01-872 - 0145 MM - M01 - L05 - P02 - Picking Your Event Name - 1

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This transcript was exported on Apr 05, 2019 - view latest version here.

Speaker 1: Okay. This is going to be the last section, last training in module one. Module one is
showing you how to craft the perfect mastermind. It is the perfect mastermind formula.
Extracting your stories, the epiphanies, the reason you're the person you are. Those
stories that will motivate, will show them where they can go. They'll live through your
eyes. They'll see an expansion in their own brain as they sit there. And simultaneously,
after the stories, the second part, is that's where you'll teach. That's where you had
those questions. That's where you're thinking, what were your biggest breakthroughs?
What have you learned? What were your biggest mistakes? How to translate that into a
process? And then the last part is, how do you anchor their evolution with tools? No
matter what their niche is, no matter what you taught, think of those stories. They could
be bolted onto anything you teach, no matter what it is.

So, that's what you've learned so far. Now that we've combined that, these are the final
steps to create your exact agenda. So, let's go through one really cool part right now,
and that's: let's name it. What is the name of your mastermind going to be? This is cool.
I love doing this, and this is probably one of those things where you just stop the video
and start thinking. Right? I have masterminds that have completely different names.
One of them, just to give you an example, is the Growth Mastermind. So, we have a
company named Growth, so the Growth Mastermind. One is Organized Brilliance
Mastermind. One is Genius X. I have an Elite Mastermind. But I've seen masterminds
with the coolest names, like hip, like Arete, my buddy Ed Mylett and Andy Frisella have
Arete. I never even heard of that word. I didn't know until they explained what that
word meant.

But then I have other people that just name it what it is: How To Make More Money
Cutting Hair. Or, How To Get Twice As Many Dates. Literally, your mastermind could be
named exactly what it does, or you could create some cool name. I mean, no one knew
what Google was until they created Google. So, here's the part that I would say. Don't
get hung up on the name. Find something that's got a good ring. Find something you
love. Let the event speak for the name. Don't worry so much about the name speaking
for the event. That's my opinion. That's what I believe, and I believe it has served me
really well.

So, take the time right now. Stop. Have fun. Write down names. Ask friends. You don't
have to decide the name definitively right this minute, but maybe take a little time and
write down three or four names, and I'll come back with the next little piece.

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Transcript by Rev.com

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