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Catiningan, Socorro Oriental Mindoro


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me” – Philippians 4:13

NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: _______________

GRADE: ___________________________________ SCORE: ______________

TOPIC: The Creative in Creative Writing

This lesson will teach you the basics of Creative Writing and will equip you to become a decent writer by giving
you a chance to write and create something beautiful.

At the end of this module, the learners are able to …
 Differentiate imaginative writing from other forms of writing.
 Apply creative ideas from their own personal experiences.
 Write short paragraphs based on my specific experiences.

Directions: Identify the following statements if true or false. Write capital letter T if true and capital letter F if
false. Write your answer on the space provided.
______1. Creative writing is any writing that is original, artistic, and self-expressive.
______2. Fiction is writing that is inherently creative because they are mostly made-up stuff borne of the
______3. Plays including screenplays, teleplays, stage plays, radio plays that require significant level of
imaginative and creative thinking.
______4. Creative writing is also a discipline. It can be learned, with diligent practice, it can be mastered.
______5. Imagination grows with a lot of experience.


Module 1: The Creative in Creative Writing

If writing can be taught, it can be learned. But to be great at writing, one must train, practice, and learn the
techniques (and secrets!) of the craft. Practice only makes perfect if you are using the correct tools of the trade. There is
really no use repeating the same mistake again and again.

How to Be a Writer
Sure, you need considerable talent and all the fairy-godmother luck you can get to be a Famous Writer; but don’t
you ever believe the nonsense that says, “Great writers are born, not made”, because this workshop textbook will teach
you the basics of Creative Writing, and will equip you to become a decent writer by giving you a chance to write and
create something beautiful, all in guise and pretext of training.
Remember, however, that your role as Apprentice Writer (or Writer –in-Training, if you please) demands that you
must be willing to be trained, to be taught the rules, to trust your mentor and then, when the situations demands it, to be
greater than everything that is taught to you. In fact, here is a good advice to take: Just do it. And do more … always! If
the exercise asks you to write a poem, write six, or twenty. Knock yourself out. You heard it said before, “Practice
makes . . . “Oh, you know the rest of it!

The Art of Creative Writing

Creative writing is any writing that is original, artistic and self- expressive. Its purpose is to entertain and share
human experiences, and it does so by expressing feelings or thoughts that are borne out of the imagination as you can see
in the poetry, fiction, plays and personal essays. Because it uses a lot of the imagination, creative writing is also called
imaginative writing or literature, as opposed to technical or academic writing, the main goal is to present facts.

Genres of Creative Writing:

1. Fiction- short story, novel, novella or even joke
2. Poetry- songs, riddles, proverbs
3. Plays – screenplays, teleplays, stage plays and radio plays
ACTIVITY #1: Sensory Experience
1. Using your personal sensory experience, write a short paragraph describing your breakfast this morning.
2. Using your personal sensory experience and some imagination, write a short paragraph describing your breakfast
if you were living in the year 2046.
Whatever your motivation for writing turns out to be and whatever struggles and triumphs you have in writing,
look forward to the act of creation, of writing creatively, because it will and it does, give you a great deal of meaning and
satisfaction in life.
ACTIVITY #2: Real Life Application
You are a creative writer invited to participate in a story writing contest to be judged by the creators of a fantasy
series in television. You are asked to submit a one-page story for children, ages 7-9, about a talking duck that visited
your school.


1(D) 2 (C) 3 (B) 4 (A)
Ideas and Focus on topic is not Focus is Focus on topic is Focus on topic is clear and
Content clearly defined. somewhat clear. Sufficient well defined. Rich sense of
Disconnected details defined. detail creates a detail creates a vivid,
show virtually no Underdeveloped picture showing authentic picture of both
understanding of the details show little some knowledge environment and action.
subject. knowledge. and insight.
Organizatio Sequencing of details Sequencing of Sequencing of
Memorable introduction and
n is not clear. details is limited. details is logical.
conclusion are clearly linked
and establish focus.
Word choice Limited vocabulary. Ordinary word Adequate word Precise, vivid, natural
Language choice and choice attempts to choice creates a language creates a clear and
phrasing is create a picture in clear picture in the complete picture in the
inappropriate, the reader’s mind. reader’s mind. reader’s mind. Powerful
repetitive or lacks of verbs enhance meaning.
Sentence Sentences contain Sentences follow Most sentences Sentences sound smooth and
fluency unnecessary words that a predictable sound smooth and invite expressive reading.
detract from the pattern and rhythmic when read
meaning. rhythm when read aloud.

Directions: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points each)
1. What does it mean to “write what you know”?
2. Can imagination grow without personal experience? Defend your position.
3. What are some motivations that keep people engaged in writing?
4. Why are your sensory experiences important in creative writing? Cite some examples.

Kathleen V. Holgado

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