STS Prelim Module

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Tuguegarao City,Cagayan, 3500


Department of Natural Sciences

Science, Technology and Society
Prelim Coverage
TITLE: Topic 01: Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of
science and technology

Overview:  SCIENCE may be defined as the “system of knowledge” of the natural

world gained through the scientific method. Science was originally
called “philosophy of the natural world” since it stemmed from the
ancient Greeks’ desire to know about nature. Thus, the first scientists
were called “philosophers of nature.”

 TECHNOLOGY comes from the Greek words tekhne meaning “art or

craft” and logia, meaning a “subject or interest.” Taken together, the
term has come to mean “practical applications of what we know about
nature” using scientific principles for the betterment of human

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history.
B. discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
and the environment.
C. identify the paradigm shifts in history.
STS MO1 -Student Handout

Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology

In ancient times, people were concerned with transportation and navigation, communication and record keeping, mass
production, security and protection, as well as health, aesthetics, engineering and architecture.

Early civilization Technological Advancements

A. Sumerian civilization
The Sumerians made many advances that helped their society develop.
1. Cuneiform
• -World’s first system of writing that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols. The Sumerians wrote
on clay tablets with sharp tools called styluses. The Sumerians first used cuneiform to keep business
records. They also used their writing skills to write books about history, poems, and math. A new class
of people who wrote and made copies were called scribes.
2. Uruk City
- considered to be the first true city in the world. Sumerians were able to build the city using only mud or clay from the river,
which they mixed with reeds, producing Sun-baked bricks.
3. The Great Ziggurat of Ur
- the ziggurat also called “the mountain of god” was built in the same manner that they constructed the City of Uruk. It served
as the sacred place of their chief god, where only their priests were allowed to enter.
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4. Irrigation and Dikes

- The Sumerians created dikes and irrigation canals to bring water to farm lands and at the same time control the flooding of
their rivers.
5. Sailboats
- Sailboats were essential in transportation and trading as well as in fostering culture, information, and technology.
6. Wheel
- the first wheels were not made for transportation but for farm work and food processes. With the use of the wheel and axle,
mass production was made easier.
7. The plow
- Humans evolved from being food gatherers to farm cultivators. The plow increased farm production.
8. Roads
- To facilitate faster travel, Sumerians developed the first road with the same technology they used in making the sun-baked
bricks that they laid down on the ground.

B. Babylonian Civilization
The Babylonians were great builders, engineers, and architects.

1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

- One of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A structure made up of layers upon layers of gardens
that contained several species of plants, trees, and vines. According to legends, the great Babylonian
King Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for his wife Queen Amytis.
C. Egyptian Civilization
1. Paper or Papyrus
- Egyptians were able to process the plant (papyrus) in order to produce thin sheets on which one could write down things.
Since papyrus was lighter and thinner than clay tablets, it was easy to carry and store.
2. Ink
- Egyptians invented ink by combining soot with different chemicals to produce inks of different colors.
3. Hieroglyphics
- a system of writing using symbols. Hieroglyphics was the language that tells the modern world of the history and culture of
the ancient Egyptians.
4. Cosmetics
- In ancient Egypt, cosmetics was for both health and aesthetic reasons. Egyptian wear kohl around the eyes to prevent and
even cure eye diseases. They also believed that a person wearing make-up was protected from evil and that beauty was a sign
of holiness.
-Wig were used to protect the shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptian from the harmful rays of the sun.
5. Water Clock/Clepsydra
- This device utilizes gravity that affects the flow of the water from one vessel to the other. The amount of water remaining in
the device determines how much time has elapsed since it is full.

D. Greek Civilization
Greece is an archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy.
1. Alarm Clock
- The Greek’s alarm clock made use of water (sometimes stone or sand) that dropped into drums which
sounded the alarm.
2. Water Mill
- they were commonly used in the agricultural processes like milling of grains which was a necessary food processing.

E. Roman Civilization
- Roman Empire was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west. It was also considered to be the
cradle of politics and governance during that period.

