege and create disadvantage for minorities simply by conducting "business as
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 8

Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology A Canadian Focus, 10th Edition: Hewitt

57) Prejudicial attitudes are frequently based on stereotypes.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1

58) Canada's 45 000 Inuit are exempt from the provisions of the Indian Act, and no historic
treaties were ever made between the Inuit and the Government of Canada.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

59) Since Confederation, the affairs of status Indians have been managed by various branches
and departments of the federal government.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

60) The only official bilingual province in Canada is Ontario.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2

61) In Canada, many immigrants who are highly educated cannot work in their professions, and
often work as taxi drivers or cleaners instead.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

62) Prime Minister Pearson announced a policy of "multiculturalism within a bilingual

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2

63) Structural assimilation refers to the degree to which individuals are accepted into intimate or
primary social relationships with the dominant group.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 9

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