Week 1

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Simplified Student’s Learning Materials SHS



Melorie M. Mutia
España National
High School
I. Most Essential Learning Competency
 Explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of Web
2.0 and the participation of the user in the online experience.
 Share anecdotes on how he/she used ICTs to be part of a social movement,
change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship.


Interactive multimedia is any computer delivered

electronic system that allows the user to control,
combine, and manipulate different types of media,
such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and

1. Videos
Through video hosting sites, you can take a video
and show it to the entire world (e.g. YouTube)

2. Sound, Music or Audio

If videos are too much for you, you can always record
sounds. You can share your sound bites to the entire
world (e.g. SoundCloud).

3. Online Games
Game developers now create what is called “browser-
based games.” You do not need to install these games
to your computer as they run in most updated web
browsers (AdventureQuest, Farmville, Candy Crush,

4. Online Tests
Online survey forms and tests that automatically
display the results when finished (Online IQ and
Personality Tests).

5. Courseware
Online courses that simulate the classroom online
(e.g., E-learning Courses using a Learning
Management System)

6. Podcasts
An episodic series of audio or text files
streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should
Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear

7. Vodcasts
An episodic series of video streamed online
(e.g., YouTube series/shows like Video
Game High School, Good Mythical

Inserting YouTube Videos on your Blog Post
You will have to create a blog post about any significant OPM (Original Pilipino Music)
that you like. Any music will do just as long as it does not have any swears or
inappropriate messages.
1. Search any OPM songs of your choice on YouTube.com. You can use an official
music video or someone else’s upload.

2. Go to the bottom of the video and click the Share button.

3. Click on Embed.

4. Copy the code similar to the screenshot below.

5. Create a new post on your WordPress then on the editor, paste your code for the
Embed Video.

6. Click the Preview tab, and update or publish the content.

The Role of ICT in Recent History
1. Radio Veritas and EDSA I (People Power Revolution)
Cardinal Tagle pointed out that Radio Veritas’ essential function is to spread the
right information, especially the Word of God. On April 11, 1969, Radio Veritas
facility was inaugurated by Cardinal Antonio Samore, a Vatican official, and Cardinal
Rufino Santos, the former Archbishop of Manila (Vatican News, 2019).

It was unpopular radio station back then; eventually, it gained more audience after
the station covered the assassination of former senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino on
August 21, 1983 that government-run media reported hours later (CMFR
Philippines, 2011). When late Jaime Cardinal Sin spoke over the Radio Veritas calling
the Filipino people for support, two million Filipinos from different sectors
participated in the four-day major protest that took place along EDSA from February
22 to 25, 1986.

2. Text brigades and EDSA Dos

Before the Filipinos turned in the comfort of chatting and Messenger, the Philippines
was named the “Text Capital of the World” (Philippine Mission Org.). In 1995, Short
Message Service (SMS) was introduced as a promotional gimmick until in 1998,
Philippine mobile-service providers launched it as a service targeting hearing-
impaired users. From “I’ll call you” to “I’ll text you”, most of the Filipinos used this
service for communication since it was free, but soon, Telco’s started charging 1 peso
per SMS. It is much cheaper than a voice call, and this led to the ownership of a
mobile phone by around five million Filipinos by 2001.

It was also 2001 when EDSA Dos or Second People Power Revolution happened. It
started after 11 senators voted against the opening of the second envelope that
contains the crucial evidence that would allegedly prove acts of political corruption
by former President Joseph E. Estrada. After that vote, Senator Aquilino Pimentel
resigned as Senate President, the 11 prosecutors in the impeachment trial resigned
as well, and the Filipinos started to respond to a text message stating “Military needs
to see 1 million at a rally tomorrow. Jan.19 to make a decision to go against Erap!
Please pass on.” The protesters started to gathered around the EDSA Shrine on
January 17, 2001 and ended when former president Erap released a letter stating
his resignation on January 20, 2001.