1. Newspaper
- Gazettes, the first newspapers contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the people.
2. Bound books or Codex

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- With the invention of paper, record keeping was much easier. It marks the start of stacking up papyrus to form pages of a
book. The earlier covers were made of wax but were later on replaced by animal skin. With the papyrus pages bound together
and covered by animal skin, the ancient roman empire was able to produce the first book.
3. Roman Numerals
- a number system specifically to address the need for a standard counting method that would meet their increasing
communication and trade concerns.

F. Chinese Civilization
- It is considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia. AKA the middle kingdom, China is situated on the far east of Asia.
1. Silk
- the Chinese were the ones who developed the technology to harvest the silk and process it to produce paper and clothing.
Silk production resulted in the creation of a product for trade, which opens china to the outside world, making way for
cultural, economic, and scientific changes.
2. Tea Production
- It was believed that the first tea was drunk by a Chinese emperor. Tea production was developed when an unknown Chinese
inventor created a machine that was able to shred tea leaves into strips.
3. Great Wall of China
- It is said to be the largest and most extensive infrastructure that the nation has built. The wall’s construction put the nation
among the powerful civilizations during ancient times.
4. Gun Powder
- a black powder from the mixture of charcoal, sulfur and potassium nitrate that could generate large amount of heat and gas
in an instant. It is widely used to propel bullets from guns and cannons which caused countless death. Additionally, gun
powder is also used in fireworks during important celebrations in china.

The start of this period was marred by massive invasions and migrations. Wars were prevalent thus, great technology was
needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass production of food and farm, and health.
1. Printing Press
- After the Chinese developed woodblock printing, Johann Gutenberg was able to invent the printing press, a more reliable
way of printing using a cast type.
2. Microscope
- Zacharias Janssen developed the first compound microscope. The microscope was the key in discovering new means in
preventing and curing various illnesses.
3. Telescope
- the invention of the telescope helps in the observation of remote objects, was a great help for navigators.
4. War Weapons
- For open-area battles, people developed cross bows and long bows so that they could attack the enemies at long ranges.
Additionally, in close-range hand-to-hand combat, soldiers should wear armors, a need address by the creation of iron body
armors. However, body armors were heavy so it leads to the invention of the chainmail.

Nineteenth century onwards demanded more goods production at a faster rate, efficient means of transportation and easier
means of communication. All these needs resulted in the development of industries. Conversely, due to massive
industrialization, the modern times again faced more complicated problems. Food processing and medicine posed some of the
bigger challenges since was of great concern.
1. Pasteurization
- Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, invented pasteurization, the process of
heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster. Other contributions of
Pasteur include his work on molecular asymmetry, fermentation, and vaccination.
2. Petroleum Refinery
- Samuel M. Kier invent kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene was referred to as “illuminating oil” because it was used
at first to provide lighting to homes. After some time, it was applied for heating purposes. Now, petroleum is widely used in
powering automobiles, factories, and power plants.
3. Telephone
- Development of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was one of the most important invention of modern time.
4. Calculator
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- The creation of modern calculator did not only pave the way for easier arithmetic calculations, but also resulted in the
development of more complex processing machine like the computer.

1. Salamander Amphibious Tricycle
- H2O Technologies headed by Dominic N. Chung and Lamberto Armada, together with Chief Designer Victor “Atoy” Llave
invent the Salamander, an amphibious tricycle that can cross not only flooded streets but also rivers and lakes.
2. Salt lamp
- Aisa Mijeno was able to invent a lighting system that utilizes a salt water. The SALt (Sustainable Alternative Lighting)
lamp is safer as it poses no risk of fire and emits no toxic gas.

3. Medical Incubator
- Dr. Fe Del Mundo, a Filipino pediatrician and the first Asian woman admitted into Harvard Medical School, devised a
medical incubator made from indigenous and cheap materials which did not run on

circulation. Other contributions of Dr. Del Mundo includes her works on the immunization and treatment of jaundice and the
BRAT diet for curing diarrhea.
4. Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System
- In 2010, the DOST -ITDI (Department of science and Technology-Industrial Technology Development introduce the
Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System, AKA OL Trap. It is a trap system that is made of natural ingredients that are lethal to
moszquitos but safe to humans.
5. EJeepney
- This modern type of transportation utilizes electricity instead of the more expensive diesel. It is environmental friendly
since it does not emit any smoke and noise.


 Bueno, David Cababaro. Science, Technology, and Society. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp., 2019.
 Ariola, Mariano M. Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing INC., 2018
 McNamara, D.G., Valverde, V.M., and Ramon Beleno III, 2018. Science Technology and Society

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TITLE: Topic 02:
Intellectual revolutions that defined society

Overview/ Intellectual revolutions

The period of advancements in science and technology that changed people’s perceptions and beliefs.

Learning At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Objectives: A. articulate ways by which society is transformed by science and technology; and
B. analyze the concepts or ideas proposed by the intellectual thinkers in the field of

(M02 - Student Handout)

A. Copernican Revolution (16th century)

-Claudius Ptolemy,A famous philosopher and astronomer, stated that the planets, as well as the sun and the moon, moved in circular
motion around the Earth.

*Geocentrism=>concept wherein the Earth was at the center of the solar system
-Nicolaus Copernicus, polish mathematician and astronomer, challenged the Ptolemy model. He stated that “the sun as at the center of
the solar system”

*Heliocentrism=>concept wherein the sun was at the center of the solar system

B. Darwinian Revolution (1859)

-Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, biologist and Geologist, introduced the Theory of Evolution. He stated that organisms have
ability to adapt to their environment and would gradually change into something that would be more competitive to survive, a process
known evolution.

C. Freudian Revolution (19th century)

-Sigmund Freud introduced the theory of Psychoanlysis, is a study that explains human behavior. He explained that there are many
conscious and unconscious factors that can influence behavior and emotions. He also argued that personalities is a product of three
conflicting elements: id, ego, and superego.

Three Structures of Personality

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1. The ID is the animalistic nature of man – the MAKAHAYOP personality. It is destructive and pleasure-
seeking structure of personality. It is where the sex urge (libido) is present.
2. The EGO (self) is the human nature of man – the MAKATAO. It builds; it acts according to laws and
morals. It is bound by limits of reality. The ego controls the ID and acts as mediator between the
superego and ID.
3. The SUPER EGO is the MAKA-DIYOS. It strives for perfection. It is always to be good and honorable.
When the ID and ego are in conflict, the super ego tries to compromise between the ID and the ego

Desired Activity:

Activity 01-A: Shape Up your Mind

1. Why were Darwin’s ideas so important in science and technology?

2. How influential are Freud’s ideas in today’s society?

3. React to the following statements’

a. The theory of evolution is pervasive in our present society.

b. Catholic teachings were based on the theory that the universe was earth centered.


Instruction: Identify what level of personality is exemplified in the following situations.
Write; I-id E-ego SE- super ego

1. A hungry baby cried until he was fed.

2. Jane was so sweaty after her workout that she wanted to change her clothes right there by the car.
However, she knew that other people around her would not approve, so she waited until she was in the
restroom to change.
3. Sarah knew that she could steal the supplies from work and no one would know about it. However, she
knew that stealing was wrong, so she decided not to take anything even though she would probably
never get caught.
4. Mike saw a ₱500 bill fall out of Nick’s backpack as he pulled his books out of his locker. As Nick
walked away, Michael bent over, picked up the money, and slipped it into his pocket, glancing around to
make sure no one was looking.
5. Tim really wanted to slug Mark for what he had just said. However, Tim knew if he hit Mark, he would
be kicked off the basketball team, and since he loved basketball, he unclenched his fists and walked
6. On the playground, two kids were making fun of Joseph because he wore glasses. John was tempted to
join in so that he could make himself look good, but when he thought about how bad Joseph must
already feel, he knew that he couldn’t.
7. Mae really wanted to borrow her mom’s necklace, but knew her mom would be angry if she took it
without asking, so she asked her mom if she could wear it.
8. Mark was stuck in traffic. He just wanted his vehicle to move! Enraged at the situation, Mark pulled his
car onto the shoulder and sped forward, not caring that he was clipping people’s side mirrors as he tried
to get ahead of the cars in front of him.