3. Million People March

From August 22 to 26, 2013, a series of small-scale rallies that happened in other
cities across the country and around the world, but the main protest took place on
Luneta Park. It is named “Million People March”, however attendees were only around
400,000 people. These protests happened due to the misuse of the Priority
Development Assistance Fund (or PDAF). PDAF is intended to allow lawmakers to
finance small-scale development or community programs, such as scholarship
programs, beyond the framework of the national infrastructure program. The Million
People March organizers and supporters have used Facebook, Twitter and
Change.org as their mediums.

Change.org - the world’s largest petition platform for change. It aims to help people
around the world create the change they want to see. In the past, petitions were done
by a group asking for signature via travel, however affixing your digital signature on
the petition you want to support become easy and accessible with the help of this
website. As of August 23, Change.org showed a total of 19 petitions with an estimated
total of 26, 942 signature supporting various campaigns on the PDAF issues (CMFR-
Phil. 2013).

4. Yolanda People Finder

Yolanda, with international code name Haiyan, was recorded as one of the most
powerful typhoons in the Philippine history. After the six landfalls made by Yolanda
on November 8, 2013, Leyte and Samar were lost in the map due to power and
communication lines were cut off. Months before Yolanda, Google Philippines office
was officially launched on January 2013. Julian Persaud, managing director of
Google in Southeast Asia, said that Philippines is a key country due to its digital
economy and tech savvy population. Philippine was chosen for the debut of Free
Zone, which was an early adopter of the Chrome browser. Now, how did Google get
linked to the victims of Yolanda?

Aside from social media, Yolanda victims took the Google help to find their lost loved
ones through Google Person Finder. It is an open access software platform that offers
a message board to post and check for information about each other's situation and
alerts for people affected by a natural disaster. Just by clicking “I’m looking for
someone” button, and typing their name, thousands of people affected by the Yolanda
typhoon have been aided.

How to start an online petition?

1. Visit change.org. For the first time user, you can sign up with your Facebook
account, otherwise, input you log-in details.

Image source: https://www.change.org

2. Click the start petition button. Choose the kind of issue you’re petitioning on.
After that, you will follow the four steps.

3. Click the save and preview button.

You can support any petition you want. Read the petition details to see if this petition
matters to you. If it is, fill-in the box on the right side. Complete the sentence “I’m
signing because…” and click sign this petition button.

Activity 1
Direction: Use the numbers 1-5 to arrange the steps in inserting a YouTube video.
_________ A. Click on Embed.
_________ B. Paste the code on your WordPress composer’s text tab.
_________ C. Copy the Code.
_________ D. Search for YouTube video.
_________ E. Go to the bottom of the video and click the Share button.

Activity 2
Direction: Arrange the following step in chronological order. Write the number 1-5
on the blanks provided.
____ A. Choose the recipient(s) of your petition.
____ B. Add photo or video and click the save and preview button.
____ C. Compose a 3-paragraph long explanation how this will create a change.
____ D. Write your petition title.
____ E. Click the start petition button. Choose the what kind of issue you are
petitioning on

Thank you for answering the practice exercises. If you answered the practice
exercises correctly, you are now ready to proceed to do the written works. If not,
please try until you arrived on the correct answer.

Empowerment Technologies Rex Book Store, Inc. at 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.,
Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines: First Edition 2016

Department of Education. First Edition 2016. Empowerment Technologies for the

Academic Track: Teacher’s Guide. Manila: DepEd Central Office.

Department of Education. First Edition 2016. Empowerment Technologies: Student

Reader. Manila: DepEd Central Office.


Activity 1 Activity 2
A. 3 A. 3
B. 5 B. 5
C. 4 C. 4
D. 1 D. 2
E. 2 E. 1

Quarter 4, Week 1
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________
Grade/Section: __________________________________ Score: ______________


Using your own personal website or blog post, insert any music video from


1. Search a music video of your choice on YouTube.com. You can use official
music video, your own music video or someone else’s upload.
2. Go to the bottom of the video and click the Share button.
3. Click on Embed.
4. Copy the code.
5. Create a new post on your WordPress then on the editor, paste your code.
6. Go back to the Visual tab and add text content on either the top of your video
or the bottom.
7. Preview then publish the content.
8. Compile the step by step screenshots of your work and paste on Microsoft
9. Print it in a short bond paper.


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