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9. A toddler who wanted another helping of dessert whined incessantly until she was given another
10. Lyn was thirsty. Rather than waiting for the server to refill her glass of water, she reached across the
table and drank from Mae’s water glass, much to her surprise.

Activity 01-C: Posting Image

Instruction: Post/mount images inside the prepared boxes and put captions below them.

Copernicus Darwin Freud

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 Bueno, David Cababaro. Science, Technology, and Society. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing
Corp., 2019.
 Ariola, Mariano M. Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing INC., 2018
 McNamara, D.G., Valverde, V.M., and Ramon Beleno III, 2018. Science Technology and Society

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TITLE: Topic 03: Science and Technology and Nation Building
Overview/ Introduction: Technology is always linked with development phase. Technology occurs where there is
advancement in science. Every individual expects development in every nation in all aspects.
Thus, for development to happen, science and technology must go together.

Barangays are developed into towns and towns to cities and cities are expanding to greater
solutions. This expansion has occurred through the expansion of science and technology over
the years passed and will be more in coming years.

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation building
B. evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in
terms of their contributions to nation building
C. identify actual science and technology policies of the government and
appraise their impact on the development of the Filipino nation
(STS M03 -Students Handout)
The development of the science and technology that affect the development of the Philippines as a nation.
A. Pre-Colonial Period
>Filipino settlers were already using certain plants and herbs as medicine. Systems of farming and animal raising were also
implemented. In addition, early Filipino had already developed different modes of transportation (terrestrial or maritime).
>complicated engineering feat was achieved by natives of Cordilleras when they built the rice terraces by hand. Through
these terraces, the people were able to cultivate crops on the mountain sides in cold temperatures.
B. Colonial Period
>Walls, roads, bridges, and other large infrastructures were built using some of the engineering skills and tools brought by
>American occupation established government agencies, the Bureau of Science, for sole purpose of nurturing development
in the field of science and technology.
C. Post-Colonial Period
>period of independence from the colonizers
>the Philippines, under different admirations, continued to pursue programs in science and technology. Each leadership has
its own science and technology agenda.
Eg. Former president dictator Ferdinand Marcos
-under his term many agencies in science and technology were established and strengthen including: Philippine
Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), National Academy of Science and
Technology (NAST), National Science and Technology Authority/ National Science and Development Board (1958) (now it
is known as Department of Science and Technology)
-he realized that the key to nation-building is the continued development of science and technology
Desired Activity:

Activity 01-B: Questions for Reflection

Instruction: Answer the following questions concisely. [Highest possible score is 10 points per item (Content-5,
Organization-3, Grammar-2)]

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1. Is the Philippines today (2022) lagging behind Asian countries in Science and Mathematics? Support
your answer.

2. Why is science education not being given much importance in (a) schools and (b) by the government?
Explain your reason.

3. Compare science and technology in developing and developed countries along:

a. S&T skills
b. Materials and equipment
c. Curriculum and teaching methodology
d. Budgetary allocations and financial assistance
e. Training activities

Activity 01-C: Essay.

Instruction: Write an essay consisting of 200-300 words.

Title: “The present Status of Science and Technology in the Philippines.”

 Government Documents: 1. NEDA. National Development Agenda; Regional Agenda
 Bueno, David Cababaro. Science, Technology, and Society. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp., 2019.
 Ariola, Mariano M. Science, Technology, and Society. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing INC., 2018
 McNamara, D.G., Valverde, V.M., and Ramon Beleno III, 2018. Science Technology and Society


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